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HU/Rifter/X-Mas Grab Bag

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 11:51 am
by MikeM
So my mother-in-law wants to buy me something fun for Christmas this year and my wife suggested the X-Mas Grab Bag! (I have an awesome wife).

I love Heroes Unlimited even though I have been out of the game for quite a few years. I would like to load my wish list with a lot of HU stuff, but I have all of the books.

So my question is this: Is there a list of Rifters that have HU content in them? The indexes I find end before issue 50.

Also anyone know if Heroes of the Megaverse is any good for HU? It says it can be used for HU, but want to confirm it before ordering.

Thanks for the help.


Re: HU/Rifter/X-Mas Grab Bag

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 1:08 pm
by Glistam
I use books from all over the Megaverse for Heroes Unlimited.

Rifter #1, Rifter #9½, Rifter #11 all have some fan-made powers. Even though a bunch from #1 and a few from #11 made it into the books in a cleaned up way, there's some other ones that weren't reprinted that are fun.

Rifter #37 is a massive (unofficial) Mega-Hero update that may be worth while.

Rifter #49 has an (unofficial) update to the Stage Magician that seems to be a lot of fun.

Rifter #9, #25 and #44 have new or updated psionics if you're looking for more stuff for them.

Rifter #50 has the Chaos Earth Psychics which are awesome and worth considering in Heroes Unlimited.

I find Nightbane offers a lot of fun resources for a Hero game. If you want to avoid the Nightbane plot itself but play with some of the cool stuff, I recommend Book 1: Between the Shadows (for Astral Plane, Dreamstream, more psionics & spells) and Book 3: Through the Glass Darkly (for magic).

After the Bomb 2nd Edition is a vastly superior way to make Mutant Animal characters, and worth adding to the collection if you want a more expanded way of making them.

Ninjas & Superspies and Mystic China offer Martial Arts, and if you don't have those books they can add some neat elements to a Heroes Unlimited game.

Beyond the Supernatural has some cool/fun psychics, and pretty close to the most modern skill selection and education tables available (I'd have to check it with the Nightbane Survival Guide and Dead Reign to see which wins out).

Rifts: Heroes of the Megaverse is compatible with Heroes Unlimited, but isn't as useful as you'd like it to be. Many of its 101 powers are toned down versions of Heroes Unlimited powers (I do like how if changes the Teleport Power). You can probably skip it or at least put it low on your list.

Re: HU/Rifter/X-Mas Grab Bag

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 1:14 pm
by Glistam
Also, when you say you have "all of the books," does that include both Aliens Unlimited books? Mutant Underground? Powers Unlimited 1-3? Armageddon Unlimited? Century Station and Gramercy Island? The Heroes Unlimited GM's Guide? Mutant Underground?

It may be tough to get, but Transdimensional TMNT does time travel in a way that's fun and may be worth finding if you want to include Time Travel. Rifter 56 also includes unofficial time travel stuff that is different from Transdimensional TMNT. Nightbane Book 4: Shadows of Light is out of print but has some cool psychic classes that could be worth getting, if you're looking for more psychic stuff.

Re: HU/Rifter/X-Mas Grab Bag

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 2:43 pm
by MikeM
Hello yes, I have all the Heroes Unlimited books (Powers Unlimited 1 to 3, Mutant Underground, Armageddon Unlimited, Century Station, Gramercy Island, GM's Guide, and the Aliens Unlimited book. Now my Aliens Unlimited books doesn't say revised on it. It was the first printing when it first came out. Is there a big difference between that and the revised version?

I also have two copies of the Heroes Unlimited Revised (one signed by Jim Steranko) and the first printing of Villains Unlimited and the printing with the different cover.

I do have all the TMNT books, Nightspawn (first printing) and Beyond the Supernatural 2nd edition. I dont have any Nightbane sourcebooks or Mystic China. I do have Ninjas and Superspies but it reeks of cigarette smoke. I bought it used and was a smoker myself then (quit 6 years ago).

Thanks for the list of Rifters. I have a huge gap in my Rifter collection from the high teens and low 30's.

Maybe there isn't any books worth getting this year. :( Hopefully Palladium will give us some details on the planned Heroes Unlimited sourcebooks they have in the pipeline.


Re: HU/Rifter/X-Mas Grab Bag

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 9:54 pm
by Fermat
Rifter 74 has a new variant on Ancient Weapon Masters (from PU2). A way of making specialists in a specific type of weapon with enhanced abilities and skill.

Rifts 49 has vampires which can work as a character type.

Beyond the Supernatural has some interesting character types as well, but they may come off as a bit weak.

Re: HU/Rifter/X-Mas Grab Bag

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 6:32 am
by Glistam
MikeM wrote:Maybe there isn't any books worth getting this year. :(

Ninjas & Superspies to replace your copy that reeks of smoke.
Mystic China
Nightbane: Between the Shadows
Nightbane: Through the Glass Darkly
The Rifter #25
The Rifter #37
After the Bomb 2nd Edition
Aliens Unlimited: Revised for 2nd edition stats on the races
Aliens Unlimited: Galaxy Guide
Heroes Unlimited 2nd Edition Hardcover
Dead Reign
Rifts: Heroes of the Megaverse

Re: HU/Rifter/X-Mas Grab Bag

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:37 am
by MikeM
Thanks for the responses folks. Greatly appreciate it.

Re: HU/Rifter/X-Mas Grab Bag

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 3:58 pm
by LeeNapier
Glistam wrote:It may be tough to get, but Transdimensional TMNT does time travel in a way that's fun and may be worth finding if you want to include Time Travel. Rifter 56 also includes unofficial time travel stuff that is different from Transdimensional TMNT.

I gotta second this. This is just a fun, fun book that contains just a slew of cool stuff for HU.