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God creation

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 6:14 pm
by Daylan
If anyone has ever made a god or had an idea on how you'd get what the average could be if you were to create and roll the stats for a god It would be helpful. I've been wracking my brain over this and could use a little help. I just cant quite figure it out. Any help would be much appreciated. (Its only a god to be visited and confronted. not really one to be a Player character. More of an N.P.C)

Re: God creation

Posted: Wed May 31, 2017 8:55 pm
by Zamion138
You could re-skin one from dragons and gods or conversion book 2
Is it an "all-father/mother" or a lesser god?
For lesser god maybe roll a godling but reroll 1s and 2s on stats, double mdc, ppe,isp.
Defeic powers from dragons and gods are pretty rugged, just having access to them is a great boon

Re: God creation

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 12:16 am
by drewkitty ~..~
1st you come up with what aspect of the world (reality) the deity is patron of, and then work from there. The stat that corispondes most closely with what they patron should be the highest. then their powers should be related to forwarding what they patron.

Don't roll stats…asigne them.

Re: God creation

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 5:00 am
by guardiandashi
I have a character that developed into a god during play, due to the GM having a "love" of magical mutation effects and random tables.

with that said the character is "known" to hang out with, or is a destroyer god, while she herself claims to be the goddess of high tech warfare,
in my characters case the "highest" stats are speed, and PP with strength being quite high followed by PE, then ME, MA, PB, and IQ
with that said she uses multiple martial arts forms during combat, and switches and on occasion combines forms (something that is supposed to be impossible to normal chars)
she knows standard hand to hand Martial arts (from rifts), Ninjitsu (from ninjas and super spies) Woo Wing Ti and some GM created "special" techniques

the point is that in most cases "rolling" stats for NPC's may not be the best choice.

Re: God creation

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 10:51 am
by SolCannibal
Basic but important question to the OP:
- what do you need a god or goddess for?
- what leads to the players coming across it?
- where and how do they meet it?
- what is its disposition toward the characters upon encountering them?
- how human, inhuman or just plain alien/weird-seeming would like it to be?

Me i just tweak from the supernatural intelligence table in the original Conversion Book,
sometimes i mix-&-match with the supernatural monster table from RMB for extra variety.
I think it's how most GMs made them back then before Dragons & Gods and later books.

Uh, didn't notice the last post was from almost 10 months ago. Does that count as thread necromancy? :oops:

Re: God creation

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 10:18 am
by llywelyn
SolCannibal wrote:Me, [I] just tweak... the supernatural intelligence table in the original Conversion Book...

Yup, do this unless (A) you already have a rough idea of another god s/he should be equivalent to or (B) it's a starter god. In that case, use the godling or demigod stat block. Remember to handicap them similar to the original gods until they have a few million worshippers.

Re: God creation

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 8:48 pm
by SolCannibal
Sometimes looking and rolling on such tables can be entertaining and useful even if you do have an idea of what you want for a deity/supernatural intelligence as some random bit, be it power, weakness or anything else might evoke some twist or new angle one might not thought of otherwise.

As an aside, just remembered this old, somewhat related topic too. Or possibly better, that one too.

Re: God creation

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 3:00 pm
by Axelmania
Here is an idea. We know a couple gods who started as demigods - Herakls and Dionysus.

Godling template + Demigod template = God template?

Re: God creation

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 7:23 pm
by SolCannibal
Axelmania wrote:Here is an idea. We know a couple gods who started as demigods - Herakls and Dionysus.

Godling template + Demigod template = God template?

From the way they are portrayed in Pantheons, it seems that godlings are already deities, though of a tutellary/support level - Eros & Triton might count as experienced godlings and the text on "the Phobos godling" from Dark Olympus brings up the possibility of him being not an impostor, but the real deal.

One might think of them as "god hatchlings", so to speak, requiring time, experience and worship to grown into "full blown godhood".

Re: God creation

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2018 2:49 am
by ITWastrel
If this isn't a monster-of-the-week, why not just get the fluff settled (name, godly duties, appearance, personality, eye color, favorite weapon, favorite sports team) and hand wave the rest? If the PCs interact with it, it has all the abilities the story needs. Want to send the PCs to North Dakota? it can teleport them. Ignore the spells, the weight limits, the rules, the god just waves a hand/paw/tentacle/giant foam finger (GO BEARS!) and the party is in Fargo. If the party wants to attack the god, because what party of chaos-monkey players wouldn't, have their blasts bounce off, be ignored, or pass through it. It's a god. If they irritate the god, Splat the ringleader via fiat and move on.(Sorry, player, your attempt to shove a tactical nuke in his underwear has angered the god of fish. You drown on dry land. Your character is dead. You can roll up a new one while we continue this scene.)

If you must give god a phone number, there are many resources for this. gods and monsters, Conversion book 2: Pantheons, and Powers unlimited 2 off the top of my head.

Re: God creation

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2018 5:28 am
by Nekira Sudacne
Axelmania wrote:Here is an idea. We know a couple gods who started as demigods - Herakls and Dionysus.

Godling template + Demigod template = God template?

Eh. A casual glance through either Pantheons or Dragons & gods reveals that even the lesser deities have abilities and stats that Demigod+godling doesn't add up to

Re: God creation

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2018 7:39 am
by SolCannibal
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Axelmania wrote:Here is an idea. We know a couple gods who started as demigods - Herakls and Dionysus.

Godling template + Demigod template = God template?

Eh. A casual glance through either Pantheons or Dragons & gods reveals that even the lesser deities have abilities and stats that Demigod+godling doesn't add up to

True, even more so for Dragons & Gods that pretty much adds a whole new set of "godly mechanics" & systems to the mix.

Re: God creation

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 5:56 pm
by Axelmania
Nekira Sudacne wrote:
Axelmania wrote:Here is an idea. We know a couple gods who started as demigods - Herakls and Dionysus.

Godling template + Demigod template = God template?

Eh. A casual glance through either Pantheons or Dragons & gods reveals that even the lesser deities have abilities and stats that Demigod+godling doesn't add up to

Demigods can have a deific ability similar to the parent, which opens the ground for any strangeness not available under godling templates.

By "stat" do you mean MDC or PPE? Attribute-wise I don't think any lesser deities have any which I could get by synergizing those templates.

The only problem I can see there is monsters like Atlas/Magni with their uberPS