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Using X in Savage Rifts

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 4:42 pm
by Library Ogre
Just some suggestions on how one might build certain Rifts races, creatures, and other such things in Savage Rifts:

Hindrances: Cyber-Resistant (-1), Distinctive D-Bee (-2), Non-Standard Physiology (-1), Code of Honor (-2), Racial Enemy (Demons, -1)
Advantages: Improved Trait: Vigor, Strength, Spirit (2pts each), Size +2 (2pts), Charisma (1pt)
Advantages, revised: Improved Trait: Strength, Spirit (2pts each), Size +2 (2pts), Charisma (1pt), Regeneration (2pts).

Hindrances: Distinctive D-Bee (-2), Non-standard Physiology (-1), Bad Reputation (-1), Restricted Path (Psionics, -1)
Advantages: Improved Strength +2 (4pts), Improved Vigor +1 (2pts), Size +1 (1pt)

Hindrances: Distinctive D-Bee (-2), Non-standard Physiology (-1)
Advantages: Keen Sense (Smell, 1pt), Natural Weaponry (1pt), Size +1 (1pt), Environmental Resistance (Cold, 1pt)
Advantages, Revised: Keen Sense (Smell, 1pt), Natural Weaponry (1pt), Size +1 (1pt), Improved Trait: Strength (2pts)

Re: Using X in Savage Rifts

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 5:25 pm
by Daniel Stoker
Nice, thanks for that Mark. I still need to learn the rules so that reading the game book makes more sense.

Daniel Stoker

Re: Using X in Savage Rifts

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 7:36 pm
by Library Ogre
Feel free to shoot me some messages if you like; I've got a good basic handle, and am happy to answer questions. I'm thinking of getting some Houstown stuff ready for a f2f game with some friends.

Re: Using X in Savage Rifts

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 8:08 pm
by Alrik Vas
Seems good so far. Question,.does Improved Vigor grant healing as well? I thought the reason titans were cyber no-no was a result of their bio-regen.

Re: Using X in Savage Rifts

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 8:16 pm
by Library Ogre
Alrik Vas wrote:Seems good so far. Question,.does Improved Vigor grant healing as well? I thought the reason titans were cyber no-no was a result of their bio-regen.

Improved Vigor, in this case, would be a 1 step improvement of their Vigor attribute... so if they had a d4, it is now a d6, d6 is d8, d8 is d10, d10 is d12.

I wanted to give them Regeneration (which gives them a natural healing roll every day), but ran out of points. Dropping the Vigor bonus and choosing that instead would probably make more sense; I'll post the edited version.

Re: Using X in Savage Rifts

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 8:21 pm
by Natasha
Is Distinctive D-Bee yours or it's in the book? What does it mean?

Re: Using X in Savage Rifts

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 9:06 pm
by Library Ogre
Natasha wrote:Is Distinctive D-Bee yours or it's in the book? What does it mean?

Distinctive D-Bee is in the book, and has two levels. At the first level, it means you don't look human, but you can hide that. Quick-flex, and I would assume Elves, would be good examples. The second level means you don't look human and you can't hide it. Maybe you're 10 feet tall, or shaped like a turnip with eels for feet. It frequently goes along with Non-standard Physiology, which means "You can't use things designed for normal people... thinking about it, Wolfen really should get that, since they have backwards legs and muzzles, and thus can't wear standard armors or power armors. Thinking on that, we'd drop their environmental resistance and give them a 1 point bump to strength.

Re: Using X in Savage Rifts

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 9:20 pm
by blackwingedheaven
Good work! I have some ideas I'll be posting to this thread later myself. =)

Re: Using X in Savage Rifts

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 6:57 am
by Svartalf
I'm trying to build a Larmac, but can't make anything balanced yet

Re: Using X in Savage Rifts

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 10:46 am
by Natasha
Svartalf wrote:I'm trying to build a Larmac, but can't make anything balanced yet

And larmacs are a balanced people. ;)

Re: Using X in Savage Rifts

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 11:03 am
by Svartalf
You would know, you've DM'ed Cookie enough ;) though he's best balanced when he's lying down, or at least sitting.

Re: Using X in Savage Rifts

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 1:46 pm
by Mack
Topic Locked (temporarily)

Despite the business relationship between PB and Savage Worlds, the lawyers have yet to give us permission to post conversion materials between the two. We have requested permission, but until we get a response the existing prohibition regarding conversions remains in effect.

Yes, it's frustrating. Yes, I agree that it should be OK.

Thank you for your patience.
