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Hindering Supernatural Bio-Regeneration

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 1:15 am
by jwillie
Hi ya'll, I've tried to research this to the best of my abilities and can find nothing besides U-Rounds in WB:5 Triax & the NGR pg 141 that restricts supernatural bio-regeneration. I'm looking for things that affect demons, deevils, gargoyles, dragons, and the like with significant bio-regeneration powers. There are spells that cost HP to cast, which is not healed via bio-regeneration and maybe a similar thing or two. Are there additional methods, technological, psionic, magical or otherwise that restrict natural bio-regeneration?

Followup, question, I'm unclear as to whether a creature has to be conscious to use a racial power of bio-regeneration. Is it automatic (like breathing) or something that requires actual thought (like chewing)?

Cause if not, well, time to make **** stuff up!

Re: Hindering Supernatural Bio-Regeneration

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 1:23 am
by The Beast
Phase weapons (DB2) also hinder bio-regen. That's the first one that comes to mind. I'm pretty sure there's more stuff in more recent books, and maybe some Rifter stuff if you and/or your GM allow potentially unofficial things in your game.

As for the follow up question, everyone I've played with treated it as an automatic reflex.

Re: Hindering Supernatural Bio-Regeneration

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 1:25 am
by jwillie
I've always treated it as an automatic process too, but in my hunting for the first answer, I saw some differing answers to the second one.

Re: Hindering Supernatural Bio-Regeneration

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 2:42 am
by Shark_Force
level 9 standard invocation dessicate the supernatural.

unfortunately, it may also start a small forum was as people discuss precisely what counts as supernatural. but that's just life sometimes.

Re: Hindering Supernatural Bio-Regeneration

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 3:04 am
by jwillie
Shark_Force wrote:level 9 standard invocation dessicate the supernatural.

unfortunately, it may also start a small forum was as people discuss precisely what counts as supernatural. but that's just life sometimes.

Dang! That's a good one, I've even used it before. And that debate is probably unending. Just between the U-Rounds and the Desiccate Supernatural spell, the list of affected targets is different.

So...let's not debate that one here, okay? :D

Re: Hindering Supernatural Bio-Regeneration

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 5:21 am
by Axelmania
Use negative chi attacks from N&SS to reduce them to 0 chi.

Re: Hindering Supernatural Bio-Regeneration

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 10:32 pm
by Blue_Lion
Axelmania wrote:Use negative chi attacks from N&SS to reduce them to 0 chi.

Umm you might need positive chi to reduce them to 0 chi. Demons might be treated like ones from mystic china and be naturally negative.
Dim Mock does acording to conversion book 1 revised can negate bio-regen.

Re: Hindering Supernatural Bio-Regeneration

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 9:20 am
by ShadowLogan
jwillie wrote:Hi ya'll, I've tried to research this to the best of my abilities and can find nothing besides U-Rounds in WB:5 Triax & the NGR pg 141 that restricts supernatural bio-regeneration. I'm looking for things that affect demons, deevils, gargoyles, dragons, and the like with significant bio-regeneration powers. There are spells that cost HP to cast, which is not healed via bio-regeneration and maybe a similar thing or two. Are there additional methods, technological, psionic, magical or otherwise that restrict natural bio-regeneration?

Followup, question, I'm unclear as to whether a creature has to be conscious to use a racial power of bio-regeneration. Is it automatic (like breathing) or something that requires actual thought (like chewing)?

Cause if not, well, time to make **** stuff up!

WB8's Chi M.D. Death Blow (Samurai, yamabushi, monk, demon queller OCC), PF2E has a form of this (Palladin, Demon Death Blow) and Withering Flesh Atemi (WB8 pg198-9) both prevent Bio-Regeneration for a period of time (depending on the specific Bio-Regen rate it might not even matter).

I'm surprised, or may be not, that Atlantis doesn't have something like this in their bio-wizardry arsenal.

For using racial powers, I think in some cases it is automatic and others it requires effort.

Re: Hindering Supernatural Bio-Regeneration

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 4:01 pm
by Shark_Force
ShadowLogan wrote:I'm surprised, or may be not, that Atlantis doesn't have something like this in their bio-wizardry arsenal.

i suspect the splugorth solution is to just kill them outright with more minions. it doesn't matter much if you can theoretically bio-regenerate when you're facing far more damage than you can survive.

Re: Hindering Supernatural Bio-Regeneration

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 9:27 pm
by eliakon
Here are the spells that I could find off the top of my head
Invocation Magic:
Level Seven: Life Drain (may or may not, depending on how you read the spell)
Leven Nine: Desiccate the Supernatural
Level Eleven: Soul Twist

Demon Magic:
Level Three: Acid Blood Sphere
Level Six: Soul Fire

I'm sure there are more, I would have to really dig to find them though

Re: Hindering Supernatural Bio-Regeneration

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 11:14 pm
by jwillie
Wow. That is very helpful! I don't have any of the China or Japan books, so those were totally off my radar. The demon magic should have been a no brainer!

Re: Hindering Supernatural Bio-Regeneration

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 12:24 am
by eliakon
jwillie wrote:Wow. That is very helpful! I don't have any of the China or Japan books, so those were totally off my radar. The demon magic should have been a no brainer!

They are from the Minion War.
Dimensional Outbreak and Megaverse in Flames.

Re: Hindering Supernatural Bio-Regeneration

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 3:11 am
by Axelmania
Blue_Lion wrote:
Axelmania wrote:Use negative chi attacks from N&SS to reduce them to 0 chi.

Umm you might need positive chi to reduce them to 0 chi. Demons might be treated like ones from mystic china and be naturally negative.
Dim Mock does acording to conversion book 1 revised can negate bio-regen.

Checking conversion book Revised...

51 refers to reducing MDC by 30% and reducing bonuses by half... presumably in exchange for it not killing them... which shows the conversion was written by someone who didn't look closely at how the ability functions. Dim Mak can't kill you, it's being at 0 chi for prolonged periods that can.

52 says "applicable only to mortal HP and SDC beings"

Where does it refer to negating bio-regen in CB? That just seems like a natural consequence of being unable to heal at 0 chi. Dim Mak just makes it hard to get out of the 0 chi hole by disabling natural healing.

My policy, barring the undead forms of demon (Vampire, Death Demon) would be to assume they operate normally in needing positive chi to heal.

Re: Hindering Supernatural Bio-Regeneration

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:27 am
by Blue_Lion
Atemi are unchanged but only affective against ….

Dim Mak is an atemi that has a normal affect of stopping healing. Bio-regen is healing. The reduction in MDC is in addition the normal affect. The Dim mak never killed out right.

Re: Hindering Supernatural Bio-Regeneration

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 10:49 am
by Cr'Imson
jwillie wrote:Hi ya'll, I've tried to research this to the best of my abilities and can find nothing besides U-Rounds in WB:5 Triax & the NGR pg 141 that restricts supernatural bio-regeneration. I'm looking for things that affect demons, deevils, gargoyles, dragons, and the like with significant bio-regeneration powers. There are spells that cost HP to cast, which is not healed via bio-regeneration and maybe a similar thing or two. Are there additional methods, technological, psionic, magical or otherwise that restrict natural bio-regeneration?

Followup, question, I'm unclear as to whether a creature has to be conscious to use a racial power of bio-regeneration. Is it automatic (like breathing) or something that requires actual thought (like chewing)?

Cause if not, well, time to make **** stuff up!

Depends on the Supernatural in the end. A lot of them have vulnerabilities, and some of them have ways around being "killed".

Bio-Regenerate X per Y = regenerates if/when damaged X per Y = Automatic.


Re: Hindering Supernatural Bio-Regeneration

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 10:26 am
by Axelmania
So Blue Lion, you contend the % reduction and penalties are additional problems it causes for MDC beings rather than in substitution for stopping their chi from regenerating?

Dim Mak doesn't stop "healing" so much as it stops the normal regeneration of chi from sleep or meditation. It's being at 0 chi which stops healing.