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Victim OCC

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 3:42 am
by Axelmania
I just noticed this on page 194 of 1st ed, it's pretty awesome.

Only some of the age tables leave weird gaps. Instead of 1D6+12 for teens (13-18) rolling 2D4+11 would make more sense, that would generate a range of 13-19, since "Young Adult" begins at 20.

Also seems strange that there is overlap between Child (4-9) and pre-teen (7-12). Maybe child should be 1D4+4 (5-8) and pre-teen should be 1D4+8 (9-12) instead? This would expand "Toddler" up to include age 4, but that seems reasonable. Then you could have Infant be 0-1 and Toddler be 2-4.

The low attributes for the victim OCC would work great with the low attribute penalties that Rifts Ultimate Edition added. Not sure if any other games used them.

Re: Victim OCC

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 10:13 am
by Captain_Nibbz
Axelmania wrote:I just noticed this on page 194 of 1st ed, it's pretty awesome.

Only some of the age tables leave weird gaps. Instead of 1D6+12 for teens (13-18) rolling 2D4+11 would make more sense, that would generate a range of 13-19, since "Young Adult" begins at 20.

Also seems strange that there is overlap between Child (4-9) and pre-teen (7-12). Maybe child should be 1D4+4 (5-8) and pre-teen should be 1D4+8 (9-12) instead? This would expand "Toddler" up to include age 4, but that seems reasonable. Then you could have Infant be 0-1 and Toddler be 2-4.

This sounds like a pretty reasonable shift to the tables that are found in the book. I've been wanting to run a game where the players all take control of a victim class. Maybe even a one-shot run through with the adventure that was written for the class in the back of the manual. I think that I would use these ranges rather than the canon ones.

Axelmania wrote: The low attributes for the victim OCC would work great with the low attribute penalties that Rifts Ultimate Edition added. Not sure if any other games used them.

I've been perusing through a bunch of the rulebooks lately and I haven't seen it in any of the core books for any of the S.D.C. settings or Splicers, but now I'm curious if that table is listed anywhere else . . .

Re: Victim OCC

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2019 6:00 pm
by mrloucifer
Victims games are wonderful!

I've run many of them for many different reasons, and all of them were fantastic!