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Dragons, Dragon Juicers, and Rifts

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:01 pm
by ardashir
Just a few questions here.

First of all, what are the main books to use for information on dragons in Rifts? Beyond the RUE, I know of the brief information on them in WB 12:Psyscape. The Conversion Guide used to have some information on them but the revised version doesn't, or maybe I just missed it. Are there any other specific Rifts books with draconic information, especially for the adult and ancient dragons.

Secondly, how easy should it be for a Dragon Juicer to bargain for some of that ancient dragon blood to prolong their lives, rather than simply blow another poor 5000+ year old dragon away and start dipping a bucket in the gore? I assume it can't be easy, or every Dragon Juicer would be doing it. Maybe trading the dragon something it desires for whatever hoard it has, like the rare mint copy of Action Comics #1 or the Hope Diamond, or whatever it wants?

Re: Dragons, Dragon Juicers, and Rifts

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 11:51 pm
by Blue_Lion
SOT 3(i think) and 6.
Atlantis I believe also talks on a city of dragon.
Think Triax, and japan have information on the same species of dragon.

Re: Dragons, Dragon Juicers, and Rifts

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2022 7:34 am
by ShadowLogan
Re: Dragon Info
Dragons and Gods, it's a dual-line book covering Dragons for both PF and Rifts (includes conversion notes) and is probably the largest source for Dragon info.

Rifts England (WB3) has on new dragon species (also appearing in D&G)
Rifts Japan (WB8) has several new dragon species (also appearing in D&G)
Rifts Psycape (WB12) has a new dragon species, plus a demon that wears the heads of a Dragon they kill
Rifts SoT 6 has a Dragon community described as part of Tolken
Rifts SoT 5 IINM is where they introduce the Shadow Dragon Ability

Dragon Cult(s) gets mentioned in WB12 (Psycape), WB16 (Fed of Magic), and WB6 (SA1). Rifts Atlantis (WB2, possibly WB21) also has the Splugorth and Dragon's relationship. Rifts Africa (WB5) might also have Dragon info (Pheonix Empire).

Re: Dragon Juicers
Could a DJ cut a deal with a Dragon? Sure, though doubtful (if it was that easy the Dragon-Gods special Blood-Metals...). Another thing to consider is the population of Dragons in a given area might put pressure on keeping the DJ-class numbers down.

Re: Dragons, Dragon Juicers, and Rifts

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2022 7:04 pm
by ardashir
By the way, talking draconic metamorphosis -- can dragons turn into any form they can imagine? Like, say, an anthropomorphized version of their dragon self? Which I imagine would look a lot like a Phase World Draconid. Or are they limited to looking like creatures that exist in the Rifts setting?

Re: Dragons, Dragon Juicers, and Rifts

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2022 7:06 pm
by ardashir
ShadowLogan wrote:Re: Dragon Info
Dragons and Gods, it's a dual-line book covering Dragons for both PF and Rifts (includes conversion notes) and is probably the largest source for Dragon info.

Rifts England (WB3) has on new dragon species (also appearing in D&G)
Rifts Japan (WB8) has several new dragon species (also appearing in D&G)
Rifts Psycape (WB12) has a new dragon species, plus a demon that wears the heads of a Dragon they kill
Rifts SoT 6 has a Dragon community described as part of Tolken
Rifts SoT 5 IINM is where they introduce the Shadow Dragon Ability

Dragon Cult(s) gets mentioned in WB12 (Psycape), WB16 (Fed of Magic), and WB6 (SA1). Rifts Atlantis (WB2, possibly WB21) also has the Splugorth and Dragon's relationship. Rifts Africa (WB5) might also have Dragon info (Pheonix Empire).

Re: Dragon Juicers
Could a DJ cut a deal with a Dragon? Sure, though doubtful (if it was that easy the Dragon-Gods special Blood-Metals...). Another thing to consider is the population of Dragons in a given area might put pressure on keeping the DJ-class numbers down.

I'm sorry it took me this long to remember to say this, but thanks for all the information you shared. You too, Blue_Lion.

Re: Dragons, Dragon Juicers, and Rifts

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 1:50 am
by RockJock
I have always envisioned an evil ancient dragon leading a dragon cult....You too can become a dragon if you follow our 15 step plans! Start with giving up your worldly possessions and pledge your loyalty to your betters!....step 13 become my pet dragon juicer....

Re: Dragons, Dragon Juicers, and Rifts

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 3:07 am
by Warshield73
RockJock wrote:I have always envisioned an evil ancient dragon leading a dragon cult....You too can become a dragon if you follow our 15 step plans! Start with giving up your worldly possessions and pledge your loyalty to your betters!....step 13 become my pet dragon juicer....

Would this be a Dragon version of Scientology or just a Dragon MLM? I mean do I get extra levels for bringing in 3 of my friends?

Re: Dragons, Dragon Juicers, and Rifts

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 4:02 pm
by glitterboy2098
note that the dragon juicer description actually mentions rumors of a dragon having created an army of dragon juicers from its own blood.

personally, i'd use that plot idea as a leader of the cult of dragonwright setting up shop somewhere, and using dragon juicers as elite bodyguards and enforcers.

Re: Dragons, Dragon Juicers, and Rifts

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2022 4:50 pm
by Shorty Lickens
There was SUPPOSED to be a Rifts Dragons sourcebook but they never actually started the damn thing.

Re: Dragons, Dragon Juicers, and Rifts

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2023 5:48 pm
by Blackwater Sniper
I would always allow a Dragon Juicer to "try" to find a compatible dragon.

It could lead to a great long-term campaign. Imagine having a pact with a dragon!

You could be tasked with keeping "your dragon" safe from outside threats.

The ideas are as endless as your imagination.

Re: Dragons, Dragon Juicers, and Rifts

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2023 8:58 pm
by RockJock
You know a dragon patron has many options and advantages. If you have an organization like Dragonwright, with multiple dragon members with different skillsets you coul have many possibilities. Dragon Juicers make sense as minions, but look at some other Dragon Derived powers/classes. True Atlantean tats can come from dragons. I could definitely see a Maxi-Monster Man with a focus on monster tats of say Drakes and/or other dragon like monsters. A martial arts character with extra Japanese style martial arts abilities(taught by Japanese dragons of course). Even something like a Blood Rider(dino more than dragon I know), or some of the Lemurian style classes could fit. Just a random thought.

Re: Dragons, Dragon Juicers, and Rifts

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2023 3:27 am
by Blue_Lion
Pacts with dragons can have lots of unexpected risk. Draconic logic can be complex and difficult for less intelligent life forms to understand. To dragons often all those around them are just chess pieces to manipulate to gain their own advantage. So its gifts might have a price you did not expect.

To quote Shadowrun - Never make a deal with a dragon.

Re: Dragons, Dragon Juicers, and Rifts

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2023 8:08 pm
by RockJock
Oh I am talking elite warriors that the dragons see as expendable pawns for sure.