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Splugorth High Lords and Alchemy

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2022 1:12 pm
by MidnightNova
In WB2, High Lords are described as being a combined priest, wizard, and alchemist. Now a lot of this is seemingly a function in society as opposed to a class, but there is also mention in a few places of "Splugorth Alchemists" (Example: Descriptions of the Kittani underwater power armors in Underseas).

So do High Lords act like alchemists as per PF? Or can they take Alchemy as one of their magical areas of study?

Or can they enchant magical items (Like the Kittani UW PA suits) but do not know circles/wards unless taught them? (They do have a 98% to recognize them).

It's muddled more by the fact that in part of the High Lord description it says the "Know all Stone Master abilities" but later says they have to choose it as their third specialty.

I know in the end it's a GM call, but what are people's opinions?

Re: Splugorth High Lords and Alchemy

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2022 3:33 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
I always took it to mean that they can function as an alchemist.