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Anti (V-Origin First Cosmos) Factions and Recruitment of V-H

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 3:32 am
by V-Origin
Hello All, This is V-Origin here. I am starting a new Rifts Dimensional Game featuring V-Origin First Cosmos and Cosmos Alien Intelligences/Gods/Elders Factions. In my Game, the First who created the Cosmic Forge are considered to be Cosmos Alien Intelligences/Gods/Elders.

Factions which are most loyal to V-Origin First Cosmos include Faction-O which are the most loyal and obedient children Cosmos Intelligences/Gods/Elders progenies of V-Origin First Cosmos.

Factions which have normal loyalty and obedience to V-Origin First Cosmos include Faction RHPC (Right Hand Path Cosmos) who focus on Right-Handed aspects of All Dimensions like Joy, Happiness, Love, Faction LHPC (Left Hand Path Cosmos) which focus on Left-Handed aspects of All Dimensions like Hatred, Sadness, Anger and Middle Hand Path Cosmos which focus on both.

The Faction most disloyal and traitorous to V-Origin First Cosmos is Faction Anti-V which consist of the most disloyal and traitorous Anti-Cosmos Alien Intelligences/Gods/Elders. Below are the following 5 Main Sub-Factions of Faction Anti-V.

1st Anti-V Faction DATUI - Destroy V-Origin First Cosmos first, then takeover, dominate, control, possess the remains of V-Origin to become the new V-Origin First Cosmos. Secondary Objectives are to Destroy then takeover, dominate, control possess the most Loyal Faction-O Cosmos Intelligences/Gods/Elders to become Anti-V Cosmos. Tertiary Objectives are to conquer and command all the rest of Three Galaxies and All Dimensions under all Anti-V Cosmos.

2nd Anti-V Faction CAUT - V-Origin First Cosmos has multiple Core/Essences and Heroic Avatars spread throughout the Three Galaxies and All Dimensions. 1st objective of 2nd Anti-V Faction is to Destroy and Takeover All Core/Essences and Heroic Avatars. V-Origin First Cosmos also has multiple Energetic Awareness V-Conscientous Moral Alignments V-Codes Waves spreading from V-Origin First Cosmos to every single being in All of the Three Galaxies and All Dimensions. 2nd objective of 2nd Anti-V Faction is to dispel and block all these V-Waves to prevent every being of the Three Galaxies and All Dimensions from evolving to the highest possible potential.

3rd Anti-V Faction YECAT - To steal information concerning evolution, devolution and power from Faction O Cosmos Intelligences/Gods/Elders concerning V-Origin First Cosmos, V-Core/Essences and V-Heroic Avatars, Faction-O Cosmos Intelligences/Gods/Elders and all other beings in All of the Three Galaxies and All Dimensions to evolve, promote and empower all Anti-V cosmos. 2nd objective of 3rd Anti-V Faction is to disseminate fake Anti-V Waves concerning devolution to all beings in All of the Three Galaxies and All Dimensions to devolve all beings to the lowest point possible.

4th Anti-V Faction WOLA - To hunt and gather resources, energies, awareness, moral conscientious code information concerning evolution, devolution and power from V-Orgin First Cosmos, V-Core/Essences and V-Heroic Avatars, Faction-O Cosmos Intelligences/Gods/Elders and all other beings in All of the Three Galaxies and All Dimensions to feed satiate their endless hunger aka Galactus of Marvel.

Re: Anti (V-Origin First Cosmos) Factions and Recruitment of

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 12:29 pm
by V-Origin
First Anti-V Faction's name is DATUI .

Second Anti-V Faction's name is CAUT .

Third Anti-V Faction's name is YECAT .

Fourth Anti-V Faction's name is WOLA .

Re: Anti (V-Origin First Cosmos) Factions and Recruitment of

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 11:53 pm
by V-Origin
Fifth Anti-V Faction's name is OTUIUL .

1st objective of OTUIUL is to infiltrate and subvert Faction O by creating disruptions, breaks and rifts in the energetic alliances between rival members of Faction O.

2nd objective is to gather intelligence regarding strategies, evolution, energy awareness moral v-code manipulation and hacking from all Loyal Cosmos of Faction O and their creations/progenies.

3rd objective is to control, with-hold and deny energy awareness moral v-code food evolutionary information to Faction O Cosmos, their creations/progenies and every single being of all the Three Galaxies and All Dimensions.

4th objective is to share stolen information with 2nd Anti-V Faction CAUT to hunt down, destroy and consume all V-Core/Essences and V-Heroic Avatars throughout the Three Galaxies and All Dimensions.

Re: Anti (V-Origin First Cosmos) Factions and Recruitment of

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 12:45 am
by V-Origin
Combined name of all Anti-V factions is DATUI CAUT YECAT WOLA OTUIUL .

Re: Anti (V-Origin First Cosmos) Factions and Recruitment of

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 9:10 am
by Nekira Sudacne
Where will this game take place? Palladium chat osome other game service like roll 20?

Also, is Cosmos a specific thing or just a discriptor

Re: Anti (V-Origin First Cosmos) Factions and Recruitment of

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 11:13 am
by V-Origin
The Leader of Faction-O is a Cosmos named OSABI.

The Hidden Leader of Anti-V Anti-V Faction DATUI is a Cosmos named ORATERE

Re: Anti (V-Origin First Cosmos) Factions and Recruitment of

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 5:00 am
by V-Origin
The Original Creator Varaibim Hau Cheong Zhang Hao ""V-Origin"" Now Initiate Black African Incubus Demon WarGod WereWolf Elf ""YELAR"" as Anti-X Cosmos to enslave and seduce and possess and impregnate all X-Bitches.

Re: Anti (V-Origin First Cosmos) Factions and Recruitment of

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 6:15 am
by Curbludgeon
Well, it's about time!

Re: Anti (V-Origin First Cosmos) Factions and Recruitment of

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 11:23 am
by filo_clarke
Ah yes, I understand.

Narrator: He did not, in fact, understand.

Re: Anti (V-Origin First Cosmos) Factions and Recruitment of

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 8:10 pm
by taalismn
Apparently the stars are right.

Re: Anti (V-Origin First Cosmos) Factions and Recruitment of

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 8:16 pm
by Braden Campbell
I forced a bot to play 1000 hours of RPGs and then come up a game setting of its own. Here is the result...

Re: Anti (V-Origin First Cosmos) Factions and Recruitment of

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 10:55 pm
by taalismn
Braden Campbell wrote: I forced a bot to play 1000 hours of RPGs and then come up a game setting of its own. Here is the result...

You better have decompiled that poor maddened thing before it can go Skynet on us.