OCCs where Native Language can be inferior to others
Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 6:38 pm
I was looking at how Native Language was added as an OCC to most of the OCCs in RUE and then noticed it wasn't added to some of them, which posits the idea that perhaps you might actually need to select a native language as a skill.
Presumably if you have no other language skills then your 1st selection is automatically Native Language.
If you start with various languages then you would have to specify one of them as the native language, I would also figure. After all the first language would be the de-facto native one.
Pg 66's Cyber-Knight OCC seems like one possible option. They're 96% competent in American + Dragonese, and can select two "other" languages (ie non-native, but get an amazing +30% starting at a base of 80%)
There doesn't seem to be any benefit to saying "hey, American or Dragonese was my native language" because they seem to be locked-in at 96 and wouldn't get the +1%/level.
Cyber-Knights get a +5% technical bonus which used to make them slightly better at languages via Related skills, but due to it being moved to Communication (no bonus) this is no longer the case, meaning you might as well only use Secondary Skills to learn languages.
So it seems like the best option for CKs is to select "Native Tongue" as a secondary skill and start off with 88% proficiency in it, as well as 96/96/80/80 in four others.
About the only reason I could see to specify American or Dragonese as the native language is that the GM could say this is mandatory if yo don't take Native Tongue / Native Language as a secondary.
OTOH maybe you're truly from a languageless species that lacks a language and were taught American/Dragonese simultaneously during your training, so you got neither of them "first" and thus neither is "native" ?
It all seems strange that Cyber-Knights are all pentalingual, does Coake really discrimininate against people who have trouble learning languages?
CK seems like the only Ultimate OCC which doesn't start off with the native skill, but the Vagabond also stands out as something interesting since they seem to have the lowest of all in it: 88%
This in theory means that if it's locked there that Language: Other could eventually exceed proficiency: the +15% bonus on base 50% is 65% so it would reach 90% after five levels!
Even if these native languages did get the +1% per level, that's only up to 94% by six levels, at which point the other languages would be at 95%
Dog Boys (pg 147) also start with 88% (and it must be American) but their bonus for other langues is 10% less so we're more looking at 9 levels worth of +5% to get from 55% to 98% and exceeding the 88+9=97% you'd get assuming Native Tongue actually gets that +1% bonus.
If they are actually locked (what I tend to assume if they for some reason list a fixed % instead of a +??% bonus) then it seems like the Cyber-Knight might be the only one that the 1%/level actually applies to, since they 're the only one who can actually choose Native Tongue as a skill as others already have it?
Pg 155 also makes me wonder: did anyone ever assume Wild Psi Stalkers might develope their own language instead of it being American? What about wild psi stalkerss who live around Free Quebec battling Xiticix, they don't speak French?
- (minor note: anyone ever notice the contrast between "Native Language" used in some OCCs like Borg/Crazy wheras "Native Tongue" is used in the Communications Skills and for other OCCs like Glitter Boy?)
Presumably if you have no other language skills then your 1st selection is automatically Native Language.
If you start with various languages then you would have to specify one of them as the native language, I would also figure. After all the first language would be the de-facto native one.
Pg 66's Cyber-Knight OCC seems like one possible option. They're 96% competent in American + Dragonese, and can select two "other" languages (ie non-native, but get an amazing +30% starting at a base of 80%)
There doesn't seem to be any benefit to saying "hey, American or Dragonese was my native language" because they seem to be locked-in at 96 and wouldn't get the +1%/level.
Cyber-Knights get a +5% technical bonus which used to make them slightly better at languages via Related skills, but due to it being moved to Communication (no bonus) this is no longer the case, meaning you might as well only use Secondary Skills to learn languages.
So it seems like the best option for CKs is to select "Native Tongue" as a secondary skill and start off with 88% proficiency in it, as well as 96/96/80/80 in four others.
About the only reason I could see to specify American or Dragonese as the native language is that the GM could say this is mandatory if yo don't take Native Tongue / Native Language as a secondary.
OTOH maybe you're truly from a languageless species that lacks a language and were taught American/Dragonese simultaneously during your training, so you got neither of them "first" and thus neither is "native" ?
It all seems strange that Cyber-Knights are all pentalingual, does Coake really discrimininate against people who have trouble learning languages?
CK seems like the only Ultimate OCC which doesn't start off with the native skill, but the Vagabond also stands out as something interesting since they seem to have the lowest of all in it: 88%
This in theory means that if it's locked there that Language: Other could eventually exceed proficiency: the +15% bonus on base 50% is 65% so it would reach 90% after five levels!
Even if these native languages did get the +1% per level, that's only up to 94% by six levels, at which point the other languages would be at 95%
Dog Boys (pg 147) also start with 88% (and it must be American) but their bonus for other langues is 10% less so we're more looking at 9 levels worth of +5% to get from 55% to 98% and exceeding the 88+9=97% you'd get assuming Native Tongue actually gets that +1% bonus.
If they are actually locked (what I tend to assume if they for some reason list a fixed % instead of a +??% bonus) then it seems like the Cyber-Knight might be the only one that the 1%/level actually applies to, since they 're the only one who can actually choose Native Tongue as a skill as others already have it?
Pg 155 also makes me wonder: did anyone ever assume Wild Psi Stalkers might develope their own language instead of it being American? What about wild psi stalkerss who live around Free Quebec battling Xiticix, they don't speak French?