As soon as I started reading this article (LINK), I could see this as something that could have happened in the years following the Crash once people started to reorganize. Humans returning to their homes, towns and cities to find them now occupied by these strange mutant animals playing at being people.
I can see this as something Emperor Christian would say in rallies to raise the Empire of Humanity:
“It is not really clear now which is the master of the town, people or wild boars. If we don’t get rid of them and turn this into a human-led town, the situation will get even wilder and uninhabitable.”
[IN THE NEWS] Invasion of the Radioactive Boars
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[IN THE NEWS] Invasion of the Radioactive Boars
AtB Warehouse Blog (New Animals, Adventures, Bestiary, and More)
That's REAL LIFE. I'm talking PALLADIUM. Confuse the two at your own peril
~Nekira Sudacne
That's REAL LIFE. I'm talking PALLADIUM. Confuse the two at your own peril

~Nekira Sudacne