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The Techno-Haven: Machina

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 2:03 pm
by SlaytheDragon
So this is something I've started working on, and probably will be for the upcoming future. It adds a little more techno flavor to the game, while still trying to maintain that spice that is Splicers. Here's a little bit of the story that I've written up, and I'll be posting the O.C.C.s and anything else that it spawns as I make them. I figured I'd give everyone a little taste first and foremost though. I hope you all like it.

An excerpt from a letter to the Warlord of House Dracon from Reconnaissance Officer Capt. Bishop, Thomas

"Mighty Warlord:
All attempts to contact the service city, codenamed Machina, have been futile. Three times a patrol of five Roughnecks have been sent to the service in efforts to make contact with the humans residing in the town and offer friendship with our House, and each time the team has been met with hostile opposition from the residents and outright deadly force. All attempts at making peaceful contact have failed, and I fear that further action may draw unwanted suspicion from both the townspeople and N.E.X.U.S. patrols in the area.
Our scouts inform me that any and all robot patrols on the service seem to ignore the city, and in some ways, actually defend it. Robots have been seen setting up perimeters around the city on extended patrols, and interacting with the humans that reside there. Machines have been seen actually doing menial labor for members of the town. A report from one of our scouts confirmed that a robot was actually helping one of the men in town carry heavy boxes in and out of a warehouse.Truly, it is unprecedented for any actual interactions with robots in such a manner. Even in the Retro-Villages where humans are cattled up and seemingly placed on a display to history, humanity has no direct interaction with robots and are actually slain if seen with any piece of technology or metal.
These villagers are able to handle technology and metal like Techno-Jackers, and seem immune to the devastating effects of the nano-plague. It is unknown how they have accomplished this, and theories have been made, but more research must be done in order to discover how they are capable of such feats.
It is with great urgency that I ask to continue sending scouts to reconnaissance the townspeople of Machina, in order to discover how they are interacting with the Machine. This could very well be a great and treacherous threat to all Houses, not just our own, and any humans capable of such interactions may very well be traitors to mankind. I ask that you treat this matter with the utmost respect and heed my warnings. We must find out how these people are interacting with actual technology and determine whether or not they are capable of aiding in our war against the Machine, or are yet another enemy to add to the list to be destroyed before they grow any more numerous."

The Techno-Cult of Machina

In the days before the Machine turned metals against mankind, it was common for people to resent the ongoing war, and how drastically their lives have changed due to it. Before N.E.X.U.S. turned rogue, people were happy to let a machine dictate their lives, and were content with the way things were going up until the extermination of humanity was brought about. They thought of that age before the war as the culmination of all of mankind's technological accomplishments, and that humanity had created the ultimate society where neither crime nor disease would ruin them, and that a government controlled and dictated by an autonomous and perfect Machine could do no wrong, make no bad decision, and never be corrupted.

When the attacks started happening, some thought that N.E.X.U.S. was just plagued by some computer virus, or some diabolical man had taken control of it and was using its military might to commit all these unspeakable horrors to humanity. These same minor groups thought that N.E.X.U.S. just needed to be repaired and that in doing so everything would go back to the way things were, where man lived in an almost heavenly peaceful state where one could enjoy life and live it full of entertainment with no worries or responsibilities whatsoever. In this group of people, N.E.X.U.S. was always viewed as the perfect machine, and that there was potential for it to be that perfect machine once again.

It is this group of people that created the roots for the first Techno-Cult to form. Those ancient ideas of repairing the Machine have evolved into curing their mad god and once more letting it reign, bringing peace and utopia to humanity once again. But these are not only a group of people who worship the Machine as the ultimate being, but they are actually able to use technology without fear of the nano-plague. It is unknown even to the Techno-Cult as to how they are capable of such feats, but anyone who is born in Machina seems to be immune to the effects of the nano-plague, and not only that, but exhibit amazing abilities somewhat akin to a Techno-Jacker.

The society in Machina is ran by the Techno-Priests, men and women capable of using technology as well as being able to control it and even override N.E.X.U.S. and command robots for whatever purpose they see fit. They are capable of building and controlling their own robotic protectors and are generally the leaders of the town. Different Techno-Priests have exhibited different abilities and powers leaving some to believe that they are some form of human mutation, although no one has been able to study them nor have the priests themselves sought to delve into their origins, believing that they are capable of doing what they do because of the Machine that is their god and also their devil.

N.E.X.U.S. itself seeks to destroy any humans, but the Machine rarely openly attacks Machina, and the powers to manipulate technology of the Techno-Priests, Techno-Jackers, and others who live in this village help prevent the robotic menace from doing too much damage. Machina itself is small, numbering less than a hundred people, and only about 10% of those are Techno-Priests, the other being Machinists, Techno-Jackers, and the likes, and is located on the side of a forest covered mountain, easily concealed from air threats and defended from attacks on the ground.

Along with a network of underground tunnels to make use of in case of any great attack, the city itself is also shielded, with a massive force field that surrounds the village, powered by thermonuclear energy and maintained by the Machinists who reside in the town. With these defenses the Techno-Cult has been able to defend itself over the centuries, slowly growing in number while worshipping their god and always attempting to bring it back from the brink of madness. It is prophesied that one day a great hero will rise and seek out the brain of the Machine to cure it and once again restore humanity to that golden utopia it once had resided in. This is the religion of the Techno-Cult and what drives them to fight against the Machine, in order to save it and restore it back to what it once was.

I'm also developing a few O.C.C.s to go along with this, including the Techno-Priest, Machinist, Techno-Warrior, and if I can, a something like a new ability system for the Techno-Jacker. So stay tuned and let the Splice flow!

Re: The Techno-Haven: Machina

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 10:46 pm
by Zer0 Kay
Well hope u don't expect a book, techno-priest is closer to techpriest than Nightspawn is to Hellspawn and we know how Nightbane got its name.

Re: The Techno-Haven: Machina

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:46 am
by The Galactus Kid
There is a new ability system for Technojackers in Blood and Iron. Check out the preview in Rifter 70

Re: The Techno-Haven: Machina

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 2:32 pm
by Zer0 Kay
The Galactus Kid wrote:There is a new ability system for Technojackers in Blood and Iron. Check out the preview in Rifter 70

HU or Nightspawn style or is it a purchase system like the rest of Splicers?

Re: The Techno-Haven: Machina

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 3:34 pm
by The Galactus Kid
Zer0 Kay wrote:
The Galactus Kid wrote:There is a new ability system for Technojackers in Blood and Iron. Check out the preview in Rifter 70

HU or Nightspawn style or is it a purchase system like the rest of Splicers?

It is level based, but has prerequisites like the Bio-Tech enhancements.

Re: The Techno-Haven: Machina

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 5:11 pm
by BookWyrm
I like it.

Re: The Techno-Haven: Machina

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 9:02 pm
by NMI
If you like what is The Galactus Kid has in the Rifter #70 Blood & Iron preview, then the full blown setting will blow you away.

*Currently turns his head and looks in the direction of Wayne Smith's, Chuck Walton's and Kevin Siembieda's offices...

Assisting in the offices has its perks!

Re: The Techno-Haven: Machina

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 3:15 pm
by kaid
NMI wrote:If you like what is The Galactus Kid has in the Rifter #70 Blood & Iron preview, then the full blown setting will blow you away.

*Currently turns his head and looks in the direction of Wayne Smith's, Chuck Walton's and Kevin Siembieda's offices...

Assisting in the offices has its perks!

Now we just need to sneak you a bio whip to crack to get the books out the door faster!