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Phase World: Stargazer Corp. station SG-4. Size?

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 9:13 pm
by keir451
I'm putting together an adventure involving the Stargazer Corporations orbital space station, SG-4, near Phase World (top of pg. 45 Dimensional Outbreak) and was wondering if Carl Gleba or anyone else knew what its dimensions are? As an R&D facility for new starships I figure it should be big enough to handle a ship the size of a CCW Protector class ship. I'm just curious.

Re: Phase World: Stargazer Corp. station SG-4. Size?

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 11:14 pm
by taalismn
Multiple Protectors, I should think, and a lot of smaller test stands and test article bays.

Re: Phase World: Stargazer Corp. station SG-4. Size?

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 12:08 am
by Warshield73
keir451 wrote:I'm putting together an adventure involving the Stargazer Corporations orbital space station, SG-4, near Phase World (top of pg. 45 Dimensional Outbreak) and was wondering if Carl Gleba or anyone else knew what its dimensions are?

If you are using the Space Station Creation Rules in DB 6, Pg. 7 I would say that you are using a #2 Medium Station or a #3 large station. In fact under the description of Large Stations it says they are "commonly used for private industry, ship production..." so this might be a good one to assume.

After DB 6 came I basically decided that the 16 large space stations described in DB 2, where a mix of #3 Large and #4 City with the "hundreds of smaller stations" being a mix of 1-2 but that's just me.

keir451 wrote:As an R&D facility for new starships I figure it should be big enough to handle a ship the size of a CCW Protector class ship. I'm just curious.

taalismn wrote:Multiple Protectors, I should think, and a lot of smaller test stands and test article bays.

Not sure where the idea of fitting a Protector comes from. Does it say they built them somewhere? In DB 6 Stargazer Ind. is described as a smaller ship manufacturer and in DB 12 it is made clear that most of its work is civilian. Given the sizes we have for the merchant ships and the Star Streaker I would say it's max capacity would two to ten 2,000 foot ships, basically large cruisers.

Re: Phase World: Stargazer Corp. station SG-4. Size?

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 7:16 am
by keir451
Warshield73 wrote:
keir451 wrote:I'm putting together an adventure involving the Stargazer Corporations orbital space station, SG-4, near Phase World (top of pg. 45 Dimensional Outbreak) and was wondering if Carl Gleba or anyone else knew what its dimensions are?

If you are using the Space Station Creation Rules in DB 6, Pg. 7 I would say that you are using a #2 Medium Station or a #3 large station. In fact under the description of Large Stations it says they are "commonly used for private industry, ship production..." so this might be a good one to assume.

After DB 6 came I basically decided that the 16 large space stations described in DB 2, where a mix of #3 Large and #4 City with the "hundreds of smaller stations" being a mix of 1-2 but that's just me.

keir451 wrote:As an R&D facility for new starships I figure it should be big enough to handle a ship the size of a CCW Protector class ship. I'm just curious.

taalismn wrote:Multiple Protectors, I should think, and a lot of smaller test stands and test article bays.

Not sure where the idea of fitting a Protector comes from. Does it say they built them somewhere? In DB 6 Stargazer Ind. is described as a smaller ship manufacturer and in DB 12 it is made clear that most of its work is civilian. Given the sizes we have for the merchant ships and the Star Streaker I would say it's max capacity would two to ten 2,000 foot ships, basically large cruisers.

Cool! It figures that DB 6 is one of the ones I DON'T have, yet. I look into it otherwise I might just modify the RT factory for this purpose.

Re: Phase World: Stargazer Corp. station SG-4. Size?

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 3:23 pm
by Warshield73
keir451 wrote:Cool! It figures that DB 6 is one of the ones I DON'T have, yet. I look into it otherwise I might just modify the RT factory for this purpose.

All you have in DB 6 is a description. No floor plans or specific stats. If you are looking for something with some floor plans I would recommend 0 hr: art & technology on DriveThru. They have several stations that I have used for Phase World.

I recommend the Crucible or the Argos III . They are both smaller than the stations described in DB 6 but the basic deck plans work.