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Having a nice birthday April 2, 2016

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 12:06 pm
by Kevin
Having a nice birthday - April 2, 2016

I want to thank everybody who has sent me warm birthday wishes. They are very appreciated and have sent my spirits soaring. I guess this birthday is something of a landmark, as I turn 60 this year. Funny, but I feel more like 26. It’s weird because on one hand it is hard to believe 60 years have flown by. On the other hand, I’ve accomplished so much, have had so much fun and met so many amazing people in my life, that I guess it has been 60 incredible years. Planning what I can do over the next 30 or 40. ;)

I was supposed to be at AdeptiCon this weekend, but I got sick and had to leave it in the capable hands of Wayne Smith, Chuck Walton and Jeff Ruiz. First convention I missed due to being sick in a loooong time. Chuck and Wayne called this morning to wish me a happy birthday and report that AdeptiCon is going well. Fighting off an ear infection. My ears were so plugged up, especially my right one, that I could hardly hear. I knew I wouldn’t hear a word at a convention with all the ambient noise. I’m very sorry I missed the event, but glad I stayed home. Feeling much better and getting so many wonderful well wishes has certainly lifted my spirits. Even got in some writing.

Just wanted to say hi, and thank everyone for making my Big Six-Oh a wonderful one.

Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, Writer and Game Designer

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