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How's Everything?

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 12:27 am
by Holister
Hello folks

Been yet another long time so I just figured I would pop in and see how everyone is doing.

Started my own game co and this is the current group page. Feel free to check it out. ... roup_cover

Re: How's Everything?

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 8:01 pm
by Jasper
Best of luck! Joined your FB group. Maybe you'll put out BTS 2nd edition Arcane rules :P.

Re: How's Everything?

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 1:51 am
by Holister
Jasper wrote:Best of luck! Joined your FB group. Maybe you'll put out BTS 2nd edition Arcane rules :P.

ROFLMAO......sorry but Black Rabbit is my own game system from the ground up, with its own full functioning magic system. :)

Re: How's Everything?

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 12:06 am
by Holister
Why is the Lazlo Site so quiet lately? Is it because BTS just isn't that popular anymore? It doesn't make any sense to me for Palladium to go through all the trouble to create the Lazlo Society website for one of their least popular games and then never do anything further with the BTS franchise especially when they have been promising Arcanum and Tome Grotesque since 2005. It is like Palladium went throught the trouble of rehashing BTS into a 2nd edition just to watch it die. Maybe Palladium should just finish the other two books so that new life can once again be breathed into BTS, and in turn the Lazlo Society site.

Well that is my two cents....what do you think?

Re: How's Everything?

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 1:46 am
by Jasper
I don't know too much about the Lazlo site. I remember registering but I couldn't figure out what was going on with it and didn't want to invest the time. Regarding the state of BTS we need the Arcane and Tome Grotesque books for 2nd edition to make it playable. Otherwise people are just going to be cribbing together rules from other systems or 1st edition, which has a very different theme.
Personally, I think people should change to another system. Palladium has had 12 years or so to put out the needed books and they haven't. They aren't going to anytime soon, probably never. There are some good systems out there. GURPs would work. CJ Carella's Witchcraft is incredible and very fitting thematically. It's a dead system now, sure, but its rules are complete and it had more books than BTS.
Edit: Also Savage Worlds has the East Texas University setting, which is a modern day horror. There's a Bundle of Holding sale for that going on right now. Don't know how it plays though.
Also White Wolf has tons of modern day horror stuff, most of it you play the monster but there are plenty of hunter books though. It has quite a different feel to it then BTS though.

Re: How's Everything?

Posted: Fri May 05, 2017 1:01 am
by Holister
I really miss the good old days of the site, but I guess nothing lasts forever. I would love to see all the old familiar faces postings and having a good time again. But with a heavy heart I do not think that will happen. Every time I go there all I see are the old ghosts as I stroll through a abandoned house. Maybe one day it will be as it once was, I sincerely hope that it does. I had some pretty great times there and would like to have many more.

Anyway, I am part of a new story thread that has been posted on the Lazlo Society site if anyone is interested. Looks like a good story and I hope more people can join in the fun.

Re: How's Everything?

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 1:15 pm
by Holister
Well I just about finished restocking my RPG gaming books after years of going without them. Managed to get myself the following books for my twice a week modern horror game. I typically use my own game for character creation, but I needed additional material for monsters, adventure ideas, gear, etc. Heres what I got so far

1) Beyond the Supernatural 1st Edition
2) Beyond the Supernatural 2nd Edition
3) Boxed Nightmares
4) Mystic China
5) Pantheons of the Megaverse
6) Palladium Fantasy 2nd Edition (for the magic and monsters).

What else would you recommend? I was considering the Hades and Dyval sourcebooks but I am not sure if those are more geared toward just RIFTS. I was also considering Monsters & Animals and maybe Dragons & Gods?

I also have a copy of the Millennium's End Gamemaster's Companion - which is a great book for any modern campaign setting and I recommend getting one if you can find one on Ebay.

Another great book I have aquired and resource alot for both information and a gaming prop is "The Demon Hunter's Handbook". This book has some great material and is perfect for either a gothic or modern campaign setting depending on what you need.

One other book that I have just acquired and MUST recommend is the Ravenloft "Denizens of Darkness" book (from 3rd edition). Since BTS 2nd lacks Tome Grotesque, this book will provide numerous supernatural creatures for your campaigns with only some slight tweeking. I know that there are other monster sourcebooks out there, but if you are looking for HORROR themed creatures that will creep out your players, I recommend you get yourself a copy of this book.

I am also wondering if and when Palladium does get around to Tome Grotesque and Arcana how good will they be. D&D books lately are up to $50 a pop, so I am hoping that Palladium puts out quality books that won't cost me a small fortune. So far Palladium has been good at putting out quality books at reasonable costs and I hope that trend continues because I look forward to buying Arcana and Tome Grotesque when they eventually come out.

Lastly, may I recommend checking out for some great interactive gaming with other fans of Beyond the Supernatural (and horror RPGs in general). I am personally involved in a game thread there myself with a few other members that is going well, and I'm sure you could find another that catches your interest or start a new one of you own if that's your fancy.

Well that's it for now fellow back later. :)

Re: How's Everything?

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 1:30 pm
by Tanya Starling
I know that I will not be seeing you this weekend since I am going to see my parents for Mother's Day, but I wanted to let you know that the hook has been posted on the page. I will be back Monday but I will try and keep up with any posts you make. Please do not derail this thread for me. :( Ok, talk to you later. :)

Re: How's Everything?

Posted: Fri May 12, 2017 3:25 pm
by Holister
Ok then. I promise I won't mess this up for you....maybe :P. lol. Anyway go have fun, give your family my best, I will keep things going on here and over at Lazlo. I posted on our FB page about Sunday, so hope you can make it Wednesday.

Re: How's Everything?

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 12:02 am
by Holister
Well the thread I am a part of on the Lazlo site is winding down. Beat the monster, saved the day, and of course Ben is in the hospital because the bad guy shot him in the back and got away. I think that there may be some wrap up but I think that is about it. We were hoping more people would get involved, but what can you do. :-?

Probably won't be posting there again anytime soon mainly because of the lack of interest, but I will continue to check in every now and again just to see how things are going. We have a good night everyone. :-D

Re: How's Everything?

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 12:41 am
by Tanya Starling
Well, I posted again. I wished more people played along, especially once I posted that your character got shot. The lack of concern from your Lazlo friends surprised me a bit. So I guess that it is good that we wrapped things up. It was fun, but I think that I will stick to our regular weekly table top sessions. Besides, it seems like Kermode wants his site :D

Re: How's Everything?

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 10:04 pm
Holister wrote:What else would you recommend?

I'm partial to Chaosium's BRP system. If you don't want the lovecraft specific stuff, some of the setting books have things from folklore. Conversion may be a pain but it shouldn't be too bad. ... -folklore/ is a really good one.

Re: How's Everything?

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 12:16 am
by Holister
Wow, thanks for the link. I saw that book on Ebay not too long ago, but after seeing your link I think I will go back and get it. :)