Mind Walk idea & another Q

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Mind Walk idea & another Q

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

I was looking at the Chi Magic spells and was looking at the Transmute Object into Chi. And right above it was the Mind Walk spell. A ten the question what would a mind Walk greater (taking the body along with the walk) look like (stats)?


Range:?? (is presuming self only like the other MW spell)
ST: none

(would expect the spell text to be conceptually the same except things regarding that you take all of you along in the walk.)

Why I am asking instead of just doing?....cause while I could write up a common magic invocation variant w/o much consulting of a book, chi magic is specialty magic so is different.

Would the casting time be the same as other chi magic spells or would it be longer?
Longer Duration?
Could it be cast on another person with a longer casting time/ritual casting?
Can Celestial Call. be used with it, as like the mind walk spell in the book?
Or does it go too far? That Chi magic can't do this?

Note if you didn't get it......this is talking about creating a new spell and saying "It's Not In Canon" has no place in the conversation cause everybody knows that.
A question that occurred to me was to ask what do people think about whether or not the Create spell scroll & talisman spells can store Chi magic spells?
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Re: Mind Walk idea & another Q

Unread post by Marcethus »

Without pulling my book out I can't really answer anything on the creating of Mind Walk Greater. But I can answer my opinion on the Create Scroll and Talisman: Yes they can store Chi Magic. At least I would allow them to.

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