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Ruling on one handed shooting

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 3:42 pm
by Dinne
I know that gunslingers have an ability that lets them shoot rifles with one hand.

I seem to remember a ruling that over a certain strength, in robotic or supernatural, that allows characters to effectively hold rifles and large weapons in one hand (w/ no penalties). So you would have, for example, a full conversion cyborg with 4x arms and a large gun in each.

I could have swore this was a rule from the books. If someone could point me to the correct material or confirm what I seem to remember I would extremely grateful!

As always, thank you!

Re: Ruling on one handed shooting

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 10:38 am
by filo_clarke
The rule in in Heroes Unlimited 2nd edition, p.78

Re: Ruling on one handed shooting

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2017 4:31 pm
by wyrmraker
It's also one of the six abilities from the skill Sharpshooting, of which the Gunslinger gets all six. I use the version from Conversion Book One, Revised.

Re: Ruling on one handed shooting

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 12:25 pm
by Dinne
Well, crap... I don't have any of the Heroes Unlimited books. lol

I'm just going to assume it's a not that they can't do it w/o the skill or a description in the gun saying they can.

Re: Ruling on one handed shooting

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 12:43 pm
by filo_clarke
Heroes Unlimited allows "anyone" to do it, albeit at severe penalties. It also specifies what levels of strength (Normal, Extraordinary, Superhuman, Supernatural) and corresponding PS Scores, are required to fire Heavy Weapons one handed.

It also provided the basis for making Ricochet Shots and other Trick Shooting, without the Sharpshooting skill/special abilities.