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Can Palladium-Rifts-Fantasy Have Atlanteans...
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2022 7:57 am
by SirSpamHammer
Can Palladium Rifts Fantasy have Atlanteans as player & non-player characters?
I want to base a non-player-character in Palladium-Rifts-Fantasy on Amber Heard's character from Aqua-Man, that's why?
Re: Can Palladium-Rifts-Fantasy Have Atlanteans...
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2022 8:08 am
by SirSpamHammer
Oops, I just realised, this can't be done, because Atlantis is only on Earth

Re: Can Palladium-Rifts-Fantasy Have Atlanteans...
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2022 12:19 pm
by Curbludgeon
You might like to take a look at Rifts World Book 32:Lemuria, and the Spouter class within.
Re: Can Palladium-Rifts-Fantasy Have Atlanteans...
Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2022 6:38 pm
by Ranger
Its your world, you can put a small clan there if you want. Either as a lost tribe or a secret educators of the local populace.
Re: Can Palladium-Rifts-Fantasy Have Atlanteans...
Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 10:49 pm
by SirSpamHammer
Thanks for your replies, and I am still thinking about this...
Re: Can Palladium-Rifts-Fantasy Have Atlanteans...
Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2022 12:11 pm
by Soldier of Od
Many Atlanteans are dimensional travellers, so it is reasonable to assume that some have visited the Palladium World. If you are thinking about putting some Atlanteans there, you might want to check out the write up of the Chiang-Ku dragons - they have magic tattoos, but take great pains to ensure that tattoo magic is not used on the Palladium World because they respect the elves' and dwarves' choice to eradicate it during the Millennium of Purification (Dragons & Gods, page 23). If you do put Atlanteans there, there may either be similar choices made, or else a possible confrontation with the Chiang-Ku.
However, I don't think Atlanteans are what you are looking for - they have nothing to do with water! Atlantis never sunk beneath the waves - it has been in another dimension!
As Curbludgeon has said, Lemurians are probably much closer to what you want.
Re: Can Palladium-Rifts-Fantasy Have Atlanteans...
Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2023 12:18 am
by drewkitty ~..~
SirSpamHammer wrote:Can Palladium Rifts Fantasy have Atlanteans as player & non-player characters?
I want to base a non-player-character in Palladium-Rifts-Fantasy on Amber Heard's character from Aqua-Man, that's why?
Can True Atlanteans be used in the Palladium Fantasy Role Playing Game?
That would be the question. There is no RIFTS in PFRPG.
To answer that question...ultimately it is up to that individual GM to allow or disallow porting that Race into the PF RPG world/game.
The problem with bringing any char with magic tattoos into the PF game is converting the MD & MDC tattoos into SD & SDC in a way that makes sense. Instead of just changing the M into a S that the normal 'conversion' rules would suggest.
Re: Can Palladium-Rifts-Fantasy Have Atlanteans...
Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 3:11 am
by Marcethus
In my game realms I have put a couple of small Atlantean clans in Palladum world.