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Trans Galactic Empire

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 12:50 pm
by say652
In the Phaseworld book it mentions that Space Wolfen are extremely common among the Empire.

My question is how far off canon would it be to have a Wolfen fleet conquering planets for the TGE?

Pc's finally made it to the big leagues and Space Wolfen seemed like the perfect enemies to battle against.

Re: Trans Galactic Empire

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 7:15 pm
by say652
As we move deeper into the TGE the Wolfen will serve as the mass menace to the party with the more powerful alien types serving as higher level foes. Though not ready to tangle with a Kreeghor.

Re: Trans Galactic Empire

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 11:40 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
It wouldn't be far off, but it wouldn't be Wolven in charge, they would always have some Kreegor Royal serving as admirals and important captians. They wouldn't be trusted enough to be completely unsupervised--they don't trust ANYONE that much.

Re: Trans Galactic Empire

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 1:10 am
by Svartalf
Depends, a wolfen could be allowed in the councils of high command, and be the commander of even large ships (IIRC, there's a wolfen admiral for a TGE capital size ship in Fleets of the 3G)

Re: Trans Galactic Empire

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 9:38 am
by say652
I had the first encounter be with Wolfen Customs Officers, now the Captain used the escape pod and they are under attack by the TGE. So Wolfen troops are fine just make the leader a Kreeghor.
Things are starting to heat up. Most of these are powerful Rifts Earth characters, thinking they are unstoppable.
They gonna learn TODAY!!

Re: Trans Galactic Empire

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 6:22 pm
by RockJock
I wouldn't have a separate Wolfen state inside the TGE, but having Wolfen dominated plants, or internal regions with Royal Kregor overloads seems more than reasonable. Think of the Soviet Union, and all the ethnic groups that made it up.

Re: Trans Galactic Empire

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 6:31 pm
by say652
I had the Wolfen serve as the upper rank soldiers led by a Kreeghor and humans as fodder. The party didn't fight the Kreeghor though his boarding party of humans was lost.
And he confiscated the Cyborg as payment for his six lost men

Re: Trans Galactic Empire

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 11:05 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
Svartalf wrote:Depends, a wolfen could be allowed in the councils of high command, and be the commander of even large ships (IIRC, there's a wolfen admiral for a TGE capital size ship in Fleets of the 3G)

I didn't say they couldn't be admirals and captians, I said the fleet would be organized so that Kreegor remain in firm control and in the information loop so that they can watch for any signs of mutiny and rebellion. I said nothing about Wolven being denied high positions. That kind of metiocicty is why the kreegor are much more effective than the splurgorth they rebelled against.

Re: Trans Galactic Empire

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 6:13 pm
by say652
The Kreeghor respect the Wolfen for tenacity and combat ability , that's why i made them the higher officers. The humans of the empire are basically slaves in Imperial Combat Armor with Energy pistols.

Re: Trans Galactic Empire

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 6:34 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
say652 wrote:The Kreeghor respect the Wolfen for tenacity and combat ability , that's why i made them the higher officers. The humans of the empire are basically slaves in Imperial Combat Armor with Energy pistols.

Eh, Humans do not have Favored status the way Wulven do, but the primary reason non-kreegor races join the TGE military is they enjoy substanially higher status and privleges than they would as civilians.

I can't imagine the Kreegor would use slave soldgiers at all. I mean they DO use slaves for menial labor and servants, but there's a reason they were abandoned in the real world: they simply are not effective. Cannon fodder is just not useful in modern or sci-fi combat. they need highly trained troops who can work as a team and are motivated to succeed. slave troops with a gun and no training is nothing but a very expensive waste of resources. take a look at the equipment! even if the kreegor care nothing for the lives of their slaves, if they get fragged, they loose about a million dollars worth of valuble MDC equipment. Simple economics there.

Re: Trans Galactic Empire

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 6:38 pm
by say652
I have the Human soldiers at level 2. Wolfen level 5 and the Kreeghor General at level 12.
I felt by controlling the levels it signified the amount of training each received.

Re: Trans Galactic Empire

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 6:47 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
say652 wrote:I have the Human soldiers at level 2. Wolfen level 5 and the Kreeghor General at level 12.
I felt by controlling the levels it signified the amount of training each received.

Except that's not how training works. if you were trained as an Imperial Legionary that's your OCC and they all have roughly the same skills. Experiance is how much combat experiance they have. human soldigers at level 2 means green troops with just a few fights under their belts. Wolven level 5 is probablly a good 8-12 years into service. It has nothign to do with level of training, unless you think that boot camp CAN train everyone to level 5, but for some reason never does so.

you are better off using the Advanced Training Programs in Heroes of Humanity to show the difference. they are special packages available to military classes that grant a lot of specalized abilities in their specific area. and just say humans don't get them because they're not worth it (with rare exceptions)

Re: Trans Galactic Empire

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 6:49 pm
by say652
The group figured the Wolfen were preferred soldiers because they had Power Armor, while the humans only had body armor.
For disposable badguys, level and gear is an effective way to show the Empires favorites.

Re: Trans Galactic Empire

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 10:10 pm
by glitterboy2098
so if you've already been using all this stuff, and are going to argue against all the stuff we point out based on the canon, why bother even asking about the canon?

Re: Trans Galactic Empire

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 10:15 pm
by say652
I use most things from here, i don't think giving the badguys additional skills is the fix. You gain additional skills from leveling up also.