Rifter11 wrote:So what city probably has more Juicers in it than anywhere else?
I'm guessing Kingsdale but what does everyone else think?
A quick skim though not all of my incomplete Rifts Library yields up:
The NGR has 12% of its population is involved with Juicer Technology (WB5 pg23/175), though I'm not sure on the population of the NGR at that point in time (it's in the millions IINM, so they have access to at least 120,000 per million).
Columbia (SA#1 pg21) has 150 Juicers. Juicers are noted as being available in South America as an OCC (WB6: SA).
Japan (WB8) has 2,500 Juicers working for H-Brand Corp (pg23), but the Republic of Japan has 889,200 Juicers (based on 6% of its population, the tech is illegal though). Ichto and other powers in the book did not include an OCC breakdown for their populations.
The CS (WB11 pg77) has 11,520 Juicers in 2 Army Divisions (is that per or total)
Psyscape has a population of 2,091 non-Psychic Men at Arms (based on 16% of the population being non-psychic and 17% of them being Men-At-Arms OCC), which could include Juicers so the number is lower but I don't know what the breakdown is.
City of Charity (WB14:NW pg61) has 535 Juicers
Federation of Magic has 945 Augmented Humans (includes Juicers) in the City of Brass (pg32), the Society of Sages has 40 Juicers (pg51) and Stormspire has 904 Juicers.
The Tundra Rangers have 300 Augmented Humans (Juicers AND Crazies in that total).
Free Quebec has 12% of its Military as Juicers (pg34), though I'm not sure how big FQ's military is off hand. Nor am I sure how many might be at Old Bones.
Ishpenning's Mercenary Army includes 7,000 Juicers, and Kingsdale's Merc Army includes 1,175 Juicers (both RUE pg30 and 26 respectively).
So it looks like world wide, the largest concentration of Juicers is in Japan (Republic of Japan) followed by NGR/Europe (who might actually precede them depending on their population size). In North America it looks the CS (WB11) has the largest population with 11,520 Juicers, though FQ might have more (12% of its military are Juicers, but I'm not sure on the total population size of their army) with Ishpenning's Mercenary Army coming in at a solid 3rd place.