Rifted in...

Chaos Earth is here & now. Let the Chaos ensue.

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Rifted in...

Unread post by HarleeKnight »

Has anyone played a normal Rifts character who was rifted into the past, into Chaos Earth? Is it even possible to rift into the past? We know it's canon to rift into the future, but I've never heard any story on the reverse.
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Re: Rifted in...

Unread post by dreicunan »

We had a whole campaign that took characters into the past and had us try to prevent the cataclysm. We failed, but we did alter some key things that really changed what happened. The biggest initial change that we kept the St. Louis arch from turning into a permanent rift and the GM had a Millenium Tree spring up there instead. That had major consequences down the line.
Last edited by dreicunan on Sun Apr 07, 2019 5:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rifted in...

Unread post by Slight001 »

IIRC there was a Hook Line and Sinker adventure where the player group went into what appeared to be the past and meet a young Erin Tarn. I believe the adventure left it up to the GM and Players to decide if it was actually time travel or just a rift to a parallel Earth slightly behind Rifts Earth in time scaling.

Personally I don't buy into the single grand timeline that can be altered and adjusted as needed mindset. To me time as a branching system where every, potential, decision creates a new 'path' makes more sense. In the case of time travel, the moment the travelers arrive they would create a new 'branch' of time that now incorporates their actions and choices.

So all that said nothing is stopping you from going into the past of Rifts Earth... even if it is not the same Earth you just left behind.
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