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Unread post by boxee »

What do you all think of age costs for martial arts.

What can you tell me on TCRI in Rifts.
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The Hand to Hand quicky combat skills ... it goes agenst the grain for most of the PB games to age a age cost. But for actual Martial Arts combat skills like the h2h: MA and the ones in the Japan book....they would actually improve the realty of the game if they were included.

For the Martal Art Froms that are in N&S and MC...All for them, because they are MORE than just a combat skill.

Nekira Sudacne wrote:TCRI?

Seconds this question.
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Re: questions

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Nekira Sudacne wrote:TCRI?

TransCosmic Research Institute from TMNT?
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Re: questions

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boxee wrote:What do you all think of age costs for martial arts.

it's not a cost, so much as it is training time. most skills are more or less folded into the time invested in developing your class skills, martial arts take.....more involvement than is normal. it's not a problem unless you want to have your city rat go off and learn kung fu in the middle of a campaign and that's really a GM's call more than a hard rule

boxee wrote:What can you tell me on TCRI in Rifts.

i'm pretty sure the offcial situation is TCRI has no awareness of rifts earth, and given their lack of belief in magical forces the ley lines might disrupt the beams of their transmat systems and keep them FROM becoming aware. EDIT: oh, and TMNT earth isn't Rifts earth. neither is HU earth either of those earths.

actually, magical energies disrupting the scientific ones needed for interdimensional travel would explain a LOT about magic's seeming chocke hold on dimensional travel.....
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Re: questions

Unread post by boxee »

Well for the martial arts training times, I was thinking of mutant animals. The books say you can use TMNT and After the bomb and HU and NSS/MC. The shorter lifespan of mutant animals would really limit this with the age requirements. Likely I will just ignore the age requirements if the character background makes sense.

The TCRI aliens I am thinking of using them in a rifts setting, no more then a hand full of them working with my setting. Awhile ago I suggested we all do a pantheon for rifts. I have been working on mine on and off for a few years now and have tied all my game settings together using it. Would you all be interested in me sharing it? It is a bit rough still as I am still adding to it.

Has anyone else done their own setting pantheon?

Also it is so good to see you all here. I have not been well so have not been posting.
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Re: questions

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boxee wrote:Well for the martial arts training times, I was thinking of mutant animals. The books say you can use TMNT and After the bomb and HU and NSS/MC. The shorter lifespan of mutant animals would really limit this with the age requirements. Likely I will just ignore the age requirements if the character background makes sense.

it's really more of an after the bomb/TMNT question at this point but if you have the marital arts as something they know at creation you can just handwave it was "learned it by being trained growing up" which is canonically how those games do that. training time really only comes into play if you're adding it later on.
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Re: questions

Unread post by The Dark Elf »

Orin J. wrote:
boxee wrote:What do you all think of age costs for martial arts.

it's not a cost, so much as it is training time. most skills are more or less folded into the time invested in developing your class skills, martial arts take.....more involvement than is normal. it's not a problem unless you want to have your city rat go off and learn kung fu in the middle of a campaign and that's really a GM's call more than a hard rule

This. It's time invested to train and physical progression rather than an actual age.
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