Naruni weapon damage order

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Re: Naruni weapon damage order

Unread post by narcissus »

I've always thought of it like a plasma paintball. Explodes (to a very tiny area) on impact.
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Re: Naruni weapon damage order

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The NE-H10 Plasma Derringer explictly says that the shooter has a 10% of taking heat damage every time it's fired if not wearing armor or heat-resistant gloves, because the barrel is so short and close to the hand and thin heat shielding.

This means the cartridge is turned into plasma the moment the trigger is pulled.
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Re: Naruni weapon damage order

Unread post by Orin J. »

always assumed the cartridge is battery and reaction mass, with the gun sucking out the power then using it to agitate the spent cartridge into plasma and launching it. efficent, stupidly dangerous to tamper with, and near impossible to reverse engineer. also explains how they're able to make e-clip versions for their salesmen- just compensate for using local gasses with more power ro the reaction.
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Re: Naruni weapon damage order

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

the description of plasma cartridges, starting in mercenaries and in every other book they appear, is that the cartridges are solid items with a primer, and when the primer is struck, the cartridge is "converted into energy, causing a plasma discharge"

so they fire plasma blasts, they just start as solid items that vaporize in the breech to make the plasma blasts.
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Re: Naruni weapon damage order

Unread post by guardiandashi »

I always understood them to be shells that when "triggered" turn into plasma, and most of the guns channel and control the plasma, which is why they can also be used to make traps with a round
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Re: Naruni weapon damage order

Unread post by Mlp7029 »

Sounds kind of like a shaped charge round in construction to me.
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Re: Naruni weapon damage order

Unread post by taalismn »

Following the 'solid fuel' idea, Naruni plasma weapons may be, if the GM wants to super-detail, better at operating in deep space/vacuum condition than the average(i.e. Rifts Earth) plasma weapons using the 'sucks ambient atmosphere and superheats it to plasma' principle.
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Re: Naruni weapon damage order

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Nekira Sudacne wrote:The NE-H10 Plasma Derringer explictly says that the shooter has a 10% of taking heat damage every time it's fired if not wearing armor or heat-resistant gloves, because the barrel is so short and close to the hand and thin heat shielding.

This means the cartridge is turned into plasma the moment the trigger is pulled.

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Re: Naruni weapon damage order

Unread post by Crimson Dynamo »

Think of them like a shotgun shell, only its ignited plasma instead of tiny lead balls or rocksalt.
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