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Happy Easter!

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 4:35 pm
by Kevin
Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to all of you who celebrate this religious holiday. I hope the kids (and you) are not too sad and disappointed that you cannot have grandparents and other family members come over to hunt for Easter eggs and enjoy a big family dinner. It sucks, I know. Try to stay positive and do what you can at home. And don’t binge on too much candy.

For us, Kathy usually cooks a ham, potatoes, and a green beans dish and/or potato perogi, and has her daughter and a few people over. This year she is still making ham dinner, sweet potatoes, and green beans, but it will be just the two us. I imagine there will be some text messages and phone call correspondence followed by television.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Easter Bunny?!

For those of you with gamer children, maybe make and run an Easter Bunny mutant animals super-hero adventure in which the heroes must save the Easter Bunny or some other fun game session. Or maybe create a Easter Bunny family. Each sibling with a magical power and they have to rescue mamma and daddy Easter Bunny taken captive by some wicked villain who hates the Easter holiday or the Easter Bunny, or chocolate, or likes to eat the bunnies and the greatest delicacy of all bunnies is the “magical” Easter Bunny (and/or members of the Easter Bunny's family)!

I have had a lot fun over the years making and running “holiday” themed role-playing game adventures. Some have been silly fun. Some deadly serious. Some have been one-shot adventures or tournaments, others short 2-4 episode mini-campaigns. Hmm, what holidays have I created adventures for? One Easter and several for Christmas and Halloween. My notorious Lord De Silca Fantasy game event originated as an Octoberfest tournament at the old DGC (Detroit Gaming Center) waaaay back in 1980 or 1981. All of my holiday games have met with equal fun and zeal by children, teens, and adults alike. Just food for thought.

Whether you celebrate Easter or not, please stay healthy, happy, and safe this weekend and in the days to ahead.

Stay Well and Game On!

Kevin Siembieda
That Publisher Guy

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