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What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 11:49 am
by LostOne
As far as I know what is on the other side of the Rockies is only vaguely detailed in the books. I can't remember anything real specific and nothing more than a fraction of a page. Lots of rumor, etc. It's a great mystery. I'm curious to hear what people have used in their games for what is beyond the Rockies? Have your characters traveled there? Why? What adventure ideas do you have for getting the players there or for things coming from there?

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 12:09 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
The far side of the Rockies (Which are actually 'new' mountains.. as the "Rockies" as we know them seem to have been rifted out and new taller mountains are in their place) has been purposefully left vague by kevin.

The implication always was "Something REALLY COOL is out there!! But..... Kevin just hadn't sat down to do the book yet!

New west or spirit west sort of side handedly slipps a few indian things out there but the feel is kinda like Kevin forgot he was holding things West of the Rockies in reserve and those got slipped past when he wasn't paying attention.

So.. "So far" West of the Rockies is "Supposed" To be unknown so far in the books. Not that there's nothing out there but Kevin's REALLY COOL Idead just hasn't been written down yet.

To Answer the OP, I've often wondered myself. The options are open and varied.

People don't realize that much of Cali is.... not 100% beautiful with out large human intervention. LA would revert to desert status with in a few years if human upkeep wasn't present. And that's with out even touching the massive earth quakes and tidal waves which would/should have eraced most of civilization south of.... Oregon.

Personally I've used the Pacific north west for a few kingdoms of Mutant Animals ATB Style (( NOT ROAD HOGS.)) I believe at one point we had 4 detailed kingdoms carved out in the Pacific North West. Different mindsets/politics/ acceptance of magic/etc. Of course one was a rather evil kingdom because... if you're going to have more than one kingdom one has to be the pricks right? lol.

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 12:13 pm
by Blue_Lion
A tech military power based out of joint base Lewis McCord.
A city defended by mystic martial artist in what once was Seattle.
A permanent rift inside Mt Rainier that only links to a dimension that appears to be uninhabited and filled with regenerating natural resources.
A few tech Indian tribes.
An evil elf slaver nation on the Olympic Peninsula.
Clone lab 13.
The Yakima invasion point.
The keepers fire.
The free robot republic.

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 1:24 pm
by Pepsi Jedi
Blue_Lion wrote:A tech military power based out of joint base Lewis Accord.
A city defended by mystic martial artist in what once was Seattle.
A permanent rift inside Mt Rainier that only links to a dimension that appears to be uninhabited and filled with regenerating natural resources.
A few tech Indian tribes.
An evil elf slaver nation on the Olympic Peninsula.
Clone lab 13.
The Yakima invasion point.
The keepers fire.
The free robot republic.

Not trying to nitpick, but honestly asking.

Do you mean Joint base Lewis Mcchord? (I'm guessing an autocorrect got ya there) Wouldn't that have been taken out by the Tidal waves during the Cataclysm?

How did you get around the Tidal waves which would have erased Seattle totally (It's on the sound/sea and about a millimeter above sea level. lol)

And how did you get around Mt Rainier not exploding during the Cataclysm? It's right up there with St Helens and is long over due for an Eruption. When the Rifts came Volcanos all over the world went off. Seems that one would have dramatically.

Again very much not being mean. I'm curious as to how those were addressed, as two are literally on the coast, and the third is a massive volcano due to explode 'IRL' and really would have gone off in Rifts.

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 5:45 pm
by glitterboy2098
WB7 talks about small kingdoms out there. The new navy does some trading and even sold some Merovingian tanks to a few.

Personally I give it a real 'the postman' feel, both book and movie. Lots of small fairly limited tech city states.. Really more large towns. With the usual mix of alliances, hostilities, and trade.

I do also have it in my notes as having a lot of alien vegetation and mundane animals mixed in.. To match RUE. Makes the wild regions between the towns more interesting. Especially when you consider i decided to stick a bunch of prehistoric mammals and birds out there as well.

I do have the main Valley in California flooded and a small inland sea. The valley preserve thus gets oceanfront property. That also means the southern deserts are a bit greener (more like savanna)

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 11:42 pm
by taalismn
glitterboy2098 wrote:WB7 talks about small kingdoms out there. The new navy does some trading and even sold some Merovingian tanks to a few.

Personally I give it a real 'the postman' feel, both book and movie. Lots of small fairly limited tech city states.. Really more large towns. With the usual mix of alliances, hostilities, and trade.

I do also have it in my notes as having a lot of alien vegetation and mundane animals mixed in.. To match RUE. Makes the wild regions between the towns more interesting. Especially when you consider i decided to stick a bunch of prehistoric mammals and birds out there as well.

I do have the main Valley in California flooded and a small inland sea. The valley preserve thus gets oceanfront property. That also means the southern deserts are a bit greener (more like savanna) some new cooled volcanic lava plains.

EShemarrian(Wayfinder) settlements up around the Washington/Oregon border, fringe tribe enclaves(Clan Shelley) in northern California and along the coast.

Some Cult of the Deep worshippers along the coast.

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 1:41 am
by Incriptus
I've only concerned myself about my home state of Washington ... who am I kidding, I don't care about Eastern Washington, it's really only the Puget Sound I care about.

I spent a lot of time pouring through my books [more than I'd like to admit] but it appears that New West and Spirit West seem to contradict each other with New West saying Washington is one of the highest populated places complete with a TW Train. Then Spirit West gives me one small preserve. Canada does give some information about the Centuar/Cyber-Centaurs/Cyber Knights spending time in Washington [although they're mostly in B.C.]

I spent some time looking at a map that raised the sea level by 60 meters to get a feel for what the sound would look like, and it basically shattered Seattle into a bunch of islands when the valley flooded.

I'm guessing I would embrace a bit of the oddity of Rifts Earth ... how about the Puget Sound being a meeting place for the Whale Singers? Perhaps and alliance between Dolphin People and Horse People?

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 2:13 am
by dreicunan
Incriptus wrote:I've only concerned myself about my home state of Washington ... who am I kidding, I don't care about Eastern Washington, it's really only the Puget Sound I care about.

I spent a lot of time pouring through my books [more than I'd like to admit] but it appears that New West and Spirit West seem to contradict each other with New West saying Washington is one of the highest populated places complete with a TW Train. Then Spirit West gives me one small preserve. Canada does give some information about the Centuar/Cyber-Centaurs/Cyber Knights spending time in Washington [although they're mostly in B.C.]

I spent some time looking at a map that raised the sea level by 60 meters to get a feel for what the sound would look like, and it basically shattered Seattle into a bunch of islands when the valley flooded.

I'm guessing I would embrace a bit of the oddity of Rifts Earth ... how about the Puget Sound being a meeting place for the Whale Singers? Perhaps and alliance between Dolphin People and Horse People?

An alliance against the Crab People (Crab People)?

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 7:45 am
by Blue_Lion
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Blue_Lion wrote:A tech military power based out of joint base Lewis Accord.
A city defended by mystic martial artist in what once was Seattle.
A permanent rift inside Mt Rainier that only links to a dimension that appears to be uninhabited and filled with regenerating natural resources.
A few tech Indian tribes.
An evil elf slaver nation on the Olympic Peninsula.
Clone lab 13.
The Yakima invasion point.
The keepers fire.
The free robot republic.

Not trying to nitpick, but honestly asking.

Do you mean Joint base Lewis Mcchord? (I'm guessing an autocorrect got ya there) Wouldn't that have been taken out by the Tidal waves during the Cataclysm?

How did you get around the Tidal waves which would have erased Seattle totally (It's on the sound/sea and about a millimeter above sea level. lol)

And how did you get around Mt Rainier not exploding during the Cataclysm? It's right up there with St Helens and is long over due for an Eruption. When the Rifts came Volcanos all over the world went off. Seems that one would have dramatically.

Again very much not being mean. I'm curious as to how those were addressed, as two are literally on the coast, and the third is a massive volcano due to explode 'IRL' and really would have gone off in Rifts.

When my Rainer erupted made a hole a hole in the dimentional fabric creating a permanate rift.

Tsunomies hitting Seattle are limited to what the sound could generate as the Olympic penises shielded them from the worst that cane across the Pacific.. The people built the city on the mac bones restorng pre rift factories. So while once seatle a new city is there.

Yes it got auto corrected. It is jblm. Mdc structures and storage yard could stand most natural disasters and to is main branches are not directly on the cost. My Rainer erupting would do more damage than tilde waves.

You got a single sentence blurb but there is more to it.

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 10:15 am
by Proseksword
I kinda like there being not much of anything there. A few small native American communities & nothing more.

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 10:52 am
by Pepsi Jedi
Blue_Lion wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Blue_Lion wrote:A tech military power based out of joint base Lewis Accord.
A city defended by mystic martial artist in what once was Seattle.
A permanent rift inside Mt Rainier that only links to a dimension that appears to be uninhabited and filled with regenerating natural resources.
A few tech Indian tribes.
An evil elf slaver nation on the Olympic Peninsula.
Clone lab 13.
The Yakima invasion point.
The keepers fire.
The free robot republic.

Not trying to nitpick, but honestly asking.

Do you mean Joint base Lewis Mcchord? (I'm guessing an autocorrect got ya there) Wouldn't that have been taken out by the Tidal waves during the Cataclysm?

How did you get around the Tidal waves which would have erased Seattle totally (It's on the sound/sea and about a millimeter above sea level. lol)

And how did you get around Mt Rainier not exploding during the Cataclysm? It's right up there with St Helens and is long over due for an Eruption. When the Rifts came Volcanos all over the world went off. Seems that one would have dramatically.

Again very much not being mean. I'm curious as to how those were addressed, as two are literally on the coast, and the third is a massive volcano due to explode 'IRL' and really would have gone off in Rifts.

When my Rainer erupted made a hole a hole in the dimentional fabric creating a permanate rift.

Tsunomies hitting Seattle are limited to what the sound could generate as the Olympic penises shielded them from the worst that cane across the Pacific.. The people built the city on the mac bones restorng pre rift factories. So while once seatle a new city is there.

Yes it got auto corrected. It is jblm. Mdc structures and storage yard could stand most natural disasters and to is main branches are not directly on the cost. My Rainer erupting would do more damage than tilde waves.

You got a single sentence blurb but there is more to it.

Ehhh ok. the stuff described in the book would more than be enough to take out seattle and the base but if for some reason (Magic always works) Your versions weren't hit as hard.

Cool. I was curious. :) Thank you for the reply.

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 10:59 am
by Daniel Stoker
Eh, we were told the same thing about Japan and look at what that got us. ;)

Daniel Stoker

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 11:32 am
by Pepsi Jedi
Daniel Stoker wrote:Eh, we were told the same thing about Japan and look at what that got us. ;)

Daniel Stoker

Didn't japan totally rift out of existence for a few 100 years and then come back?

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 12:25 pm
by dreicunan
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Daniel Stoker wrote:Eh, we were told the same thing about Japan and look at what that got us. ;)

Daniel Stoker

Didn't japan totally rift out of existence for a few 100 years and then come back?

No. Some of the high tech cities did, but there were already descendants of survivora living there.

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 1:20 pm
by Braden Campbell
The city of Los Islanges (home to several hot rod and laser weapon manufacturers)... five small communities in the Bay Area (currently trying to come together into a single civilization)... a human-supremacist militia known as the Ex-Pats (based in San Diego, they are the descendants of the 200 men and women who left the USS Ticonderoga)...about 1000 CyberWorks military androids just wandering around looking for a purpose to their lives (player character option)... hordes of Coyles...

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 6:30 pm
by LostOne
I'm strongly considering making it the landing/crashing location of a generational ship of Splicers who escaped their homeworld, maybe the last remnants of the last surviving house in an attempt to find safety. They pass over North America east to west (easily mistaken for a comet) and crash off shore of California. The area over there ends up being fairly easy for them to tame once they grow some war mounts and establish themselves. They saw lots of signs of tech flying over so they build up their defenses and start a breeding program to grow more troops with the expectation they're going to be fighting more of the machines (they wonder if the machines beat them here?). Around the time (a couple decades) they start sending exploration parties and learning things might not be quite so dire, the N.E.X.U.S. shows up and spikes start raining down on the planet spraying nanoplague. Hasty treaties need to be struck and suddenly the splicers have many willing people for biotic and host armor conversion, and psychics with telemechanics start developing tecnojacker powers.

This is still pretty preliminary, but I thought that area might be a good isolated place for the splicers to get a major foothold on this world.

Edit: I ended up making a separate thread for feedback/ideas on this concept for those who are interested: ... 8&t=155595

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 7:44 pm
by Zer0 Kay
I've pretty much adopted Fell's UCG concepts but he isnt going to write it as a world book so...

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 8:02 pm
by LostOne
Zer0 Kay wrote:I've pretty much adopted Fell's UCG concepts but he isnt going to write it as a world book so...

I guess I'm not familiar with this.

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 8:23 pm
by taalismn
The Boeing Works archival/techno-archaeoplogical grail for Operators.
Yeah, Chi-Town might have sent scouts out already to try to find it, but maybe they couldn't find it matter of it being destroyed, not existing, or something stranger? :bandit:

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Thu May 10, 2018 9:40 pm
by eliakon
I love to change up the setting every time I run a game. Sometimes little things, sometimes big stuff. That way every game I run (unless deliberately set in a particular world again) is unique and different and my players can get the fun of exploring and discovering this world instead of simply knowing everything already since they have the books and know most everything and this way no one has to try and separate in-game and out-game knowledge... as they don't know for sure what out-game knowledge is really true.

As such I have done a few different things with the Rockies.

In one game I had a huge nation state centered on Salt Lake City that was a based on the survivalists and many Mormons and their preparations for a Tribulation. It was sort of a theocratic Lazlo and sort of loosely based on the original Deseret government and rules.
The Mormons were a missionary faith, but their calling required that they extend aid to all of gods creatures... and as they already believed in other worlds and other life forms they took Dee-Bees in stride and allow them to join the Church... and as the higher levels of government were reserved for Church members the result was a multi-racial and fairly open society.

In another game I had had a D-shift transfer in a large portion of another world... in this case they got a rather large chunk of Robotech Earth including a hive and some Genesis Pits. The result was very similar a to an Invid Invasion style game only the protagonists had Rifts gear instead of RDF/REF/SC Mecha.

In yet another game I had established in my world that China had survived more or less intact... due to the intervention of the Celestial Bureaucracy. The resulting society was a mix of Confucianism Ideals and Communist ideals. The gods were able to use the sites of extant China Towns as a sort of 'tether' where in they could create a dimensionally linked zone back to 'true China' and thus the region had the San Francisco China Town as the heart of a massive city that was in turn the heart of a growing techno-magical nation... The Divine Empire of the Peoples Heavinly Court.

In another I had had the Rockies contain a massive necro-magical effect. Thus like the Land of the Damned almost everything and everyone west of the Rockies had come back as undead of many types and other even less savory things.

In another Los Angels was where the NEMA forces had pulled back to from all over North America, and the rally point for all Canadian, Mexican, and American Navy ships as well as soon any and everyone else in the Pacific.
The result was that by abandoning virtually everything else they were able to hold on... here...
And the result was a near Golden Age nation in California, surrounded on all sides by allied native tribes who helped keep their secrets in exchange for agreements to return the land back to the tribes.

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 11:20 am
by Zer0 Kay
LostOne wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:I've pretty much adopted Fell's UCG concepts but he isnt going to write it as a world book so...

I guess I'm not familiar with this.

Unfortunately most aren't. :cry: Politely ask he may tell.

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 1:13 pm
by LostOne
Zer0 Kay wrote:
LostOne wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:I've pretty much adopted Fell's UCG concepts but he isnt going to write it as a world book so...

I guess I'm not familiar with this.

Unfortunately most aren't. :cry: Politely ask he may tell.

Then he should write it up for Rifter or post it on here. :)

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 6:57 pm
by Mlp7029
Prior to the publishing of a Glitterboy factory in Quebec the Boeing factory in Everett WA was the source of the Glitterboys appearing in North America.

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 7:07 pm
by Zer0 Kay
LostOne wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
LostOne wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:I've pretty much adopted Fell's UCG concepts but he isnt going to write it as a world book so...

I guess I'm not familiar with this.

Unfortunately most aren't. :cry: Politely ask he may tell.

Then he should write it up for Rifter or post it on here. :)

I think his plan was Rifters. But it doesnt help me finish Alaska because I wont be able to use his fluff he wrote for me unless his stuff is official. :(

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 7:11 pm
by LostOne
Zer0 Kay wrote:
LostOne wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
LostOne wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:I've pretty much adopted Fell's UCG concepts but he isnt going to write it as a world book so...

I guess I'm not familiar with this.

Unfortunately most aren't. :cry: Politely ask he may tell.

Then he should write it up for Rifter or post it on here. :)

I think his plan was Rifters. But it doesnt help me finish Alaska because I wont be able to use his fluff he wrote for me unless his stuff is official. :(

Official stuff sometimes ends up in the Rifters. Maybe it could go into the Rifter as official if it is known you're needing/wanting it for Alaska.

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 7:17 pm
by Fell
I wrote a lot of stuff for the Great Barrier Mountains, yup, and west of it. Then I asked Kevin what he figured was "out west". Then I tossed a 3rd of what I wrote.

I was considering doing Rifter Articles to push out the updated "out west" material, however I recently came up with a new idea:

Rifts Dark Age

A lot of what I designed / wrote I can adapt to 2099, a hundred years after Chaos Earth. I spend the last week working on maps. I am working on it. Been typing like mad after the PoH.... I think a in between book, between Chaos Earth and Rifts would be fun, very post apocalyptic and pre the post post era of Rifts.

Still think you should do Rifter Articles Zero as a start.

Give me a year. I have three projects I am trying to do AND work full time. ;)

Enjoy / Game on!

Oh the UCG was: United Coast Guard they were a small part of it.

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 12:29 am
by Zer0 Kay
Fell wrote:I wrote a lot of stuff for the Great Barrier Mountains, yup, and west of it. Then I asked Kevin what he figured was "out west". Then I tossed a 3rd of what I wrote.

I was considering doing Rifter Articles to push out the updated "out west" material, however I recently came up with a new idea:

Rifts Dark Age

A lot of what I designed / wrote I can adapt to 2099, a hundred years after Chaos Earth. I spend the last week working on maps. I am working on it. Been typing like mad after the PoH.... I think a in between book, between Chaos Earth and Rifts would be fun, very post apocalyptic and pre the post post era of Rifts.

Still think you should do Rifter Articles Zero as a start.

Give me a year. I have three projects I am trying to do AND work full time. ;)

Enjoy / Game on!

Oh the UCG was: United Coast Guard they were a small part of it.

I know and I'm working on them or rather trying to figure which faction to pull and concentrate on. You have a particular favorite?

They may have been a small part but they were a part of the fluff you made for me so I'm kind of attached.

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 3:38 am
by FluidicAztec
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Blue_Lion wrote:A tech military power based out of joint base Lewis Accord.
A city defended by mystic martial artist in what once was Seattle.
A permanent rift inside Mt Rainier that only links to a dimension that appears to be uninhabited and filled with regenerating natural resources.
A few tech Indian tribes.
An evil elf slaver nation on the Olympic Peninsula.
Clone lab 13.
The Yakima invasion point.
The keepers fire.
The free robot republic.

Not trying to nitpick, but honestly asking.

Do you mean Joint base Lewis Mcchord? (I'm guessing an autocorrect got ya there) Wouldn't that have been taken out by the Tidal waves during the Cataclysm?

How did you get around the Tidal waves which would have erased Seattle totally (It's on the sound/sea and about a millimeter above sea level. lol)

And how did you get around Mt Rainier not exploding during the Cataclysm? It's right up there with St Helens and is long over due for an Eruption. When the Rifts came Volcanos all over the world went off. Seems that one would have dramatically.

Again very much not being mean. I'm curious as to how those were addressed, as two are literally on the coast, and the third is a massive volcano due to explode 'IRL' and really would have gone off in Rifts.

It's actually Joint Base Lewis-McChord or JBLM....I type it like every day.

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Sat May 12, 2018 3:44 am
by FluidicAztec
Blue_Lion wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Blue_Lion wrote:A tech military power based out of joint base Lewis Accord.
A city defended by mystic martial artist in what once was Seattle.
A permanent rift inside Mt Rainier that only links to a dimension that appears to be uninhabited and filled with regenerating natural resources.
A few tech Indian tribes.
An evil elf slaver nation on the Olympic Peninsula.
Clone lab 13.
The Yakima invasion point.
The keepers fire.
The free robot republic.

Not trying to nitpick, but honestly asking.

Do you mean Joint base Lewis Mcchord? (I'm guessing an autocorrect got ya there) Wouldn't that have been taken out by the Tidal waves during the Cataclysm?

How did you get around the Tidal waves which would have erased Seattle totally (It's on the sound/sea and about a millimeter above sea level. lol)

And how did you get around Mt Rainier not exploding during the Cataclysm? It's right up there with St Helens and is long over due for an Eruption. When the Rifts came Volcanos all over the world went off. Seems that one would have dramatically.

Again very much not being mean. I'm curious as to how those were addressed, as two are literally on the coast, and the third is a massive volcano due to explode 'IRL' and really would have gone off in Rifts.

When my Rainer erupted made a hole a hole in the dimentional fabric creating a permanate rift.

Tsunomies hitting Seattle are limited to what the sound could generate as the Olympic penises shielded them from the worst that cane across the Pacific.. The people built the city on the mac bones restorng pre rift factories. So while once seatle a new city is there.

Yes it got auto corrected. It is jblm. Mdc structures and storage yard could stand most natural disasters and to is main branches are not directly on the cost. My Rainer erupting would do more damage than tilde waves.

You got a single sentence blurb but there is more to it.

This could be the opportunity for Ramtha to finally appear!

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 1:45 am
by Zer0 Kay
FluidicAztec wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Blue_Lion wrote:A tech military power based out of joint base Lewis Accord.
A city defended by mystic martial artist in what once was Seattle.
A permanent rift inside Mt Rainier that only links to a dimension that appears to be uninhabited and filled with regenerating natural resources.
A few tech Indian tribes.
An evil elf slaver nation on the Olympic Peninsula.
Clone lab 13.
The Yakima invasion point.
The keepers fire.
The free robot republic.

Not trying to nitpick, but honestly asking.

Do you mean Joint base Lewis Mcchord? (I'm guessing an autocorrect got ya there) Wouldn't that have been taken out by the Tidal waves during the Cataclysm?

How did you get around the Tidal waves which would have erased Seattle totally (It's on the sound/sea and about a millimeter above sea level. lol)

And how did you get around Mt Rainier not exploding during the Cataclysm? It's right up there with St Helens and is long over due for an Eruption. When the Rifts came Volcanos all over the world went off. Seems that one would have dramatically.

Again very much not being mean. I'm curious as to how those were addressed, as two are literally on the coast, and the third is a massive volcano due to explode 'IRL' and really would have gone off in Rifts.

It's actually Joint Base Lewis-McChord or JBLM....I type it like every day.

Dang :cry: still too far away. Stupid Snoqualmie. I miss the service. You USAF or Army?

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 10:41 am
by Blue_Lion
dreicunan wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Daniel Stoker wrote:Eh, we were told the same thing about Japan and look at what that got us. ;)

Daniel Stoker

Didn't japan totally rift out of existence for a few 100 years and then come back?

No. Some of the high tech cities did, but there were already descendants of survivora living there.

If I recall right 1 city phased out of time. the rest are people that survived the rifts amd rebuilt.

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 3:15 am
by dreicunan
Blue_Lion wrote:
dreicunan wrote:
Pepsi Jedi wrote:
Daniel Stoker wrote:Eh, we were told the same thing about Japan and look at what that got us. ;)

Daniel Stoker

Didn't japan totally rift out of existence for a few 100 years and then come back?

No. Some of the high tech cities did, but there were already descendants of survivora living there.

If I recall right 1 city phased out of time. the rest are people that survived the rifts amd rebuilt.

Hiroshima and everything in a 100 mile diameter, including Kure, Iwakuni, and Ichto (see page 70 of WB8).

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 11:15 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Beyond the Rocky Mountains?
That’s where the Bullwinkle Mountains are.

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 5:32 pm
by Zer0 Kay
Killer Cyborg wrote:Beyond the Rocky Mountains?
That’s where the Bullwinkle Mountains are.

Ah... and the ones in Pottsylvania?

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 4:16 am
by Razorwing
Isn't the Cyber-Horseman city of Ixion believed to be located somewhere in what remains of British Columbia on the western side of the Rockies?

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 9:13 am
by Library Ogre
More mountains.

Anchored by Yellowstone, St. Helens, and Ceburuco, a triangular section of distortion places you in a dimension of infinite mountains.

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 7:32 pm
by Zer0 Kay
Mark Hall wrote:More mountains.

Anchored by Yellowstone, St. Helens, and Ceburuco, a triangular section of distortion places you in a dimension of infinite mountains.

So what if you come from the other side what is on the coast?

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:25 pm
by Library Ogre
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Mark Hall wrote:More mountains.

Anchored by Yellowstone, St. Helens, and Ceburuco, a triangular section of distortion places you in a dimension of infinite mountains.

So what if you come from the other side what is on the coast?

What coast? I mean, they've been saying California is going to drop into the ocean... combine a massive tectonic event with all the stuff going on around the CoR, you've basically got something that ends in mountains.

Besides, where would they come from? Everyone knows Japan is uninhabited.

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 9:35 pm
by Zer0 Kay
Mark Hall wrote:
Zer0 Kay wrote:
Mark Hall wrote:More mountains.

Anchored by Yellowstone, St. Helens, and Ceburuco, a triangular section of distortion places you in a dimension of infinite mountains.

So what if you come from the other side what is on the coast?

What coast? I mean, they've been saying California is going to drop into the ocean... combine a massive tectonic event with all the stuff going on around the CoR, you've basically got something that ends in mountains.

Besides, where would they come from? Everyone knows Japan is uninhabited.

Lol... obviously I'm asking for what the Lord of the Deep would find. ;) But having said that a triangle that is permanently open into a realm of infinite mountains would explain why reachers never get past the Rockies and if those mountains supply a large amount of snow melt it would explain why there is still water on Earth with that Aussie frog.

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 10:49 pm
by Sir_Spirit
Mark Hall wrote:What coast? I mean, they've been saying California is going to drop into the ocean... .

Hollywood? Cuz that's actually BS. The two plates are pushing toward each other, not away.....

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 10:45 am
by glitterboy2098
Sir_Spirit wrote:
Mark Hall wrote:What coast? I mean, they've been saying California is going to drop into the ocean... .

Hollywood? Cuz that's actually BS. The two plates are pushing toward each other, not away.....

actually the san andreas fault is a transform fault, with the two plates moving horizontally in opposing directions, slipping past each other.

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 4:34 pm
by Library Ogre
Sir_Spirit wrote:
Mark Hall wrote:What coast? I mean, they've been saying California is going to drop into the ocean... .

Hollywood? Cuz that's actually BS. The two plates are pushing toward each other, not away.....

Mystics and statistics.

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2018 10:24 pm
by Daniel Stoker
Thank you Warren Zevon. :p

But yeah, you're more going to see LA being a 'suburb' of San Francisco as time goes on.

Daniel Stoker

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 5:40 pm
by Library Ogre
Daniel Stoker wrote:Thank you Warren Zevon. :p

But yeah, you're more going to see LA being a 'suburb' of San Francisco as time goes on.

Hey, we got werewolves in London and essential equipment includes Lawyers, Guns, and Money... tell me he's not the right person to go to for guidance. :mrgreen:

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 10:23 pm
by Daniel Stoker
Considering I made sure with my dad to have dinner at Lee Ho Fook's when I was in London, you're not going to get an argument from me.

Daniel Stoker

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 10:30 pm
by DhAkael
Dirt, rocks, maybe a few trees.
*shrug* who cares?

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 3:22 pm
by Daniel Stoker
Most of the people in this thread? Well besides you. :p

Daniel Stoker

Re: What's beyond the Rocky Mountains in your game?

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 7:26 pm
by LostOne
DhAkael wrote:Dirt, rocks, maybe a few trees.
*shrug* who cares?

Because it's uncharted territory by the books. It's a mystery wrapped in an enigma behind an impassable wall of stone. There is opportunity there for the Rifts equivalent of a quest for a "holy grail" or El Dorado type macguffin.