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looking for alien or mutant or something
Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 9:51 pm
by boxee
Hello I am working on a merc band and one of the npcs is a vulture-man thing. Looked in AtB no vulture in there. Can anyone please help me out.
Re: looking for alien or mutant or something
Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 2:12 am
by Curbludgeon
I can't think off hand of a vulture person, but there are a bunch of things close to it. The easiest might be to just take an AtB bird, maybe add an option for disease resistance, and just change the appearance. The Condoroid in WB9:South America 2 has a rather vulturine face, as do some of the species in Aliens Unlimited (esp. Gallopas and Gymoy).
Re: looking for alien or mutant or something
Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 2:35 am
by psiandco
boxee wrote:Hello I am working on a merc band and one of the npcs is a vulture-man thing. Looked in AtB no vulture in there. Can anyone please help me out.
Do you have Heroes Unlimited 2 (HU2)?
You can turn to the section on "Mutants" and flip a few pages and be in a segment for "mutant animals"...
Also, I think you could make a super hero with "winged flight" "Lycanthropy (vulture)" and that one "eats anything" power?
while there may be no actual "Vulture" stats... we can always imagine our own.
+4 P.S. you tear flesh from bones to eat, you rip apart kills.
+6 P.E. carrion eater, desert survivor, long duration flier, disease resistant, feels like punching a tractor tire.
-6 P.B. uglies as sin. "Mr. Personality" by Gillette is your theme song.
+8 vs Horror factor, you eat the dead, and fight lions for your food. There isn't much that can scare you.
Horror factor: 12 - Vultures aren't exactly as cute as "calico critters"
Flight, hover, glide, Vertical take off or landing.
Claws and Beak natural weapons: 1d6 s.d.c one-handed slice or nibble... 4d6 S.d.c. feathered frenzy
Harbinger of doom *once per encounter, the mere presence of the hybrid Man-vulture mutant automatically forces a target to re-roll any die roll where bad results lead to the creature's death...
Gains the following skills with these bonuses for free:
+30% cooking skill.
+20% tracking.
+20% Track animals.
+20% wild survival.
+10% prowl.
Re: looking for alien or mutant or something
Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 3:55 am
by Raindrop
Road Hogs has mutant Buzzards, Condors and Vultures (page 6-7).
Re: looking for alien or mutant or something
Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 11:14 am
by taalismn
Aliens Unlimited, under the Avian aliens, has a vulturoid species(offhand I can't remember their name, but they're there).
Re: looking for alien or mutant or something
Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 1:53 pm
by boxee
Thanks guys the suggestions are all helpful. I really am grateful for all the help!
Re: looking for alien or mutant or something
Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 11:51 pm
by Warshield73
If you are looking for a Vulture like race the Gymoy in Aliens Unlimited work really well in Rifts. If you are OK with just a big bird Rifts WB 9: South America 2 has the Condoroid and Falconoid RCCs.
Re: looking for alien or mutant or something
Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2022 3:40 am
by boxee
Currently thinking about hoe I will flesh it out. Thank you all for the help. You are all amazing people.
Re: looking for alien or mutant or something
Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2022 12:03 pm
by jtjr26
You could use a Lyn-Srial from the New West. While it's true that most of them walk a righteous path there can be some that will take payment as a mercenary.
They are not vultures but as close as I can think of.