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Ultimate Thief
Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 7:33 pm
by Arrow21570
Given all the options available: Palladium Fantasy Thief, MERC Professional Thief, Gypsy Thief, Psi-Ghost, Rift Runner, Ley Line Rifter, HU powered, HU skilled, NS&S, etc. What do you think would be the ultimate thief? Or what have you built in the past to have thieving fun? Are there any ultimate thief type NPC's in the lore anywhere?
Re: Ultimate Thief
Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:29 pm
by Mack
If I'm allowed to go a wee bit off the deep end...
-- Chiang-Ku Dragon gets major psionics (to include Astral Projection for scouting/spying), outstanding metamorphosis, a few magic tattoos, and a magic OCC.
-- Pick the Temporal Wizard OCC (or possibly a Shifter).
Temporal Magic gives several good options for getting into and out of places. Dimensional envelopes for hiding and storing stuff. Place a Dimensional pocket within a small bag, stash all your gear in it, then metamorph into bird that's just big enough to carry the bag... And if things turn sideways, the character is MDC with Supernatural Strength.
Re: Ultimate Thief
Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:41 pm
by Killer Cyborg
I made a mutant packrat ancient master ninja with super powers once.
She did pretty good.
Re: Ultimate Thief
Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 9:34 pm
by Curbludgeon
One could arguably exploit how certain classes are labeled differently in various sections of the Game Master Guide to jam some super powers where they don't belong. Two relevant examples are how the Super-Spy and CB2 Priest are listed as Scholars and Adventurers in the experience tables. This is provided priests aren't considered Practitioners of Magic in the same way some games would find a Cyborg Priest acceptable, because S&A superpowers can't go on a character with magic, psionics, or much in bionics.
Assuming super powered Priests and double-dipping Super-Spies are out, a super powered Professional Thief is perhaps the only thing that could measure up to a Chiang-Ku as above, and even that would require some anti magic shenanigans.
Re: Ultimate Thief
Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 10:23 pm
by Arrow21570
I'm open to double dipping for spies, or a priest of mischief type.
Re: Ultimate Thief
Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 8:15 am
by Arrow21570
Nothing wrong with the deep end, super powers, etc. keep em coming I like all of these so far. You guys make me feel like I'm still coloring with Crayons, I love it!
Re: Ultimate Thief
Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 5:21 pm
by Blackwater Sniper
I've never really been one to play an OCC as it's listed. I go for "what's my play-style and which will fit that role the best." One of the reasons I left D&D, my fellow players kept saying I should play the character how the book says it's described.
The OCC will give you the skills:
What kind of thief are you looking to become? Stealing hearts (or other bodily organs)? Information? Petty crime? Vehicle repo? In it for the money and whatever isn't nailed down?
The race will tell you where you can travel and if you can hide in plain sight.
I have an Atlantean Temporal Warrior who can walk the streets of most cities across the globe and survive. He has customized his rifles' barrels to accept Ram-Jet rounds, elongated the bore (using temporal magic) so a 7" submachine gun has the accuracy of a full-size rifle, tripled the capacity (again, temporal magic) with a pneumatic-fed magazine, among other fun toys.
He's one of the main pathfinders of the regiment: going in ahead of the main force, noting routes in and out, loading transports efficiently for the task at hand (what's needed during the march, at the target, and exfil).
With a couple skill changes he could be a decent thief, he's quick on his feet, good at gathering intel, has plenty of cargo space, and the mindset of "if I need it to get the job done, I'll take it."
Re: Ultimate Thief
Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2021 12:49 am
by Incriptus
I'm fond of the Psi-Nullifier.
The inability to be detected my magic or psionic means is really helpful
Once you get in a few levels and grab some of the telemechanics for bypassing tech
Then you just have to worry about good old fashion line of sight
If you want to play dirty the Astral Transference abilities in Nightbane work wonders.