Multiple Mirrors: Encountering Yourself in the Megaverse(Ran

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Multiple Mirrors: Encountering Yourself in the Megaverse(Ran

Unread post by taalismn »

Multiple Mirrors: Encountering Yourself in the Megaverse(Random Roll Charts)

“Some philosophers claim that Hell is Other People. Other thinkers believe that one’s worst enemy is oneself. What if you encounter other people, and they’re all you?”

Though spells such as Id Self give you the opportunity to pull up other versions of yourself, the Megaverse naturally offers plenty of opportunities for you to encounter your otherworldly self. Indeed, some cross/multi-dimensional societies have had to create agencies and protocols for keeping track of multiple versions of the same people, especially if they are involved in heavy transdimensional traffic.
Anyways, here’s some random roll tables to determine how you might have come out in other universes/world-lines.

“So, you’re NOT a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism? You really ARE ‘Alfred the Abomidable, Scourge of Northern Europe’?”

Where does your extradimensional self hail from?

01-10 % Fantasy World---Where your other self hails from, magic is real, dragons and unicorns roam the wilderness, elves and dwarves are their neighbors, and there isn’t wifi to be had.
11-20% Mirror World---A world so close to your own that any differences are, in the larger scheme of things, trivial. You could wind up in the other world and go for days, weeks, or months, before noticing any difference.
21-30% Post-Apocalyptic World---Something went very wrong in the world your other self came from. Maybe it was nuclear war, alien invasion, a global pandemic, asteroid strike, or Emperor Trump, but from your perspective, it isn’t anywhere near a pleasant place to live by the sound of things.
31-80% Alternate History----Somewhere in the past, your double’s world deviated from your own. Maybe Crown-loyalist George Washington arrested the U.S. Continental Congress, Christopher Columbus was torpedoed by Mexicali steam patrol boats when he sailed into the Carribean, Star Wars was rejected by the studios or Coca Cola achieved world domination, but something dominoed in your other self’s world.
81-90%Space Opera World----Your other self comes from a world that could be Star Wars, Star Trek, or Lensmen. Space travel is common, high-tech is the norm, and Science is the religion of choice.
91-00% Bizarro World----This is world so off the wall it defies casual description. It could be a mishmash of sci-fi and fantasy elements, or jello replaces the oceans, or black is white, up is down, and matter is anti-matter. All perfectly normal to your other self, who thinks YOUR world is the messed-up one.

“I have problems seeing myself in that bald ape. We may share a name, family names, jobs and titles, but I just can’t see myself as a human...”

How does your otherworldly self differ from you?

01-10% Age Difference 01-50% Younger than you, 51-00% Older than you.
11-20% Gender-Swapped---Your other self is of a different gender than you.
21-30% Sexual Orientation Shift---Your other self has a different sexual orientation than you.
31-40% Completely Different Species
41-50% Alignment Shift---Your other self is shifted 1d4 grades away from your own(50% good/50% bad if you’re one of the types between the two extremes)
51-60% Attitude Polar Opposite---While you may share the same interests, and the same alignment, your other self is the opposite, attitude-wise.
61-70% Worse Off---Your other self, through bad luck or poor decisions, is in a bad place, compared to you. Roll a d20, with a roll of 1 being ‘stubbed a toe unlucky’, and a 20 meaning ‘death would be a mercy’.
71-80% More Successful---Your other self has succeeded in life much better than you have. Roll a d20, with a roll of 1 being ‘slightly better off than you’ and a 20 meaning ‘has effectively attained GODhood’.
81-89% Attribute Tweak---Besides possible attribute changes from species changes, 1d4 random attributes are re-rolled for better or worse.
90-94% Turn-Off---Your other self has awful luck in personal relationships. Roll a d20, with a roll of 1 being ‘ignored’, and a 20 meaning ‘set on fire’.
95-98% Love Magnet---Your other self has incredible success attracting the opposite gender, or their prefered mate-gender. Roll a d20, with a roll of 1 being ‘always in a relationship’, and a 20 meaning ‘growing harem’.
99-00% Roll 1d4+1 times.

“I make a really ugly man, you think?”

How does the other you react to encountering another ‘self’?

01-10% There Can Only Be One---Your other self reacts violently to meeting you and tries to destroy you, or at least maim you.
11-25 % Scared ####less---Maybe it’s fear of bodysnatchers, or the idea that no two alike people can interact without setting off a universe-shattering explosion, but your other self would prefer to avoid you altogether.
25-45% Disbelieving---Your other self is skeptical and dismissive of the idea that the two of you are somehow related, megacosmically. Even if they believe in multiversal theory, the idea of encountering their megacosmic twin, or approximation, just doesn’t catch with them.
45-60% Not Impressed---Your other self is not particularly impressed by who you are, and is not afraid to let you know it. Maybe it’s self-defensive snarking, or maybe they really ARE better than you, but your other self is comes across as judgmental and critical. If you’re lucky, they may offer you genuine tips on improving yourself; if you’re not, they come across as dickish and trolling.
61-84% Needy---Your other self sees meeting you as an opportunity to solicit something...maybe it’s assistance in some project, or maybe they’re wondering if you can spare a kidney, or just a dime. This could be innocent asking, or could be something more insidious.
85-97% Mutual Admiration----You and/or your dimensional clone can’t help but admire each other. “Yeah, whatever I am, I gotta admit, I’m just GOOD.”
98-00% Welcome to the Club!---Your other self is well aware of OTHER yous, besides yourself, and is part of an organization of yous banded together to share resources or just shoot the breeze on weekends. You’re welcome to join.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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