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Deific Powers and Mega-Damage

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 4:37 am
by Axelmania
Dragons and Gods gives MDC for its creatures in lieu of HP/SDC, but in terms of attack damage I only recall having seen the breath weapons for dragons given MD conversions. This conspicuously makes some powers unimpressive without house rules unless I'm missing some text which would apply here.

Deific Powers in particular. 1D6x100 lightning bolts are very impressive, so are 2D4x100 fire gouts or 1500 damage / melee. But if this doesn't get a mega-enhance then we're just talking 1D6/2D4/15 MD which is pretty low-powered.

How would stuff like Control Weather or Mobile Sphere of Destruction work in MD settings? Deific Powers have been brought into Rifts via FoM/Hades/Dyval and the Russian Gods official in the Rifters, but it's unclear how all of them work when it comes to their damage.

Re: Deific Powers and Mega-Damage

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 12:08 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Deific SD attack ----converts to---> Deific MD attack
1d6x100 SD lighting bolts----->1d6x100 MD lighting bolts
2d4x100 SD Fire Gouts----->2d4x100 MD Fire Gouts
1500 SD/melee <something>---->1500 MD/melee <something>

Unless there is a specific Canon Conversion Deific powers use the same SD/SDC to MD/MDC conversion rates as does magic. One to One conversion.

I would add to that in my games, that deities can adjust their attacks downward when fighting "lesser beings". And that those "honorable" deities would actually do this.

Re: Deific Powers and Mega-Damage

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 9:28 pm
by Axelmania
The lightning bolts are already adjustible in 1d6x10 jumps, I just went with the most damaging one.

Considering the sacrifice needed to do hellfire or mobile sphere, I figure a deity fighting a lesser being just wouldn't bother using them and use something less expensive like punching, weapons, priests casting spells, their own magic/psionics, and so forth.

I guess I wasn't sure if Deific Powers should be treated like magic or not. That's the instinct since they're also PPE powered but would like to find text to support it.

If they didn't convert to MD that would help explain why these powers give gods more of a foothold in SDC settings than in MDC ones.

I mean really... a single god could slowly wipe out the Coalition States using a Mobile Sphere of Destruction. All I figure is, any amount of gods who decide that's a good idea, there are others who would come along and negate the sphere because they think the CS serves a useful stabilizing purpose.

Maybe some skull-ish death gods have even managed to siphon PPE off the CS since some could in a way worship the death's head which might be one of the god's manifestations.