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Is Hell Followed worth buying?

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 6:48 pm
by Kargan3033
I'd like to hear from my fellow gamers who have brought Hell Followed, is it worth buying, maybe a brief run down on the book if you don't mind, thanks.

Re: Is Hell Followed worth buying?

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 1:30 am
by Unfortunate Son
It is so worth buying. 11 new zombie types seven classes, even if two are over powered. It adds some NPCs for your use and rules on disasters. And then you got the conspiracy section. Plenty of stuff for both GM's and players alike.

Re: Is Hell Followed worth buying?

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:07 am
by Kargan3033
Unfortunate Son wrote:It is so worth buying. 11 new zombie types seven classes, even if two are over powered. It adds some NPCs for your use and rules on disasters. And then you got the conspiracy section. Plenty of stuff for both GM's and players alike.

Thank you for your input, I'll give it a shot when I have the cash to buy it.

Re: Is Hell Followed worth buying?

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 2:34 pm
by Omega6
I am running a game that is using content from it currently. The drone construction information is useful and relevant. With the popularity and availability of civilian drones today, it makes sense that people would be using them to scout their surroundings in a disastrous situation.

Re: Is Hell Followed worth buying?

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 1:34 pm
by Eric42
I just got this book, along with the other five sourcebooks, and I would say it is worth it. I haven't fully looked at it, just looked through it, but it has a lot of stuff in it. And it is bigger than the other sourcebooks by far.

"11 new zombie types seven classes, even if two are over powered."

I'd like to know which are the two "overpowered" ones.

Re: Is Hell Followed worth buying?

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 6:53 pm
by Unfortunate Son
One Percenter and One Man Army start off with a a lot of gear. And I mean a ton.

Re: Is Hell Followed worth buying?

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 10:29 pm
by slade the sniper
It is a good supplement. I actually use most of the stuff for a Chaos Earth campaign and it fits well.


Re: Is Hell Followed worth buying?

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 3:09 pm
by Kargan3033
slade the sniper wrote:It is a good supplement. I actually use most of the stuff for a Chaos Earth campaign and it fits well.


Really what do you use from CE in DR that does not throw the DR game balance out of wack.

Re: Is Hell Followed worth buying?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 6:01 pm
by eliakon
Kargan3033 wrote:
slade the sniper wrote:It is a good supplement. I actually use most of the stuff for a Chaos Earth campaign and it fits well.


Really what do you use from CE in DR that does not throw the DR game balance out of wack.

I think he means he uses the DR stuff to provide survivors for his CE game.

As for DR... there really isn't much that you can add to the game that will really 'unbalance' it. The situation doesn't change after all... your doomed, there is no hope and it is just a study on seeing how long until you all die horribly.

Re: Is Hell Followed worth buying?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 6:19 pm
by dreicunan
eliakon wrote:
Kargan3033 wrote:
slade the sniper wrote:It is a good supplement. I actually use most of the stuff for a Chaos Earth campaign and it fits well.


Really what do you use from CE in DR that does not throw the DR game balance out of wack.

I think he means he uses the DR stuff to provide survivors for his CE game.

As for DR... there really isn't much that you can add to the game that will really 'unbalance' it. The situation doesn't change after all... your doomed, there is no hope and it is just a study on seeing how long until you all die horribly.

A super-hero with the powers of zombie-flesh and immortality would go a long way to ensuring the surivial of the human race in the DR setting. :D

Re: Is Hell Followed worth buying?

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 6:31 pm
by eliakon
dreicunan wrote:
eliakon wrote:
Kargan3033 wrote:
slade the sniper wrote:It is a good supplement. I actually use most of the stuff for a Chaos Earth campaign and it fits well.


Really what do you use from CE in DR that does not throw the DR game balance out of wack.

I think he means he uses the DR stuff to provide survivors for his CE game.

As for DR... there really isn't much that you can add to the game that will really 'unbalance' it. The situation doesn't change after all... your doomed, there is no hope and it is just a study on seeing how long until you all die horribly.

A super-hero with the powers of zombie-flesh and immortality would go a long way to ensuring the surivial of the human race in the DR setting. :D

Or at least of one human.
OR they would end up being chewed to pieces by zombies and spend the next few billion years as an agonized pile of raw meat spread all over waiting for the sun to go red giant and put them out of their misery.

Re: Is Hell Followed worth buying?

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 2:16 pm
by dreicunan
eliakon wrote:
dreicunan wrote:
eliakon wrote:
Kargan3033 wrote:
slade the sniper wrote:It is a good supplement. I actually use most of the stuff for a Chaos Earth campaign and it fits well.


Really what do you use from CE in DR that does not throw the DR game balance out of wack.

I think he means he uses the DR stuff to provide survivors for his CE game.

As for DR... there really isn't much that you can add to the game that will really 'unbalance' it. The situation doesn't change after all... your doomed, there is no hope and it is just a study on seeing how long until you all die horribly.

A super-hero with the powers of zombie-flesh and immortality would go a long way to ensuring the surivial of the human race in the DR setting. :D

Or at least of one human.
OR they would end up being chewed to pieces by zombies and spend the next few billion years as an agonized pile of raw meat spread all over waiting for the sun to go red giant and put them out of their misery.
Possible. Immortality and APS Fire or APS Plasma might be a better choice (Actually, there are a number of APS powers that would work pretty well). Of course, since the zombies strength is never stated to be in an exceptional category, just doubled from what it was when alive, strictly speaking APS Metal or plain old Invulnerability would keep them from doing any damage to you.

Add on Detonation from Power Unlimited 1 as a minor power or Self-Explosion from Powers Unlimited 3 so that you can't ever get swarmed, and you can put together a pretty handy one-man zombie extermination squad (perhaps literally with Multiple Selves).

Re: Is Hell Followed worth buying?

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 3:02 pm
by eliakon
That still doesn't 'help' much in the long run.
Okay, so your unkillable.
And then when everyone else is dead?

The game can't be 'won' as there is no outcome possible but "and then everyone dies horribly, The End."
It is like the Highschool of the Dead where they end on a fade to black with the implication that regardless of what they were doing they are all doomed to die anyway.

Re: Is Hell Followed worth buying?

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 10:21 pm
by dreicunan
eliakon wrote:That still doesn't 'help' much in the long run.
Okay, so your unkillable.
And then when everyone else is dead?

The game can't be 'won' as there is no outcome possible but "and then everyone dies horribly, The End."
It is like the Highschool of the Dead where they end on a fade to black with the implication that regardless of what they were doing they are all doomed to die anyway.

You must have Dead Reign confused with a different game, because there is no walking dead style "everyone becomes a zombie upon death" situation. You can most definitely "win." Use your powers to keep other survivors alive and outlast the zombies. Take out the Death Cults. It may not be easy, but it is doable.

Re: Is Hell Followed worth buying?

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 11:18 pm
by eliakon
dreicunan wrote:
eliakon wrote:That still doesn't 'help' much in the long run.
Okay, so your unkillable.
And then when everyone else is dead?

The game can't be 'won' as there is no outcome possible but "and then everyone dies horribly, The End."
It is like the Highschool of the Dead where they end on a fade to black with the implication that regardless of what they were doing they are all doomed to die anyway.

You must have Dead Reign confused with a different game, because there is no walking dead style "everyone becomes a zombie upon death" situation. You can most definitely "win." Use your powers to keep other survivors alive and outlast the zombies. Take out the Death Cults. It may not be easy, but it is doable.

I never said there was.
It is however a no win situation.
There is no possible way to outlast the zombies (they last forever unless killed).
On top of which, there are so many other issues.
-The zombies are insanely dangerous, nearly impossible to trick, and ludicrously hard to harm or kill
-The populations are so low that rebuilding is pretty much a no go
-Baring some major fiat and/or rewritting of the setting there is no where to rebuild let along start growing food...
...and the zombies of course will be drawn to your new habitations in their uncounted waves.

The setting seems to be one of "lets see how long we can last this time"... but long term it has less optimisim and hope that Call of Cthulhu or Paranoia.

It can be rewritten wholesale into something less bleak sure...
...but as written it is "humanity already lost, everyone is dead... just some of them just haven't realized it yet." (as in your all doomed to die, not some sort of mystical actual 'your dead')

Re: Is Hell Followed worth buying?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2018 12:19 am
by dreicunan
eliakon wrote:
dreicunan wrote:
eliakon wrote:That still doesn't 'help' much in the long run.
Okay, so your unkillable.
And then when everyone else is dead?

The game can't be 'won' as there is no outcome possible but "and then everyone dies horribly, The End."
It is like the Highschool of the Dead where they end on a fade to black with the implication that regardless of what they were doing they are all doomed to die anyway.

You must have Dead Reign confused with a different game, because there is no walking dead style "everyone becomes a zombie upon death" situation. You can most definitely "win." Use your powers to keep other survivors alive and outlast the zombies. Take out the Death Cults. It may not be easy, but it is doable.

I never said there was.
It is however a no win situation.
There is no possible way to outlast the zombies (they last forever unless killed).
On top of which, there are so many other issues.
-The zombies are insanely dangerous, nearly impossible to trick, and ludicrously hard to harm or kill
-The populations are so low that rebuilding is pretty much a no go
-Baring some major fiat and/or rewritting of the setting there is no where to rebuild let along start growing food...
...and the zombies of course will be drawn to your new habitations in their uncounted waves.

The setting seems to be one of "lets see how long we can last this time"... but long term it has less optimisim and hope that Call of Cthulhu or Paranoia.

It can be rewritten wholesale into something less bleak sure...
...but as written it is "humanity already lost, everyone is dead... just some of them just haven't realized it yet." (as in your all doomed to die, not some sort of mystical actual 'your dead')

Zombies do no last forever unless killed. Core book p. 23: "Even without PPE a zombie would live for 1d4 years." P. 24 goes on about it as well. Zombies need PPE taken from their prey to keep going. No PPE means eventual zombie death. Otherwise, the death priests wouldn't need to bother with their plan to keep zombies fed. Both the Death cult entry on p. 67 and Brad Astley's plan on p.77-78. Rules and fluff are in agreement here: zombies don't live forever with out getting PPE from slaying victims.

The rewrite of the setting would be making it what you have erroneously asserted it to be.

Re: Is Hell Followed worth buying?

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 7:47 pm
by slade the sniper
I did mean that I use DR in a CE/Rifts game, so it does not unbalance anything.

Also, for long term survival, why not get yourself a (few) nuke powered ships and live life that way...make an aqualogy or something nice like that?

I would figure that the navy plus the merchant marine would have at least tried that idea somewhere.