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Kingdom Building

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 9:22 pm
by dragonfett
Is there any material (official or not) that deals with kingdom building in the Phase World setting? I'm looking at picking up Star Empires for Starfinder otherwise.

Re: Kingdom Building

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 12:34 am
by taalismn
I made Random Interstellar Kingdoms charts...It's not a build-by-point, but random roll, but it can give you a start on what to look for in a galactic polity.

Re: Kingdom Building

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:38 pm
by DD The Shmey
I really enjoy kingdom building in the phaseworld/space opera setting, especially space ships, equipment, and planets. It's been a hobby of mine since 2000. Typically I will write 5-15 pages on each faction using some some short hand notation for space ships. I just took a bit of time and looked through all of the word documents and I have created 42 factions and written 285 pages worth over the last 20 years.

When I create factions, I never really use a random generator or anything, I just get some ideas in my head and start putting it down on paper. Taalisman, I've looked at your interstellar kingdom charts before, and I do like them. I've thought about making a header at the top of each of my factions where I pick the categories out of your lists that most closely fit my factions, and use that as a nice quick summary/introduction to the factions.

Another excellent source for faction building that gives them a lot of flavor is Stars Without Number (although i hate to promote a non-palladium product on this forum). Their is even a random sector generator using their rules found online called sectorswithoutnumber that is a phenomenal resource.

Re: Kingdom Building

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:05 pm
by taalismn
Indeed...World/kingdom building, whether with a deliberate design already in mind, or randomly rolling one, then trying to figure out how some combinations would work, work out, or have come to be, can be real exercises of imagination, especially when certain aspects seem to contradict each other.

Then again, you can look at RL and see plenty of examples where politics and human nature create even crazier contradictions....fantasy fiction has to run hard to catch up.

Re: Kingdom Building

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 2:03 am
by Warshield73
DD The Shmey wrote:Another excellent source for faction building that gives them a lot of flavor is Stars Without Number (although i hate to promote a non-palladium product on this forum). Their is even a random sector generator using their rules found online called sectorswithoutnumber that is a phenomenal resource.

This is a great source for all kinds of ideas and has really become my favorite, non-Palladium, RPG to read. I would also recommend Skyward Steele for anyone who is trying to create a space fleet for a faction.

Re: Kingdom Building

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 7:54 pm
by dragonfett
Thank you guys!