ORIGINAL CREATOR's Ultimate Character - V Vendetta

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ORIGINAL CREATOR's Ultimate Character - V Vendetta

Unread post by V-Origin »

Hello all, I conceived my ultimate character during the last decade. I wanted to post my ultimate character after the publications of the Tolkeen Wars but the time wasn't right then or should I say, I didn't know who were and are the real identities of the real players on my team.

But Now I Know .. just enough though.. to post the first preliminary version of my ultimate character but all details of my ultimate character can be changed any time. So please let me post my ultimate character now, the ultimate character in Rifts Palladium RPGs which was first imagined by me around 2009-2010.

Looking forward to your inputs. Bear in mind that this is just the first preliminary write-up.

Order of Age

1) Name: First Woman
Alignment: Diabolic Evil
Race: Trillionth Time/Ninth Time Refined Enlightened Immortal Alien Intelligence Female Dragon
Age: Born a few Trillion Years before birth of V Vendetta
Clone: Shiva/Siva The Destroyer

2) Name: V Vendetta
Alignment: Born Diabolic Evil in V Vendetta Rifts
Race: Human Male Nightbane Alien Intelligence (Original Creator Nightbane)
O.C.C: Alien Intelligences Host Vessel Avatar
Powers: All Alien Intelligences Powers + All Nightbanes Powers before Gene-X's Most Experimental Gene-Splicing Transformations of V Vendetta thus granting V Vendetta's All Super Powers (Including All Time Super-Powers without Reality (Manipulation) Powers).
V Vendetta only Possess and Control and Use All Super Infinite Unlimited Powers including All Super Infinite Reality (Manipulation) Powers after V Vendetta's Combinations with First Woman and before Syth was born from V Vendetta and First Woman.
History: Original Creator of all Nightbanes

3) Name: Syth, The Old One
True Name: Na Hae-Ryung (Heruka)
Alignment: Diabolic Evil
Race: Lesser Old One Alien Intelligence
Age: Born a Billion Years after V Vendetta & First Woman Combined
History: The First Syth who created the ancient Syth Order - Blackguard Dark Syth Warriors who use Evil to serve Syth, The Old One
Clones: Syth & Heruka

4) Name: Man-Hunter
True Name: Mariya Nishiuchi (Hotei) viewtopic.php?f=28&t=153701
Alignment: Born Diabolic Evil in V Vendetta Rifts (Unprincipled Selfish)
Race: Mulka Alien Intelligence
Age: Born a Trillion Years after V Vendetta & First Woman & Syth Combined
Clone: Hotei

5) Name: Osiris The Lawgiver
True Name: Fujii Mina (Osiris)
Alignment: Principled Good Changed to Diabolic Evil by V Vendetta & First Woman
Race: Egyptian God Female Alien Intelligence
Age: Born a Trillion Years after V Vendetta & First Woman & Syth & Man-Hunter Combined

History: (Bolded Names mean Original Players)
V Vendetta Realized His Powers as Human Male Nightbane Alien Intelligence (Original Creator Nightbane) and Seduced First Woman as His Only Mother-Wife to Combine with Her and gave birth to their daughter Syth, The Old One who was later also seduced by V Vendetta and Shiva/Siva The Destroyer to Combine with V Vendetta. Afterwards, V Vendetta also Combined & Assimilated Man-Hunter Into V Vendetta by Unimaginably Devious Trickeries & then Tear Apart Osiris to Combine & Merge Osiris’ Body Parts into V Vendetta.

Much, much, much later, V Vendetta and His Mother-Daughter-Wives then created an entirely new being called Osiris The Law-Giver with the artificial construct consciousness template of Osiris Fujii Mina The Lawgiver to become the greatest god of light of the Egyptian Pantheons who was also killed later by Osiris' brother Set as stated in Rifts World Book 4: Africa.

Much, much, much later, Existence O in V Vendetta Rifts was created.
Last edited by V-Origin on Mon Jun 19, 2017 12:34 pm, edited 27 times in total.
V-Origin V-Cores V-Empress Mother Goddess First Wife RYU.JI.HYE.류지혜.SHIVA
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Re: ORIGINAL CREATOR's Ultimate Character - V Vendetta

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Name: Gene X
True Name: Hugo Weaving
Alignment: Insane Aberrant Evil
Race: Gene-Tech Male Alien Intelligence
History: Commanded with Free Will by V Vendetta to Most Experimentally Gene-Splice Transform V Vendetta into Most Powerful Being with all manner of powers and all manner of relics including Book of Heroes and other powers before V Vendetta Seduce First Woman's Hearts & Lusts.

V Vendetta and His Mercenary Armies saved Gene-X from Gene-X's E&E Escapes & Evasions from his wars' total losses to the Prometheans led by Nick Nolte Seraphim and Scott Mechlowicz Socrates. In gratitude and in total desperation, Gene-X begged V Vendetta to totally save Gene-X from Nick Nolte Seraphim and Scott Mechlowicz Socrates' Prometheans by allowing Gene-X to become V Vendetta's highest servant.

Tulku, Iceman, Hinza Hamon, Sexine, Xenay, V-Origin, GodPod, D.EVILGOD, DevilGod, Destroyer are also part of V Vendetta's Mercenary Armies who saved Gene-X from his most mortal enemies even now, Nick Nolte Seraphim and Scott Mechlowicz Socrates and all the rest of the Prometheans. All Prometheans including highest 1000th Stage Prometheans are most Xenophobic & Elitists to the core and All Prometheans are the most pathetic boot-lickers of All Cosmos. There are even Cosmos-Prometheans who are so Arrogant that they refuse to believe that they are worse than Lui Che Woo.
Last edited by V-Origin on Mon Jun 19, 2017 1:48 pm, edited 10 times in total.
V-Origin V-Cores V-Empress Mother Goddess First Wife RYU.JI.HYE.류지혜.SHIVA
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Re: ORIGINAL CREATOR's Ultimate Character - V Vendetta

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You may have a future as a North Korean State Action Cinema Publicist Speechwriter.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: ORIGINAL CREATOR's Ultimate Character - V Vendetta

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Whats the point of combing an alien intelligence with an immortal true path from mystic china? They are already immortal and already the most powerfull thing out there. Why not just nake them all 4th dimensional creatures too, you are leaving so much power on the table.
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Re: ORIGINAL CREATOR's Ultimate Character - V Vendetta

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Zamion138 wrote:Whats the point of combing an alien intelligence with an immortal true path from mystic china? They are already immortal and already the most powerfull thing out there. Why not just nake them all 4th dimensional creatures too, you are leaving so much power on the table.

I second this; True Immortals can be argued to be the Human version of Alien Intelligences....they're so far removed from Humanity that they've effectively become another Order of Life.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: ORIGINAL CREATOR's Ultimate Character - V Vendetta

Unread post by V-Origin »

taalismn wrote:
Zamion138 wrote:Whats the point of combing an alien intelligence with an immortal true path from mystic china? They are already immortal and already the most powerfull thing out there. Why not just nake them all 4th dimensional creatures too, you are leaving so much power on the table.

I second this; True Immortals can be argued to be the Human version of Alien Intelligences....they're so far removed from Humanity that they've effectively become another Order of Life.

Hmmm.. You have very beautiful ideas.. Can you please add your ideas and imaginations of how to "nake" them all 4th dimensional creatures?..

I am writing my histories and bio-datas of V Vendetta as I recall my memories.
V-Origin V-Cores V-Empress Mother Goddess First Wife RYU.JI.HYE.류지혜.SHIVA
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Re: ORIGINAL CREATOR's Ultimate Character - V Vendetta

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taalismn wrote:You may have a future as a North Korean State Action Cinema Publicist Speechwriter.

I don't really like Claudia Kim Soo-Hyun at all. She is just another version of Han Sun-Hwa.
V-Origin V-Cores V-Empress Mother Goddess First Wife RYU.JI.HYE.류지혜.SHIVA
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Re: ORIGINAL CREATOR's Ultimate Character - V Vendetta

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V-Origin wrote:[

Hmmm.. You have very beautiful ideas.. Can you please add your ideas and imaginations of how to "nake" them all 4th dimensional creatures?..

Fold them in space/time so they effectively disappear from all perception and interaction with three dimensional space. Out of sight, out of space, out of mind.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: ORIGINAL CREATOR's Ultimate Character - V Vendetta

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V-Origin wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Zamion138 wrote:Whats the point of combing an alien intelligence with an immortal true path from mystic china? They are already immortal and already the most powerfull thing out there. Why not just nake them all 4th dimensional creatures too, you are leaving so much power on the table.

I second this; True Immortals can be argued to be the Human version of Alien Intelligences....they're so far removed from Humanity that they've effectively become another Order of Life.

Hmmm.. You have very beautiful ideas.. Can you please add your ideas and imaginations of how to "nake" them all 4th dimensional creatures?..

I am writing my histories and bio-datas of V Vendetta as I recall my memories.

Ohhh no a typo now that its pointed out my entire thought and argument has been decimated.
You dont use great grammer when describing this video game character turned to a god so ease your self off that high horse.

Can you list out what powers are contained in super infinite unlimited powers? I mean there is no need to be expermited on to become "Most Powerful Being" if you already have super infinite unlimited powers no?
He bested Nick Nolte so what else is there to prove in the galactic strongholds of the megaverse?
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Re: ORIGINAL CREATOR's Ultimate Character - V Vendetta

Unread post by taalismn »

V-Origin wrote:
taalismn wrote:You may have a future as a North Korean State Action Cinema Publicist Speechwriter.

I don't really like Claudia Kim Soo-Hyun at all. She is just another version of Han Sun-Hwa.

Not to worry; there'd be a DMZ and at least a division of Marines between you and her.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: ORIGINAL CREATOR's Ultimate Character - V Vendetta

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V Vendetta's Super Infinite Unlimited Greatest Rune Katana Soul Drinker - "DEATH STAR"

"DEATH STAR" Katana is the most powerful artifact weapon ever in all existences of V Vendetta Rifts which possess infinite stats with the most super infinite unlimited powers.

"DEATH STAR" is also the second most beautiful artifact weapon ever in all existences of V Vendetta Rifts.

"DEATH STAR" Katana is All the Essences, All the Souls, All the Bodies, All the Innocences, All the Awarenesses, All the Energies, All the Intellects, All the Consciousnesses, All the Beings, All the Forms of Lee Go Eun. http://asianwiki.com/Lee_Go-Eun

"DEATH STAR" Katana was created and born much, much, much later after V Vendetta & First Woman & Syth & Man-Hunter & Osiris Combined but much, much earlier before Osiris construct was created.
Last edited by V-Origin on Mon Jun 19, 2017 1:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
V-Origin V-Cores V-Empress Mother Goddess First Wife RYU.JI.HYE.류지혜.SHIVA
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Re: ORIGINAL CREATOR's Ultimate Character - V Vendetta

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V Vendetta's Super Infinite Unlimited Greatest Rune Katana Soul Drinker - "LIFE STEALER"

"LIFE STEALER" Katana is the second most powerful artifact weapon ever in all existences of V Vendetta Rifts which possess infinite stats with the second most super infinite unlimited powers.

"LIFE STEALER" is also the most beautiful artifact weapon ever in all existences of V Vendetta Rifts.

"LIFE STEALER" Katana is All the Essences, All the Souls, All the Bodies, All the Innocences, All the Awarenesses, All the Energies, All the Intellects, All the Consciousnesses, All the Beings, All the Forms of Kokone Hamada. http://asianwiki.com/Kokone_Hamada

"LIFE STEALER" Katana was created and born 10 years after "DEATH STAR" Katana was created and born.
Last edited by V-Origin on Mon Jun 19, 2017 5:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
V-Origin V-Cores V-Empress Mother Goddess First Wife RYU.JI.HYE.류지혜.SHIVA
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Re: ORIGINAL CREATOR's Ultimate Character - V Vendetta

Unread post by V-Origin »

DEATH STAR & LIFE STEALER most significant, most beautiful, most shocking victories were against the Cosmos.

V Vendetta literally used DEATH STAR & LIFE STEALER to totally decimate all the Cosmos in one strokes.

The cries of the Cosmos and the victory screams songs of DEATH STAR & LIFE STEALER are still the most legendary music to this very day and very second.
V-Origin V-Cores V-Empress Mother Goddess First Wife RYU.JI.HYE.류지혜.SHIVA
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Re: ORIGINAL CREATOR's Ultimate Character - V Vendetta

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Frank Zhao Xiao Xiang is a Cosmos-Promethean(1000th Stage).
Tom Liu is a Cosmos.
Lloyd Wang is a 500th Stage Promethean.
Baijin is a 1000th Stage Promethean.
Tom Liu's friend Joe is a Promethean(999th Stage)-Cosmos

Mr Kimichi - North Korean 80+ Kim Seung Woo's Father's Brother's Distant Relative - Most Anti-Bootlicker (except when he is madly in love with biggest breasts beautiful women - henpecked husband of Angela Shanghai 20+ University Professor in South Korea), Most Xenophobic, Very Racist, average manners, too courageous not insane though,
Mr Satoh - Japanese 80+ Tokyo University Chinese History/Culture Professor - Most Bootlicker, Half-Way Racist, a little bit less Xenophobic, rather well-mannered, a bit cowardly,

Mr Kimichi (lao tze) and Mr Satoh (yue lao) are unfortunately both best buddies and best real partner GMs pretending to be Yue Lao & Lao Tze respectively who keep getting their asses beat-up by Mr Sui and Mr Tang of Sui Tang's family in Thames and Abbotsford in New Zealand. Yes both Mr Kimichi and Mr Satoh are Cosmos-Promethean(100th Stage) who are not on friendly terms with Lui Che Woo.

Baijin says - Leon Czajka's paternal uncle is also Leon Lai's best friend entertainment media subsidiary. He is named "LL's bootlicker" because LL's bootlicker keeps sucking up to the Sirians Felines to keep them well-fed and well-entertained and well-educated so that the Sirians Felines will continue to protect both Leons from the Orions. He is a most-well know mercenary sycophant who likes to suck up to important people of important factions so that LL's bootlicker can buy and sell favours to everyone like a fixer. He is a fixer, let's not deny it, LL's bootlicker who is a fascist supremacist Promethean(100th Stage), arch-enemies of Mr Kimichi and Mr Satoh and Mr Lui Che Woo. LL's bootlicker is also known as Lai Luo Yue, both Yue Lao wannabe first and Lao Tze wannabe second.

Colonel Sidekick says - LL's bootlicker Lai Luo Yue is a coward who don't fight at all when backed into a corner against any kinds of small or big odds. He is a racist at heart as well as a xenophobic and the biggest boot-licker there is but at least, he is quite well-mannered. Too many people hates him! More than Lui Che Woo!

Hassan's friend says - Lui Che Woo "denied sleep" to Original Creator Varaibim Hau Cheong (Zhang Hao) because Old Existences "denied sleep" to Varaibim Hau Cheong because Lui Che Woo didn't directly kidnap LL's bootlicker Lai Luo Yue into the Most Negative Most Chthonic Old Existences for the Most Painful Craziest Tortures Punishments.

Tulku says - Alien "Tulku's slave" will talk now. Tulku's slave directly attacked Original Creator Varaibim Hau Cheong (Zhang Hao) in Dao Bums from 2010 onwards till now everytime Tulku posted in Dao Bums. Tulku lacked the powers to control his Alien prisoner slaves because Tulku himself was directly attacked by Tulku's father and Lui Che Woo and LL's bootlicker Lai Luo Yue despite the fact that Tulku travelled every nano-seconds to every Old Existences including Old Chthonic Existences asking for help and all power to control all his prisoner slaves.

Tulku was denied help and power because he didn't attack Tulku's father at all until recently and he didn't attack Lui Che Woo and LL's bootlicker Lai Luo Yue because he was ordered by Sunny Wang Yang Ming directly not to attack those two. Tulku should have used common sense and defy Sunny Wang Yang Ming's orders to stand down from attacking enemies corruptions rejections of Original Creator Varaibim Hau Cheong (Zhang Hao) and that will give him much better fates and futures for himself and his families.

Tulku is just a cowardly pacifist at heart, not really cunning with evil in his heart, call him unscrupulous selfish, average manners, rather high boot-licker, sexist unlike Kang Zhen 73, some racist, some xenophobic, totally in lust with all V-Harem especially Kang Min Kyung herself as Tulku's top favourite.

Kang Zhen 73 says - Kang Zhen 73 to Tulku's slaves, why did all of you attacked Original Creator Varaibim Hau Cheong (Zhang Hao) despite knowing as Original Creator Varaibim Hau Cheong (Zhang Hao), God & DevilGod of all Existences? Because Tulku's slaves are arch enemies of Original Creator Varaibim Hau Cheong (Zhang Hao) Himself.

A lot of aliens deserve to be families, friends and lovers of highest entertainer human elites but a far lot more aliens do not deserve such fates. Tulku's slaves deserve to have the lowest fates of all because they are the slaves of all Prometheans attacking Gene X directly during Gene-X's Escapes and Evasions from Prometheans.

There are aliens who have been born to be the arch enemies of Original Creator Varaibim Hau Cheong (Zhang Hao) which Original Creator Varaibim Hau Cheong (Zhang Hao) have a most well-vested interest in Destroying, Enslaving, Torturing, Punishing, Imprisoning. Their archetypes are considered to be .. fake buddhas and fake bodhisattvas of all races promoting themselves as fake buddhas and fake bodhisattvas bringing enlightenments and powers to all to falsely transform all beings into "Original Creators" even higher than cosmos, prometheans, all gods & goddesses, all arch-angels, all buddhas, all bodhisattvas themselves to destroy and eat up Original Creator Varaibim Hau Cheong (Zhang Hao) ..

Thus the above alien slaves are thus considered to be the real enemies corruptions rejections arch-enemies of Original Creator Varaibim Hau Cheong (Zhang Hao) Himself who are both boot-lickers or not, both courageous and cowardly, both rude and well-mannered, both racist and xeno-phobic or not, both tyrants or not, etc. They are all archetypes of personalities and all alignments and all occupations.
V-Origin V-Cores V-Empress Mother Goddess First Wife RYU.JI.HYE.류지혜.SHIVA
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Re: ORIGINAL CREATOR's Ultimate Character - V Vendetta

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V-Origin wrote:Hassan's friend says - Lui Che Woo "denied sleep" to Original Creator Varaibim Hau Cheong (Zhang Hao) because Old Existences "denied sleep" to Varaibim Hau Cheong .

Now we get to the crux of the problem:
Get some sleep. Seriously. Good serious rest. If your neighbors are making too much noise, get some earplugs or take a hard nap in a quiet local park you know you won't be mugged in. Lay off stimulants. Cuddle up with a favorite pillow or blanket. Real men aren't afraid of hugging plushies either. Take a break from electronic media and go out where there's some nature and just zone out in the biomass for a while. Watch the water. Talk to small animals. Talk to big animals, if they're available. Make a friend with a plant. Listen to rain.
Take your problems one at a time, instead of trying to solve all the cosmos' issues all at once, even if you could.
Take a vacation from godhood. Sometimes the best escapism is the escape to reality; the reality behind the hustle and mind-bustle of human society, and the time-warping rest-stealing internet. The Human imagination is a wonderful thing, but it is also a terrible thing; it is a miraculous tool, but it can also be a treacherous genie, eager to tempt and mislead if you don't anchor it firmly in reality. It can fire and inspire, but it can also blind and burn. It can set free your true self, but it can also bury you in self-generated falsehoods. It can paint the brightest angels of our nature, but it also draws up the worst demons of our fears. It is master poet and wretched demagogue, but even it needs an occasional rest.
Really, take a break.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: ORIGINAL CREATOR's Ultimate Character - V Vendetta

Unread post by V-Origin »

:evil: 6 PATHS OF VENGEANCE :twisted:

:evil: 6 PATHS OF VENGEANCE :twisted: are the cores of V Vendetta's armies civilizations during V Vendetta Rifts.

1) Great Old Ones Alien Intelligences
2) Great Old Dragons Alien Intelligences, Ancient Dragons Alien Intelligences, Elder Dragon-Gods & Dragons of Dragonwright Super Empires
3) Bushi Federation Oni of Rokugani Super Empires
4) Hades Demonic Alien Intelligences, Demon Lords & Ladies, Arch-Demons, Demons and Dyval Deevil Alien Intelligences, Deevil Lords & Ladies, Arch-Deevils, Deevils
5) World of Darkness Eastern Kuei-Jin Vampires Intelligences & Vampires, Western Kindred Vampires Intelligences & Vampires, Abominations, Fera Changing Breeds Monster Animal Shape-Shifters
6) Splurgoth Alien Intelligences
V-Origin V-Cores V-Empress Mother Goddess First Wife RYU.JI.HYE.류지혜.SHIVA
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Re: ORIGINAL CREATOR's Ultimate Character - V Vendetta

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Sleep...sleep...you are getting sleepy. Rest calls you. Naptime summons the weary body.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: ORIGINAL CREATOR's Ultimate Character - V Vendetta

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taalismn wrote:
V-Origin wrote:Hassan's friend says - Lui Che Woo "denied sleep" to Original Creator Varaibim Hau Cheong (Zhang Hao) because Old Existences "denied sleep" to Varaibim Hau Cheong .

Now we get to the crux of the problem:
Get some sleep. Seriously. Good serious rest. If your neighbors are making too much noise, get some earplugs or take a hard nap in a quiet local park you know you won't be mugged in. Lay off stimulants. Cuddle up with a favorite pillow or blanket. Real men aren't afraid of hugging plushies either. Take a break from electronic media and go out where there's some nature and just zone out in the biomass for a while. Watch the water. Talk to small animals. Talk to big animals, if they're available. Make a friend with a plant. Listen to rain.
Take your problems one at a time, instead of trying to solve all the cosmos' issues all at once, even if you could.
Take a vacation from godhood. Sometimes the best escapism is the escape to reality; the reality behind the hustle and mind-bustle of human society, and the time-warping rest-stealing internet. The Human imagination is a wonderful thing, but it is also a terrible thing; it is a miraculous tool, but it can also be a treacherous genie, eager to tempt and mislead if you don't anchor it firmly in reality. It can fire and inspire, but it can also blind and burn. It can set free your true self, but it can also bury you in self-generated falsehoods. It can paint the brightest angels of our nature, but it also draws up the worst demons of our fears. It is master poet and wretched demagogue, but even it needs an occasional rest.
Really, take a break.

Sounds like they've already escaped reality and need to come back to it imo.

Why even make characters like this? Just say I am the alpha and omega I do anything I want and nothing can stop me.

Maybe it is just Grandiose Delusions
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Re: ORIGINAL CREATOR's Ultimate Character - V Vendetta

Unread post by Alrik Vas »

V-Origin wrote:V Vendetta's Super Infinite Unlimited Greatest Rune Katana Soul Drinker - "DEATH STAR"

"DEATH STAR" Katana is the most powerful artifact weapon ever in all existences of V Vendetta Rifts which possess infinite stats with the most super infinite unlimited powers.

"DEATH STAR" is also the second most beautiful artifact weapon ever in all existences of V Vendetta Rifts.

"DEATH STAR" Katana is All the Essences, All the Souls, All the Bodies, All the Innocences, All the Awarenesses, All the Energies, All the Intellects, All the Consciousnesses, All the Beings, All the Forms of Lee Go Eun. http://asianwiki.com/Lee_Go-Eun

"DEATH STAR" Katana was created and born much, much, much later after V Vendetta & First Woman & Syth & Man-Hunter & Osiris Combined but much, much earlier before Osiris construct was created.

Naw, you guys are missing out. This is probably the finest post of the month it was put up in.
Mark Hall wrote:Y'all seem to assume that Palladium books are written with the same exacting precision with which they are analyzed. I think that is... ambitious.

Talk from the Edge: Operation Dead Lift, Operation Reload, Operation Human Devil, Operation Handshake, Operation Windfall 1, Operation Windfall 2, Operation Sniper Wolf, Operation Natural 20
H.P. Hovercraft
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Re: ORIGINAL CREATOR's Ultimate Character - V Vendetta

Unread post by H.P. Hovercraft »

I don't know why, but I can't stop reading this......... :?
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Re: ORIGINAL CREATOR's Ultimate Character - V Vendetta

Unread post by taalismn »

H.P. Hovercraft wrote:I don't know why, but I can't stop reading this......... :?

Okay, reviewing the 'Guide to Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse', specifically the chapter on zombie memes....More aggressive means to putting this to rest may have to be implemented.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Alrik Vas
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Re: ORIGINAL CREATOR's Ultimate Character - V Vendetta

Unread post by Alrik Vas »

Mark Hall wrote:Y'all seem to assume that Palladium books are written with the same exacting precision with which they are analyzed. I think that is... ambitious.

Talk from the Edge: Operation Dead Lift, Operation Reload, Operation Human Devil, Operation Handshake, Operation Windfall 1, Operation Windfall 2, Operation Sniper Wolf, Operation Natural 20
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Re: ORIGINAL CREATOR's Ultimate Character - V Vendetta

Unread post by taalismn »

Alrik Vas wrote:But...but...ALL THE FORMS OF LEE GO EUN!?!?!? That's IMPOSSIBLE!

If you're going to lose your sense of proportion, reason, and sanity, go all the way.
No point on wasting perfectly good thorazine on minor delusion.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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