darthauthor wrote:So he wanted to go "Die Hard" (Bruce Willis style) and with his speed of 30 ran straight (1,000 feet) in the direction of the cluster of snipers spaced 100 feet from each other. I told him it was a BAD idea and that he should use cover or create a distraction but he insisted on "Going For It"
Your main issue was incorrect math (as pointed out already and even acknowledged). 1,000ft should have taken the CK 13.33x of their actions to cover the distance to the first sniper (a full 2x melee rounds, 15sec each, plus another 2x actions in a 3rd melee round). Spaced 100ft apart, it would also take them 2x actions to cover the distance between each one. This assumes a SPD of 30, with 6 APM quoted initially and no assumptions about terrain/elevation.
The only other things that might have slowed the CK down:
-the terrain between "camp" and the sniper positions that could slow someone down (not necessarily provide cover): uneven terrain, wet/moist terrain (slip, run in mud, run into quicksand, etc)
-elevation of the sniper's positions (if they are perched the CK would have to change elevation, which takes time), elevation could be such that they can't run straight at them either or even at full speed
-how the CS has their Snipers deployed, some organizations in the real world when they deploy snipers deploy them also with a Spotter. IF the CS did deploy spotters with the snipers, then when the CK actually got close enough they would have to contend with 2x individuals and not 1x, in fact the 2nd could have also attacked as they made their final approach
-as this was an ambush the Snipers could also have setup additional traps/defenses to slow an approach on their positions
-once they engaged the CK at close range, the snipers could employ melee attacks (HTH, Vibro-Blade) and defensive actions (dodge, parry). It almost sounds like the CK was able to 1x hit the snipers, which seems unlikely if they are in EBA (6APMs suggests a low level CK, so the Psi-Sword is doing what 2 or 3d6 based on other aspects you've said?, means average of 7-10.5damage per hit against even old school 50MDC main body EBA should take several actions). Even if we assume the CK made head shots, that should have been done at penalty, plus the EBA's helmet (if worn) should also make this unlikely to be a 1x hit thing.
-when the CK moved from position to position, the remaining snipers had time to fire on the CK again between melee bouts (even with your incorrect math)
-NPCs had the option of surrendering, something that would likely be considered an option if a CK is present (Code and such) even for the CS I would think. Another option would be to disarm themselves, a CK is NOT supposed to attack an unarmed foe, nor use the Psi-Sword on an opponent not equal to the attack (both of these are per the CK Code). Nor are they supposed to "Charge an unhorsed opponent" (which their actions could qualify as). Based on this encounter alone, they might face repercussions from the CK organization as a whole in terms of following the Code (or if nothing else remind the player about the CK Code of Conduct they are supposed to be aspiring to following)
-the OCC/MOS and HTH skill(s) and level of the CS Snipers is also somewhat blank (as presented), a CS Sniper from the Commando/SpecFor OCCs or Juicer (who are used as snipers) vs a Military Specialist vs even a (Full Conversion) Cyborg could change things dramatically. A Juicer has that pesky Auto-Dodge or HTH: commando (auto-dodge at higher levels, they have more variety of melee attacks even at low levels). As this was a team of snipers, there should also have been somewhat of a spread in terms of levels (and APM) It does sound like you had "generic" NPCs only considering APM
-Called Shots should also impose penalties to strike, especially on small targets (like hands)
Its also worth considering that after their surprise round, the snipers would have been on the move to a new position (especially once their position was made). That would mean by the time the CK could react, determine their position (even one of them), they could have already been on the move and never had to engage the CK depending on conditions.