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Strength of Utgard Loki
Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 5:45 pm
by Veknironth
Well, I thought that the spell had been converted into the 2nd edition somewhere but I can't seem to find it. So, I guess I'll just ask about the 1st edition version. Does the bonus to damage come from the increased PS, or is that in addition to the increased PS? I'd assume it's in addition, but it lines up rather nicely with the PS increase. The +5 to saving throws lines up well with the +5 to save vs magic you'd receive from a PE of 24. But a 24 PE wouldn't grant you a save vs psionics, so I guess that the saving throws is independent from the stat increase, so perhaps the damage bonus would also be independent.
"Kiralon, with his 1st Edition expertise, will be my guiding light here."
Re: Strength of Utgard Loki
Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2022 11:37 pm
by kiralon
I always played it as in addition to occ bonuses but not stat bonuses, so you go by the bonus unless any stat gives a better bonus, then you go off that, but you do still add magic item and well made weapon bonuses too. Great spell. I always liked it for the +1 attack per melee too.
I also play the PE increase also gives you temp HP.
The question is does fleet feet double the extra attack SoUL give you
Re: Strength of Utgard Loki
Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 12:35 pm
by green.nova343
Veknironth wrote:Well, I thought that the spell had been converted into the 2nd edition somewhere but I can't seem to find it. So, I guess I'll just ask about the 1st edition version. Does the bonus to damage come from the increased PS, or is that in addition to the increased PS? I'd assume it's in addition, but it lines up rather nicely with the PS increase. The +5 to saving throws lines up well with the +5 to save vs magic you'd receive from a PE of 24. But a 24 PE wouldn't grant you a save vs psionics, so I guess that the saving throws is independent from the stat increase, so perhaps the damage bonus would also be independent.
"Kiralon, with his 1st Edition expertise, will be my guiding light here."
Normally a PS 21 equals +6 SDC to HTH damage...which the spell provides. I'm guessing that the extra damage is from boosting the PS up to 21, not something additional. Hence why it talks about this being in addition to OCC bonuses.
Now...having said that, & looking over the description, I think it's already been converted in 2nd the spell
Superhuman Strength. Has the same range (self or touch), same duration (2 melees/caster level), same boost to PE (up to PE 24), & trades the boost to dodge & SPD for a better PS boost (30 instead of 24) & SDC boost (+30).
Re: Strength of Utgard Loki
Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 11:49 am
by Prysus
Veknironth wrote:Well, I thought that the spell had been converted into the 2nd edition somewhere but I can't seem to find it.
Greetings and Salutations. The conversion was in Rifter #25, Questions & Answers section (starts on page 92), and the spell is found on page93. This references that the Second Edition main book changed the Potion name to "Might of the Palladium" (page 253), and nerfed it a bit. In these examples, they've eliminated the Saving Throw bonuses as well as the damage bonuses and don't provide any Attribute bonuses; but have provided a bonus attack and Strike/Parry/Dodge bonuses, and the spell (but not potion) also makes your strength Supernatural and provides an S.D.C. bonus.
I know that wasn't quite the question asked, but it was mentioned and I knew the source. Hope some of that helps. Farewell and safe journeys.
Re: Strength of Utgard Loki
Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2023 9:58 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Prysus has the right of it.
Even so...I find the 'conversion' of the spell stupid and just use the original spell w/o alteration other than adding a spell level and a PPE cost.