A new game world for BtS and the lesser heroes of HU.

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A new game world for BtS and the lesser heroes of HU.

Unread post by pblackcrow »

It's sort of Earth, but it's not our earth, nor is it the time frame as present day...think 1800's with some of the tech of 1930. We have clockwork and steam punk'ish, but slightly crude solar heaters and terracotta heaters as an option. We have clockwork viking speed boats. Plus magically flying boats, and flying islands. Plus some of the RCCs from PF. Pirates and privateers.

And magic, is sorta like in the DC and Marvel universe. Just because some people do it openly, doesn't mean everyone have seen real magic done so people are not always going to recognize it. Sort of have an unusual game in this department. Using the seals of Solomon for tattoos is a cool idea. The rituals of the pentagram is another interesting thing. Sorta like as explained on recent episode of Arrow...You do not need words to cast spell magic...ritual is another matter entirely. Though you do need something to both channel and focus the energy. Staves, totems, idles, talismans, tattoos, rings, paintings, etc. Towers on nexuses/nexi that have some of the same powers of an Atlantian pyramid.

More to come on this.
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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Re: A new game world for BtS and the lesser heroes of HU.

Unread post by ShadowHawk »

we must talk about this on Oovoo. I absolutely love the idea! WHERE DO YOU GET THIS ONE?
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Re: A new game world for BtS and the lesser heroes of HU.

Unread post by Looonatic »

Sort of a Pulp/Noir world?
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Re: A new game world for BtS and the lesser heroes of HU.

Unread post by pblackcrow »

SH, I actually dreamed about being a viceroy in this world.
Looonatic wrote:Sort of a Pulp/Noir world?

More steampunk'ish than pulp. But if you wish to make it so, go for it.

In this world any leader (be it king, mayor, viceroy, plant managers, corporate giant, captain, or whatever) was supposed to provide for the population under you. Any corruption will be dealt with by either the ones who represent the people in the parliaments OR if not then the vigilantes will unseat them THEN turn on the officials who have gone against their word. To hold office there, you must do what you say during your campaigning and not forget you are in power BECAUSE of the PEOPLE!
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Re: A new game world for BtS and the lesser heroes of HU.

Unread post by Marcethus »

This sounds very interesting. Too bad I haven't yet gotten into BTS2.

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Re: A new game world for BtS and the lesser heroes of HU.

Unread post by pblackcrow »

I wouldn't bother with BtS 2nd edition too much. This woult be a great alternative setting for any sdc world.
Ankh, udja, seneb.
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