- N&S 132 "All martial artists, spies, super heroes and combat trained characters get an automatic parry."
MC 192 "Basic Defensive Moves: Dodge"
So, if this was your only form, could you do it?
Pao Chich doesn't provide other stuff which you might assume people without combat training might be able to do, such as a 1D4 punch.
I'm wondering if we could assume that anyone with a form could also fight as if untrained (not using the form) which would give access to things like punching for someone whose only form is Pao Chih.
Unlike some other games, which give a note about 1/3/9 melee attacks (and in later games, also a +1 to dodge and extra 'non combat' actions) I can't find guidelines on how to do combat for people without martial arts forms.
I guess that's because, far as I can tell, every class in both books has at least Basic to begin with.