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M.D.C. Armor and repair

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 11:14 am
by Thor1221
I have a cyber-doc and a headhunter in my campaign. The Cyber-doc can repair cybernetic and robot armor with his skills. The headhunter has the ability to repair body armor with less then 20 points done to it. The supplies for doing so are unclear. You can bring it to an NPC and have it fixed for 1000 credits per point of M.D. point lost. How much or what materials would be needed to repair the items with skills the PC has? What would be the fallout of a failed role?

Re: M.D.C. Armor and repair

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 1:11 pm
by Alrik Vas
failed roll can be a complete loss of material or maybe a partial fix if you're feeling generous as a GM.

I think the Headhunter ability is supposed to be "fix it with what's on hand", like hammering out dents and crap like they may not need materials considering 20 or less damage should be superficial.

The full repair skills need resources to use properly unless you want to be pretty easy-going (either is fine, really). Though I can't recall if any books have rules for cost on in-house repairs. I would go with only 10% of the normal cost, though...unless the damage is severe, then you're doing more than just repairing armor and I'd go with 50% the normal cost for the first 50% of MDC restored.

These are just my calls though. When I look at 1 MDC = 1000cr, I take it as the total cost, as in, if you had to repair 200 MDC on a 225 MDC suit of power armor, the cost would be 200,000cr because you're replacing a lot more than armor at that point. If you only took 50 out of 225, I would go with 500cr per MDC. Again, just me.

Re: M.D.C. Armor and repair

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 2:52 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Necessary materials would be entirely up to the GM, as would necessary tools and facilities.

Re: M.D.C. Armor and repair

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 3:33 am
by Spinachcat
It's ablative armor so lost MDC is lost chunks of MDC material that need to be shaped and replaced. Thus, I would rule you would need access to supplies and tools. As for price, I assume the NPC is charging normal prices, aka his cost x3 (1/3 material, 1/3 his time, 1/3 profit) so I would assume the PC who wasn't a full time armorer should pay half normal costs. 500cr / 1MDC sounds okay.

However, the Headhunter's ability does sound like something done on the fly in the field. Hmm...