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Fires and other natural effects

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 4:08 am
by RainbowDevil
Hey folks,

So, for the second time so far, my After the Bomb group has decided to resolve disputes by setting buildings on fire and smoking/burning the bad guys out. No more wood structures for them! ;)

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knows if there are any rules for starting fires for Palladium games (whether it's Rifts, fantasy or modern)? Also, any extra environmental rules, such as the effects of bushfires, earthquakes, starvation/dehydration, etc would really help. I remember Rifts Canada had some extensive rules for the cold. Ideally if there was one book that had it all, that'd be best, but different books is fine too.



Re: Fires and other natural effects

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 11:49 pm
by Prysus
Greetings and Salutations. The topic of environmental factors has come up before. I always think if this thread (posted in three different forums so there's a variety of sources, though some ate likely repeated) ...




Hopefully you can find the rules that best suits you. Farewell and safe journeys.

Re: Fires and other natural effects

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 6:20 am
by RainbowDevil
Thanks a lot for that! :)

I tend to think it'd be possible to create a whole book on the wilderness, if you collected all the material out there - on cold weather, dehydration, disease, even geysers and stuff from the demon/deevil books. Even additional rules for tracking, building traps, etc. Honestly, I'd rather get that than some of the other sourcebooks out there, as it'd be useful for virtually any game.