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What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2016 6:53 pm
by gaby
What do you hope for Phase world,s books in 2017?

I like to see Aliens of the Three Galaxies,with 100 races.

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2016 8:31 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Sorry, I want a Milkyway Galaxy based book.

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 3:20 am
by Furoan
Things that I would find great if any of them were announced in 2017

* A Cork-skew Galaxy book.

* A book dedicated specifically about the cold war between the Consortium and the Empire (I'm thinking more things like 'hotspots' where the war has flared up, and some write up on the political side such as generals, ministers etc rather than something like the Tolkien War campaign)

* A book about Smugglers, Tracers and those that just live in space in the three galaxies.

Other things that I think would be cool would be a look at the mega-corps that inhabit the galaxies, something like a in character write up by CFF intelligence about the Splugoth/Dominators/Star Hives etc.

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 8:33 am
by kirnos
A book about the Corkscrew Galaxy and an Aliens of the Three Galaxies are a must. We really need these fleshed out a little bit.

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 5:29 pm
by gaby
One more thing,the 100 Races,I want in Aliens of the three Galaxies,will be ALL NEW.

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 8:34 pm
by taalismn
gaby wrote:One more thing,the 100 Races,I want in Aliens of the three Galaxies,will be ALL NEW.

Don't get greedy. 30-40 tops in a book, and that's straining it if you want more than a 2-3 short paragraph description and anything more than basic stat blocs. ESPECIALLY if you want any technology descriptions or additional tables thrown in.
Yeah, I known Aliens Unlimited seemed to have loads, but most of the species in it were Star Trek-style humanoids with 'x'-animal characteristics, rather than radical physiology types that would require much longer description entries.

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 9:34 pm
by DhAkael
taalismn wrote:
gaby wrote:One more thing,the 100 Races,I want in Aliens of the three Galaxies,will be ALL NEW.

Don't get greedy. 30-40 tops in a book, and that's straining it if you want more than a 2-3 short paragraph description and anything more than basic stat blocs.

Word. :-?
Sadly there are very few ARTISTS I'd trust to be able to do the non-human species... or for that matter, writers. Everyone wants to have the humanoid with a frog pasted to the face or armidillo to the forehead thang, ala Trek. Usually we get the green or blue skinned Human likes with elf ears or radar antennae on top of their heads.
Cuz c'mon... it's real hard for our rakish young spacer to fall in love with a multi armed asymetric sea cucumber on stilts, or for most of the human like side kicks to relate to a hyper-intelligent shade of blue.
The only writer I have ever read who could do non human in a relatable way has been David Brin in his 'Uplift' series. can dream. :mrgreen: :ok:

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 9:43 pm
by taalismn
DhAkael wrote:
taalismn wrote:
gaby wrote:One more thing,the 100 Races,I want in Aliens of the three Galaxies,will be ALL NEW.

Don't get greedy. 30-40 tops in a book, and that's straining it if you want more than a 2-3 short paragraph description and anything more than basic stat blocs.

Word. :-?
Sadly there are very few ARTISTS I'd trust to be able to do the non-human species... or for that matter, writers. Everyone wants to have the humanoid with a frog pasted to the face or armidillo to the forehead thang, ala Trek. Usually we get the green or blue skinned Human likes with elf ears or radar antennae on top of their heads.
Cuz c'mon... it's real hard for our rakish young spacer to fall in love with a multi armed asymetric sea cucumber on stilts, or for most of the human like side kicks to relate to a hyper-intelligent shade of blue.
The only writer I have ever read who could do non human in a relatable way has been David Brin in his 'Uplift' series. can dream. :mrgreen: :ok:

Interestingly, Breaux was doing some good stuff for the Aliens Unlimited entries that showed rather non-humanoid bodies, but it apparently never made the cut for the final publication.

And I have yet to see a decent rendition of the Thennanin from Brin's Uplift universe...The "Aliens In Space' illustrated guide to the Uplift aliens was...well, pretty bad.....
Jim Burns, who did the best covers for most of the Uplift series did a pretty good Urs, and a passable(if too much in the background Hoon). His g'hek are fairly unremarkable, but then again, there's not much to them but essentially a crab-walking turret.

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 11:26 pm
by DhAkael
Been in contact with Breaux... nice guy. Yeah, I've heard about the stuff that got cut from a lot of projects. Sad really. BUT he also did some great writing (Re; AU:GG).

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 2:08 am
by RockJock
I would be happy with an Alien Handbook, and Corkscew book, but to throw something else out there I would love to see faction books. A CCW book with more about 10 cultures or something along those lines.

Maybe something about the Threshold?

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 2:41 pm
by The Beast
Dimension Book 9 would be nice...

Petty tyrants thrive when they have authority backed by vague regulations.

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:46 pm
by Sambot
I'd just like to see more space books period. More for Aliens. More of Phase World. More for Rifts Earth. More for Robotech.

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 4:21 pm
by gaby
I also think Three Galaxies two can be Great,they can have info on 25 systems,5 each for CCW,TGE,UWW,Golgan republik and Independent ones with adventures ideas for each.

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 1:01 am
by Warshield73
Sambot wrote:I'd just like to see more space books period. More for Aliens. More of Phase World. More for Rifts Earth. More for Robotech.

What he said...

What I have always wanted from them is what was described on page 8 of Phase World "the Phase World universe is a place where magic, technology, and super powers coexist and create volatile mixtures". A super powers book with OCC's, including a reimagining of the Invincible Guardsmen and maybe some super soldiers.

I also like the idea of a spacer book with smugglers, pirates, tracers and new ships for them to use. We need ships for players and small player groups.

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 4:39 pm
by The Beast
Honestly though, you're deluding yourself if you're thinking Palladium will release a PW book anytime in the remainder of this decade. How many books did they manage to put out last year? Two, plus whatever Rifters they put out? Now compare what they put out with what they had said they were aiming for last year. And this isn't just a problem that only happened last year. It's been a long-time problem with the company, but only gotten worse in the past ten or so years. Now add to that the facts that Palladium's has three other side projects (Rifts board game, SWR, and the massively late RTT), and that none of the books that have been announced have anything to do with Phase World. The only way I think we'd see a new Phase World book is if an outsider is submitting it to Palladium right now, and it blows Kevin away when he reads it to the point he decides to alter his release schedule to include it. (Also, from what I've heard about where the main bottleneck at Palladium is, we still wouldn't see such a book.)

Petty tyrants thrive when they have authority backed by vague regulations.

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 2:37 am
by dragonfett
A United Worlds of Warlock book.

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 6:34 pm
by GhostKnight
More hardware.

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 8:48 pm
by Panomas II
I would take a UWW Book. Perhaps a city scape book, for the Atlantean City of Alexandria

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 9:28 am
by gaby
A Free Worlds Council book can also be Good.
They can take every thing from Rifter and more.

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 10:16 am
by taalismn
Unlikely, Gaby, there's very little, if anything, with regards to the Free Worlds Council in the Rifter, making it a poor source to draw from. You'd have to loosely regard some of the 3G fan arms companies as being FWC material(I don't) to justify including them.

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 10:13 pm
by gaby
OK,You have a point.

But,I hope ther more Phase world,s books.

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 11:25 pm
by say652
Some updates to RUE would be nice

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 9:25 am
by Jerell
Panomas II wrote:I would take a UWW Book. Perhaps a city scape book, for the Atlantean City of Alexandria

Yes. Both of those. Especially a UWW book. :bandit:

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 4:45 am
by eliakon
I would hope for a Phase World book. Period, full stop, end of sentence.
I don't really care what it is, I just want something.
Though to be honest I am not really happy with the direction the line has taken recently. its gone way to far into the 'space fantasy' and sounds more like a something from Deathstalker Warhammer 40k than any sort of 'pseudo hard' science fiction.

But I still want something.
I can work with a book that has stuff that I can just say "nope, not in my game that's just silly"
Its a lot harder to work with vaporware.
At least with a book my players have a base line of "okay this stuff is fine, other than this silliness here on pages 48, 62 and 93"

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 10:20 am
by SereneTsunami
I think that a new Dimension book not dealing with the Minion war is a long shot. However, I could see them updating the most important OCCs like they did for the NGR OCCs in RIFTER#55. It would cost almost nothing and they could use a fan voting system to decide which of the many OCCs to update. heck, they could add a regular feature that would update 2 OCCs each issue, needing only a page or two. I am new to Palladium, but it seems to me that if they can only produce 2-3 books per year that they must use the regularity of the RIFTER to keep new content rolling out.

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 9:06 am
by gaby
My Vote go to Races of the Three Galaxies,with 100 All New Races.
I hope People will send in ther ideas for New Aliens to Rifter,and then they put it up to a vote for the ones who get in Races of the Three Galaxies.

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 11:25 am
by drewkitty ~..~
gaby wrote:My Vote go to Races of the Three Galaxies,with 100 All New Races.
I hope People will send in their ideas for New Aliens to Rifter,and then they put it up to a vote for the ones who get in Races of the Three Galaxies.

You mean like the D-Bees of NA book, but of the different races of the 3G?

I have sent in a few races in a submission the rifter already. However, they were for the Milkyway Galaxy (HU) not the 3G.

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 12:15 pm
by gaby
Yes that it.
The 3 Galaxies have room for more.

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 9:07 pm
by taalismn
In the meantime, Gaby, there are existing resources that allow you to create your own, so why wait? Start rolling/writing down your ideas!

But I sometimes fear an overwhelming abundance of species in a setting can threaten to make the setting top-heavy, with people, rather than play the best they can from a selection of a dozen species or so, demand species that become too narrow-focused on one or two specializations to the point that they apparently cannot survive in any other roles. So you end up with species who cannot perform medical procedures on their own kind, feed themselves, or fix their own equipment, or can only serve as shoeshiners in the greater galactic society.

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 4:48 pm
by Shorty Lickens
I think I have more than enough Phase World material to last me a lifetime.
Am looking forward to other dimensions. Independant places like Wormwood.

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 11:12 pm
by Warshield73
Shorty Lickens wrote:I think I have more than enough Phase World material to last me a lifetime.
Am looking forward to other dimensions. Independant places like Wormwood.

While I disagree with the first part of this, I want more ships especially small ones for player groups, I would like to see more independent places as well. Start with dimensions that have been mentioned but never detailed, the scortched lands would be a great place to start.

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 4:07 pm
by DhAkael
I'd like to see Kevin finally cough-up the 'Atorian Empire' book (yeah yeah yeah I know... it's HU:AU material but who cares). Last I heard it's 95% complete and just sitting on a virtual shelf. All he'd have to he ALWAYS does, is just slap his name all over it, put in a few notes to make it his own work -coughcoughhackegomaniacchoke- and just publish the thing.

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 5:22 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
DhAkael wrote:I'd like to see Kevin finally cough-up the 'Atorian Empire' book (yeah yeah yeah I know... it's HU:AU material but who cares). Last I heard it's 95% complete and just sitting on a virtual shelf. All he'd have to he ALWAYS does, is just slap his name all over it, put in a few notes to make it his own work -coughcoughhackegomaniacchoke- and just publish the thing.

Agrees that I've been waiting for the Atorian Empire book since it was announced over a decade ago. Is Kevin going for a new recored in the lag time between announcement and publishing. The one with Lamuria was what? 20 years?

That he will have to (to feed the rifts fans) put in rifts conversion notes is a given by now.
Maybe Kevin should be looking to get the back log of ""already completed books"" out of the way before launching into totally new books.
selfish part: They could add in the expansion to the Starship/spaceship construction tables I submitted if they need to fill out the AE book's page count. :angel:

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 1:23 am
by RockJock
I would love to see an extra 2-3 random books(any setting) a year to catch up on the back long of manuscripts.

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 11:41 am
by Vrykolas2k
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
DhAkael wrote:I'd like to see Kevin finally cough-up the 'Atorian Empire' book (yeah yeah yeah I know... it's HU:AU material but who cares). Last I heard it's 95% complete and just sitting on a virtual shelf. All he'd have to he ALWAYS does, is just slap his name all over it, put in a few notes to make it his own work -coughcoughhackegomaniacchoke- and just publish the thing.

Agrees that I've been waiting for the Atorian Empire book since it was announced over a decade ago. Is Kevin going for a new recored in the lag time between announcement and publishing. The one with Lamuria was what? 20 years?

That he will have to (to feed the rifts fans) put in rifts conversion notes is a given by now.
Maybe Kevin should be looking to get the back log of ""already completed books"" out of the way before launching into totally new books.
selfish part: They could add in the expansion to the Starship/spaceship construction tables I submitted if they need to fill out the AE book's page count. :angel:

Doesn't Mechanoid Space still hold the record?

Starship construction tables sound interesting...

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 12:16 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
The Spaceship/starship construction tables, that my text expanded on, are in the AU:GG book. ... Guide.html

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 4:05 pm
by Vrykolas2k
I'd like to see a severe cut-back of.
Sentence fragments.
They get really.
Old, after a.

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 4:06 am
by Thom001
a book about Gus' galaxy grill diner. Sorry, couldn't resist.

Really though I just want to know what dimension book 9 is?

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 2:29 pm
by jtjr26
I love the Phase World setting but I would love to see to see a whole other dimension setting with new players, groups and politics to be fleshed out over time.

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 2:58 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Thinks there should be a new topic...2017 is over.

Re: What do you hope for Phase world,s Books in 2017?

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 3:03 pm
by The Beast
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Thinks there should be a new topic...2017 is over.

No way man. Keeping this thread going is living the dream right here. :-P