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Cosmo Knights and PPE recovery
Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 8:04 am
by SpiritInterface
Do Cosmo Knights have a better PPE recovery that 5 PPE per hour?
Re: Cosmo Knights and PPE recovery
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 11:20 am
by Axelmania
Not AFAIK (unless they become a Fallen Knight and get a magic OCC) but keep in mind that if they reduce PPE to 0 they gain the ability to spend MDC instead, and that regenerates at least 10 per minute.
Given they ALSO have 500 MDC cosmic armor which ALSO (separately) regenerates 1D4x10 per minute, they could be spending their own MDC (but not their armor's) to fuel attacks while relying solely on the armor (and maybe a force field from weapon) for protection.