Re: could Soulmancers be guiding Desmond Bradford's experime
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2022 9:29 am
Candy wrote:What if one of the reasons the Coalition States has lasted this long is that like the Vanguard there might be a segment of the demon population subtly protecting the CS from the shadows so that Bradford's experiments at Lone Star can continue and produce promising new "soul cattle" for demons to kidnap and continue to breed in Hades?
Interesting idea... but what if it was a failed experiment that Bradford capitalized on? Failed as in clones have PPE, but no useable souls! This could be akin to artificial gemstones being useless for magic. Artificial life could also be useless for soulmancy. The repercussions could be numerous - does Bradford's failure constitute a breach of demonic contract? does the CS consider clone warriors more effective in the fight against the demonic since their souls can't be used and start to reconsider human cloning? are the demonic sponsors even still interested? if not, could their involvement be used by CS enemies for propaganda? were the backers even demons or deevils - perhaps someone/something else with a different soulmancy-oriented agenda? would such a feature/bug of clone souls have an impact on social issues raised in WB8 Japan re fast grown bodies for cyborgs, i.e. could retrofitted cyborgs in clone bodies be unable to learn magic?
A interesting idea indeed.