Old Kingdom nexus points

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Braden Campbell
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Old Kingdom nexus points

Unread post by Braden Campbell »

In preparation for an upcoming journey set in the Old kingdom, I would like to have at least a vague idea of where the various nexus points might be.

We know that the four ley lines that run the OK Mountains give us nexuses (nexii ?) at:
* point near Timiro in the southern Silver range
* close to or at the "Place of Magic'
* a mountian peak near the Dozen Fracts (which may, in fact be Mt Kerebus, aka the Dwarven Crown)

Then, in the main Book section on nexus points, it is strongly hinted that there may be 4 super-points in there as well. So... where would we hypothetically put said points? I was going to have one at the head of the OK River... but that still leaves 3 more.

Braden, GMPhD
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Re: Old Kingdom nexus points

Unread post by kiralon »

Other than the eastern tip of the timiro mountains, the mountain ranges have ley lines running their length (page 133 library of bletherad)
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Re: Old Kingdom nexus points

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I would say that there is nothing preventing some or all of the three nexuses (that's the plural I'm going with here!) on the LoB map being the super-nexuses mentioned in the main book. The "scores" of smaller ley lines that would make them super nexuses are just too small to see on that map. The nexus on the Place of Magic I think should definitely be a super.
Could the other nexus pictured on the Old Kingdom Mountains be at the Valley at the Top of the World? I seem to remember a nexus there. Not sure of the exact location of the Valley without checking.
I would consider placing another at Mount Nimrod, on that big ley line on the map. I can't remember whether any ley lines or nexuses are mentioned in the Mount Nimro book, but I'm pretty sure there's one there (with a permanently open dimensional portal?).
And if the term "Old Kingdom" extends to include the Baalgor Wastelands, I would personally put the fourth one at the site of the Golden City of Baalgor.

Just my two cents!

I have a nexus at the very tip of the ley line that just reaches into the Old Kingdom from Bruu Gar Belimar - but that is for my own personal in-game reasons!
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Re: Old Kingdom nexus points

Unread post by Braden Campbell »

Let's also not forget the "Two dozen ley lines and six nexus points" that all reside within the Forest of Enchantment...
Braden, GMPhD
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Re: Old Kingdom nexus points

Unread post by kiralon »

Braden Campbell wrote:Let's also not forget the "Two dozen ley lines and six nexus points" that all reside within the Forest of Enchantment...

I have them in a pentagonal shape with the biggest in the centre a bit like this

https://mythologian.net/wp-content/uplo ... ntacle.png
and the centre one is where the skyforge is.

Except for places of power (Like the forest of enchantment) I tend to move the ley lines every 5-7 years of gametime, because why would you build a city on a nexus.
and it tends to stop the players from building on a nexus.

But if the plot needs a ley line, there will be a ley line.
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Re: Old Kingdom nexus points

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Braden Campbell wrote:Let's also not forget the "Two dozen ley lines and six nexus points" that all reside within the Forest of Enchantment...

Great. Now I need to redo my Timiro map.
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Re: Old Kingdom nexus points

Unread post by kiralon »

nah, they are smaller inconsequential ones otherwise they would be on the big map
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