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Racial skills questions

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 12:59 pm
I noticed that some races start out with some skills with bonuses. For instance, I saw the Elf starts with Dragonese/Elf at 98% with one other literacy skill +20%. Would these skills be considered OCC Skills or OCC Related skills due to their bonuses? Or just Secondary Skills?

Re: Racial skills questions

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 2:16 pm
by eliakon
(SHIFTY) wrote:I noticed that some races start out with some skills with bonuses. For instance, I saw the Elf starts with Dragonese/Elf at 98% with one other literacy skill +20%. Would these skills be considered OCC Skills or OCC Related skills due to their bonuses? Or just Secondary Skills?

Magic 8 ball says
Answer Hazy.

I will give you my best guess though.

Races getting skills is normally the province of R.C.C.s. which get them as "O.C.C. skills" (No I am not going to get into arguing the difference between RCCs and OCCs and Races and don't go there people)

Now Elf isn't an RCC, but it is in this limited way acting like one of those wacky "R.C.C.'s that can take an O.C.C." (again what ever that means I don't care to argue... I'm just calling it like its printed)

Thus, my best guess? Treat it the same way and assume it is an O.C.C. skill
This also allows for their language to be of good quality instead of poor (which is very 'elfish' I feel)

None of this is, as far as I know official or canon, just me speculating wildly so take it for what you will.

Re: Racial skills questions

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 1:27 am
by SpiritInterface
(SHIFTY) wrote:I noticed that some races start out with some skills with bonuses. For instance, I saw the Elf starts with Dragonese/Elf at 98% with one other literacy skill +20%. Would these skills be considered OCC Skills or OCC Related skills due to their bonuses? Or just Secondary Skills?

We treat them the same as but separate from OCC Skills.

Re: Racial skills questions

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 2:23 am
by Colonel_Tetsuya
(SHIFTY) wrote:I noticed that some races start out with some skills with bonuses. For instance, I saw the Elf starts with Dragonese/Elf at 98% with one other literacy skill +20%. Would these skills be considered OCC Skills or OCC Related skills due to their bonuses? Or just Secondary Skills?

I guess the question i have is....

Why does it matter? They get the skills listed at the percentages listed and/or bonuses listed. They dont need to be an OCC skill, or Related, or... anything, really.

Though they do sometimes raise other interesting questions (Wolfen, for instance, get a free ancient WP of choice... does this allow non-men-at-arms OCCs to take restricted WPs like paired? My answer as GM would be no, but theres a case to be kade for yes), but i dont think the question of what Type of skill it is matters.

Re: Racial skills questions

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 2:35 am
by Killer Cyborg
Colonel_Tetsuya wrote:
(SHIFTY) wrote:I noticed that some races start out with some skills with bonuses. For instance, I saw the Elf starts with Dragonese/Elf at 98% with one other literacy skill +20%. Would these skills be considered OCC Skills or OCC Related skills due to their bonuses? Or just Secondary Skills?

I guess the question i have is....

Why does it matter? They get the skills listed at the percentages listed and/or bonuses listed. They dont need to be an OCC skill, or Related, or... anything, really.


Re: Racial skills questions

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 11:25 am
by dreicunan
It could matter if the skill is a technical or domestic skill. Is your race just good at singing and dancing at an amateur level, or is your whole race professional level singers and dancers?

Re: Racial skills questions

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 3:42 pm
by The Beast
I'd treat them as OCC skills, since they were likely performing those skills from an early age.

Re: Racial skills questions

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 5:06 pm
by glitterboy2098
i tend to do it two, linked, ways.
first i see if the class's OCC skills cover any of them. most OCC's have "native language" for example, which would cover the race's language skill.

any racial skills not covered by the class's OCC skill selections options get added as bonus OCC skills.

Re: Racial skills questions

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 11:26 am
by JamelBF
glitterboy2098 wrote:i tend to do it two, linked, ways.
first i see if the class's OCC skills cover any of them. most OCC's have "native language" for example, which would cover the race's language skill.

any racial skills not covered by the class's OCC skill selections options get added as bonus OCC skills.

This is a good idea. I'll try the same.
I'll let you know if I get it. I'll share my experience. :-)

Re: Racial skills questions

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 12:06 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
(SHIFTY) wrote:I noticed that some races start out with some skills with bonuses. For instance, I saw the Elf starts with Dragonese/Elf at 98% with one other literacy skill +20%. Would these skills be considered OCC Skills or OCC Related skills due to their bonuses? Or just Secondary Skills?

They are what they are listed as, 'Racial Skills'.

In my understanding is that they are treated much like the Class Skills (whether the class skills are called PCC skills, RCC skills, or OCC skills) in that the char has them at 1st level, the skills mature with exp with the listed bonuses, and they can not be replaced (the char being psychic does not modify them).

Re: Racial skills questions

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 10:49 pm
by Slight001
I actually agree with drewkitty. I'd just treat racial skills as if they were part of the character's class skills and proceed as normal.

Re: Racial skills questions

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2017 5:04 pm
by Blue_Lion
I would say they are not OCC or OCC related but racial skills. Something that comes from being the race, races tend to be good at being themselves so I would say they are professional skills but are not tracked/treated as OCC skills. The reason I say this is if you use the optional rules for changing classes they would not in my opinion be locked with the old class. I would say they begin to advance again when the new class passes the old one.

Re: Racial skills questions

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 7:32 pm
by Myrrhibis
Treat as OCC Skill.

If there was room/a spot on the paper character sheet, we usually listed separately the racial skills. If not, it's listed in the OCC column with a note. (Or OCC Related if the OCC was a bit of a skill monkey)

Re: Racial skills questions

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 8:39 pm
by taalismn elf raised as a foundling by humans or goblins shouldn't have Language: Elven/Dragonese as a base skill unless it's definitely stated that they have some sort of high-order genetic memory that covers language skills. 'Native' language in the foundling case the might be a human language or Gobbley. :)