Review of Chaos Magic Spells

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Review of Chaos Magic Spells

Unread post by darthauthor »

Blue is a Must Have,
Green is a useful
Orange is a spell that is extremely situational
Red is a spell that has no real use

Chaos Magic is from Chaos Earth.

It's a mystic magical art so the magic is not so much learned as it is discovered / bestoyed by the powers that be from Ley Lines or such. It begins with children and many of the spells reflect the behavior of kids and teenagers or tween-agers.

The spell acutally seem kind of fun and funny.

Some are very useful in a disaster zone where teenagers gather together and have to hide from others, need food, scavenge for survival, need to run away / get away fast, defend themselves, stealing from by sneaking in or breaking into places, and attack supernatural predators.

The biggest limitation of this magic is that it is P.P.E. costly when you are not near a ley line.

Let the Chaos Begin

Chaos Magic Spells:

Air Bridge (3; 6 away from Ley Line) : So you have a bridge? Climbing works too. I guess they meant if for a quick get away between buildings or such.

Air Climb (4; double away from ley line) : It is a ladder. I think the Fire Warlock has a climb smoke clouds spell.

All-Nighter (2; 4) : Basically Resist Fatigue or a weak version of Supernatural Endurance.

Blaster Hands (5; 10) : Basically the "Electric Arc" invocation spell. It's useful depends on the setting and circumstances. In Choas Earth a 16 year old teenager getting their hands on a laser pistol or rifle could be a big challenge. If and when you do you can run out the E-clip. The spell is a blaster substitute that saves you the difficulty in finding a weapon, maintaining it, and recharging it. If you are rich or tech rich you don't need it. If not it is as valuable as having an energy rifle/pistol.

Big (10; 20) : IF it works like the spell "Small" it changes the size of your clothes too. A Buff spell for strength, SDC and speed.

Blind Man’s Bluff : Stage magician's magic trick. Make a thing disapper for 2 minutes per level. Good for smuggling or hiding things for a few minutes.

Blue Zone Lightning (8; 16) : Call Lightning Spell

Boom Box (2; 6) : Thunderclap with better duration and volume control. Can make into a bomb with a 2 foot radius.

Break Glass (3, 6) : Break glass without making any noise. Basically good for just that, like when you are breaking a window to get in a house.

Bubbles (2, 4) : Gag Spell. Have a laugh as bubbles come out of the mouth of your victim as they talk.

Call Out (8, 16) : Summons a supernatural being. Although intended for help chances are 3 out of 5 that the being will attack you later or immediately. I think of it as more of a way to summon a monster to fight.

Call Waiting (2, 4) : Weak substitute for Magic Pigeon. Leaves a magic balloon in a spot you expect the person you want to get the message will come by. Then the balloon floats to them and provides its message.

Campfire Sphere (4, double away from ley line) : Smoke-less, can't start fires or burn anyone if they touch it. So a child proof fire that provides warmth and light with no down side. Anyone with the skill Wilderness Survival can forage some things to burn and start fire. The slim circumstances in which one would need the warmth and light of a fire without the smoke or danger of burning anyone or your fire starting a fire make this extremely situational.

Case (4, double away from ley line) : Great thief spell for detecting alarms and traps.

Cat Drop (4, double) : Saves you from falling damage plus you land on your feet. Seems cool but unless you are in a hurry one can always climb down. This spell seems more for dramatic effect.

Cherry Bomb (8, 16) : Time bomb or handgrenade. Takes time for it to go off (which really is like a real handgrenade). In a fight it is better to go with attacks that do immediate damage like the "Blaster Hands" spell.

Chill (4, double) : Minor De- Buff

Chillin' (4, double) : Magic way to get someone over fear and horror factor.

Come Over (12, 36) : Cool Teleport spell.

Demon Strength (5, 10) : Basically Supernatural Strength spell

Double Dare (10, 20) : Catch is the victim has to willingly accept the dare even thou they don't necessarily know the spell is at work. Great role-playing elements if you can trick a villain into taking your dare.

Debris Barrage (15, 30) : Throw garbage at someone and do Mega Damage. Depends on having something to throw in story/game mechanics still comes with auto strike the victim can only dodge with a 15+. Also lets you hit multiple targets. An alternative to "Blaster Hands"

Debris Cloud (3, 6) : Dust cloud

Debris Wall (

Dust Blast (

Eaves Drop : A spell for spying. I guess a magical version of bionic hearing.

Environmental Protective Cloak : Magic gas mask and all weather gear. For those who can't get a gas mask.

Eye Spy : So basically the Second Sight spell

Fast Fist : Double your number of hand to hand bare hand attacks or W.P. Blunt non-magical weapon. Still, its like 8 attacks. Outstanding if you combine it with Demon Strength/Supernatural strength.

Finger Paint : Flavor spell. Could use for graffiti. Could use to leave messages. Could you to tag a car. Could use to paint a vehicles wind-shield or even MD armor. If they stand still long enough for you to brush your hands over their view port. The fact that you have to touch and rub they visor or windshield you wanted painted makes this impractical for combat. It does nothing for defense. Provides no information for detection. You could paint but you could always buy paint for that. Maybe you could use it to camo something or disguise yourself or another.

Fast Food : Conjure comfort/junk food. Flavor -Story spell. Limited in that one must have a package or portion of the food already. I guess it is like a Star Trek Replicator that has to begin with something to duplicate it.

Firecracker : SDC damage. More of a distraction fireworks spell.

Fly Like a Superman (20, 40) : Who of us, as kids, didn't want to fly like superman? Put on a cape and live your childhood fantasy.

Gehetto Blaster (6, 12) : Turn a "sound Generator" into a energy pistol that does 1d6 MD; 3d6 to electronic equipment.

Ghost : Walk through walls when only magic and psionics can hurt you. Limited duration. Really see it as a way to sneak into a place to rob it or temporarily be invulnerable.

Go : Limited mind control spell. Tell someone to "Go away."

Heat Up : Your hand is a toaster. Plus you can warm people up.

Hide : Prowl spell but for hiding. Non detect from electronic viewing

Go Seek : Horrible duration. Let's you put a sort of magical tracing device on someone so you can follow or find them.

Hitcher : Let's you tag along on a vehicle. Better yet ride on someone else's teleport like a Ley Line Rifter.

Home Free : Great Teleport spell that let's you make a quick escape or save you the time and trouble of making your way to your hide out.

Hot Foot : Distraction spell.

Hot Rod : Cool speed boost to vehicles. Great for street racing cars and motorcycles.

Jackrabbit (4, double) : Run fast and zig zag so you are hard to catch or hit

Leap Frog (2, 4) : Jump like 20 feet over people, fenses, and walls.

Life Line (3, 6) : Magically put a rope around your hand and the limb of another you want to save.

Lookout (4, double) : Good spell for staying awake during a stake out.

Magic Box (8, 24) : "Mend the Broken" spell only size restriction. And for SDC stuff. Concept wise it is great. Put your laptop computer or radio in a box and it comes out working again. Great way to make Money. Also, lets you smuggle and do magic tricks with an option to make what you put in disappear.

Magic Shield (5, 10) : Like the invocation.

Magic Wheel (7, 14) : Anyone need a spare tire for an hour or so. Magically make a temporary wheel out of PPE that fits all sizes. Good Jury-rig options.

Move Debris :

Noise Maker :

Out of Place : Instantly know if anyone has been search through your things. Or, or, you could take a picture before you leave.

Paint Remover : Undo the "Finger Paint" spell. Be a jerk or charge protection money for clean off the paint you put on. Seems like the only reason to have this spell is to remove the magic paint you or someone else put on.

Piercing : Harmlessly put body piercings on people.

Pinch : At last a spell that can give you Pick Pockets at 96%

Poof : Temp transform into smoke like a vampire.

Power Fists : Substitute "Fist of Fury" spell

Quiet Walk : Prowl assist spell.

No Trace : Leave no trace behind (finger prints, DNA, etc).

Racket :

Rain Wash : The Cleanse Spell but weaker and more conditional and

Ring Around the Rosy : Fail the save and your victims dance around for the duration or until they are attacked.

Renew (Revitalize Food) : Are you done with that nine tenths eaten hamburger? I'm just going to cast this spell and its a Full burger for me.

Reverse : Make a machine with a reverse button on it run in reverse while being up to 10 feet away. Yeah. That's how useful that is.

Sharp Eyes :

Shadow : Spell version of the Tailing skill

Shield Bubble : Group Force Field like Super-Psionic Power Telekinetic Force Field

Shield Wall :

Shine : Become a human lamp and flashlight. The Latern spell works to.

Shimmy : Spell version of the climb skill but for repelling.

Skate : Magic spell for the skill Pilot: Skate

Skate in Air : Flying but with skates or a skateboard.

Skate Like a Demon : Alright, this is cool.

Skate Warp :

Small : When you need to fit between things, hide, be the size of a child

Smoke Bomb : Smoke Grenade

Soothe Anger :

Soothe & Heal Burns & Itching : A healing spell. Situational if it literally only works for burns and itching.

Soothe Hunger : Does not actual feed anyone just pones feeling hungry.

Soothe Pain : Does not actually heal the patient.

Speed Demon : Alternate version of Supernatural Speed.

Split Second Timing : Can't be used for combat.

Sparkler : The Blinding Flash spell but perhaps more effective.

Spider Leap :

Spider Walk : Super climb spell.

Squirrel Run : This sounds fun actually. Magic spell for parkour. It would be fun to play but unless you are chasing someone or trying to get away this is just play.

Super-Charge : The power weapon spell turning SCD to MD damage

Stink Bomb :

Stupid : Weak version of the Buffdle spell.

Swing :

Tag : The victim who fails their save becomes the target of others hate.

Transmutation: Weapon : Turn a stick into a weapon.

Transmutation: Object Vanish :

Trip :

Twenty Questions : Basically "Words of Truth" spell only 20 times better. The plot destoryer to the GM's adventure. Cast on the "right" person the victim reveals who they are and what they know.

Unlock : (15, 30) : Basically a weaker version of the "Escape" spell. Only unlocks non-electronic doors and locks

Video Pirate : Magical spell for puting your video on TV.

Video Transfer : Magical spell for putting your words on TV

Warm : (4, 8) A spell for when you or others are cold and wet. Environmental. Story.

Water Bubble : (4, 8) : Creates a temporary small raft
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Prince Artemis
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Re: Review of Chaos Magic Spells

Unread post by Prince Artemis »

I enjoyed the school, flavor and all. Context is kind of key as well. These are basically the spells that people figured out living in the burned out cities post apocalypse, so things like camp fire orb is ideal for things like that. A lot of the spells are also basically 'precursors' of spells that already exist in the Rifts game, which is just good world building.

If your rankings are for combat, they're not bad, but I take issue with some for actual usefulness though. Finger painting for example. Do you know how heavy paint actually is? And how much you need to paint a lot. It's a low cost spell that basically lets you carry an entire back pack full of spray can colors for no weight cost. It's also actual paint. It's not only useful for marking, leaving messages, etc, it can be effective in combat. Up against someone with goggles or a full helmet? Smack and smear the glass. They're blind until they can clean it or remove the helmet.

Reverse: You can creatively use any vehicle near you as a weapon. Run through a parking lot and hit your chaser (or chasee if you're the chaser) with any of the cars. While situational, its far from useless.

Piercing can be used as a more effective way to fake a death, or as a way to safely smuggle all sorts of weapons around. You can use it to store a half a dozen knives, harmlessly, in each thigh for example. If you're creative its a really good smuggling spell.

You put a lot of red on spells where there's a non-magic way of doing things, and comparing them to existing things in Rifts. But they are from Chaos Rifts, where resources are scarce. So being able to use a smoke grenade on command or being able to soon pain or hunger until you can find something are actually seriously huge. Same with Transmutation: weapon.

I suggest you go play a game like project zomboid. It's a great game for the kind of scavenging people need to do in the chaos Rifts world. These spells would all be considered cheat codes in a game like that, and that's why they're done the way they are.
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Re: Review of Chaos Magic Spells

Unread post by darthauthor »

Thank you,

Prince Artemis, I compliment your creativity. I did not think of these things. I must confess that my point of view for a lot of these spell is heavily influenced, as you say, by psionics and spells from Rifts Earth, in comparison.

In contexts of Chaos Earth, for a 15 year old, these spells would save your life and those you associate with.

I may have made mistakes. I myself was inspired by the 1st writer I came across to use color coding (I think it was Ratty's Guide to Spells).

1st. You are a creative player I would love to be a GM for you or to be on the same team role-playing.

2nd. I had not thought of using "Finger Paint" in combat. Your idea would work in covering someone's glasses, googles, or helmet part one sees through. As I GM though, I'd say you would have to "strike" the opponent, WITH A CALLED SHOT, in addition to "casting" the spell.
IF I am wrong about that one too let me know here.

I would allow and reward using "Finger Paint" for commercial and home improvement purposes. Make some money. Camofluage. Camo the get away car. Disguise.
I want spell casters to get creative. If I put on the Breaks it is only if they are trying to use a spell in a unintended way that kills a bunch of people too easily and the victims without a chance.

I am not sure what you mean when you write "REVERSE" and the other cars.

I would allow and reward the use of the spell "Piercing" Great idea.

I must confess, a majority of the games I have played in the GM and other players made it a lot about combat and neglected role-playing, investigative work, sluething/stealth, chasing, get awaying, and persuading. Things like food, water, hot, cold, bad weather, catch a cold, get bit by a snake, get lost in the woods, etc did not happen in.
As a GM most of my players don't do subtle as much as they like over-powered. Kill and take crowd.
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Re: Review of Chaos Magic Spells

Unread post by darthauthor »

Chaos Magic Spells Re-organized ranking for the setting of Chaso Earth without anyone from Rifts Earth in it.

Blue is a Must Have,
Green is a useful
Orange is a spell that is extremely situational
Red is a spell that has no real use

What is life like in the wild or a disaster zone of a once people friendly city. Urgent needs are water, food, protection from the elements (rain, cold, etc.), and a safe place to sleep.
Once base survival is taken care of the social needs and teamwork are recommended unless you are bullied by them or have to steal from them.

Air Bridge (3; 6 away from Ley Line) : So when you need a bridge.

Air Climb (4; double away from ley line) : It is a ladder. Climbing works too but I imagine a kid trying to get stuff off the top of grocery store shelf.

All-Nighter (2; 4) : Basically Resist Fatigue so when you are scared of the monsters and need to stay awake all night.

Blaster Hands (5; 10) : Basically the "Electric Arc" invocation spell. When fighting off scavengers or Demons you have to fight with something.

Big (10; 20) : A Buff spell for strength, SDC and speed.

Blind Man’s Bluff : Basically it is only good for hiding things from others. So when you find a box of cereal they bully can't see it and steal it. But you have to have the cereal first

Blue Zone Lightning (8; 16) : Call Lightning Spell

Boom Box (2; 6) : Thunderclap with better duration and volume control. Can make into a bomb with a 2 foot radius.

Break Glass (3, 6) : Basically it is only good for thieves.

Bubbles (2, 4) : Gag Spell. Survival is more important.

Call Out (8, 16) : Summons a supernatural being. Although intended for help chances are 3 out of 5 that the being will attack you later or immediately. More trouble then it is worth.

Call Waiting (2, 4) : Weak substitute for Magic Pigeon.

Campfire Sphere (4, double away from ley line) : Smoke-less, can't start fires or burn anyone if they touch it. Essential for warmth.

Case (4, double away from ley line) : In a disaster zone the few there are to steal from are the other survivors.

Cat Drop (4, double) : Saves you from falling damage plus you land on your feet. Falling from a build, this could save you.

Cherry Bomb (8, 16) : Time bomb or handgrenade.

Chill (4, double) : Minor De- Buff

Chillin' (4, double) : Magic way to get someone over fear and horror factor. Helpful in calming down survivors.

Come Over (12, 36) : Cool Teleport spell.

Demon Strength (5, 10) : Basically Supernatural Strength spell

Double Dare (10, 20) : The victim has to willingly accept

Debris Barrage (15, 30) : Throw garbage at someone and do Mega Damage. Depends on having something to throw in story/game mechanics still comes with auto strike the victim can only dodge with a 15+. Also lets you hit multiple targets. An alternative to "Blaster Hands"

Debris Cloud (3, 6) : Dust cloud

Debris Wall (

Dust Blast (

Eaves Drop : A spell for spying. Surviving is for survivors not spies.

Environmental Protective Cloak : Magic gas mask and all weather gear. For survivors

Eye Spy : So basically the Second Sight spell

Fast Fist : Double your number of hand to hand bare hand attacks or W.P. Blunt non-magical weapon. Still, its like 8 attacks. Outstanding if you combine it with Demon Strength/Supernatural strength.

Finger Paint : For leaving messages and arrows for directions.

Fast Food : Conjure comfort/junk food.

Firecracker : SDC damage. More of a distraction

Fly Like a Superman (20, 40) :

Gehetto Blaster (6, 12) :

Ghost :

Go : Limited mind control spell. Tell someone to "Go away."

Heat Up : Your hand is a toaster. Plus you can warm people up.

Hide : Prowl spell but for hiding. Non detect from electronic viewing

Go Seek : Horrible duration.

Hitcher : Let's you tag along on a vehicle. Better yet ride on someone else's teleport like a Ley Line Rifter. Great if your friend has the spell "Go Home"

Home Free : Great Teleport spell

Hot Foot : Distraction spell.

Hot Rod : Dependent on their being a car or such.

Jackrabbit (4, double) : Run fast and zig zag so you are hard to catch or hit

Leap Frog (2, 4) : Jump like 20 feet over people, fenses, and walls.

Life Line (3, 6) : Magically put a rope around your hand and the limb of another

Lookout (4, double) : Good spell for staying awake during a stake out.

Magic Box (8, 24) : "Mend the Broken" spell only size restriction. And for SDC stuff. Great if it can recharge batteries. Make your flashlight work again. Fix your radio or broken compass. Patch your worn out shoes or boots and the fire damage to your clothes.

Magic Shield (5, 10) : Like the invocation.

Magic Wheel (7, 14) : Anyone need a spare tire for an hour or so. You have to have a bike, car or wheel-barrow.

Move Debris :

Noise Maker :

Out of Place : Instantly know if anyon move or took your things. Why? If it's stolen its gone.

Paint Remover : Undo the "Finger Paint" spell. Why? In a disaster zone?

Piercing : Harmlessly put body piercings on people.

Pinch : At last a spell that can give you Pick Pockets at 96%. IF everyone is without food and such there is nothing to steal. If they do you are stealing from your fellow humankind in a disaster zone.

Poof : Temp transform into smoke like a vampire. Great escape

Power Fists : Substitute "Fist of Fury" spell

Quiet Walk : Prowl assist spell.

No Trace : Leave no trace behind (finger prints, DNA, etc). In a disaster zone or wilderness while there is an catacylism going on worrying about finger prints is rediculous.

Racket :

Rain Wash : The Cleanse Spell but weaker and more conditional. In disaster zones a shower prevents infection.

Ring Around the Rosy : Fail the save and your victims dance around for the duration or until they are attacked.

Renew (Revitalize Food) : Are you done with that nine tenths eaten hamburger? I'm just going to cast this spell and its a Full burger for me.

Reverse : useless.

Sharp Eyes :

Shadow : Spell version of the Tailing skill

Shield Bubble : Group Force Field like Super-Psionic Power Telekinetic Force Field

Shield Wall :

Shine : Become a human lamp and flashlight.

Shimmy : Spell version of the climb skill but for repelling.

Skate : Magic spell for the skill Pilot: Skate. The wilderness or a disaster area has too much debris to sake on the ground.

Skate in Air : Flying but with skates or a skateboard.

Skate Like a Demon : Alright, this is cool.

Skate Warp :

Small : When you need to fit between things, hide, be the size of a child

Smoke Bomb : Smoke Grenade

Soothe Anger :

Soothe & Heal Burns & Itching : A healing spell. Situational if it literally only works for burns and itching but outstanding for burn victims.

Soothe Hunger : Does not actual feed anyone just postpones feeling hungry. So it is only useful when there is no food or there is but you can't duplicate it

Soothe Pain : Does not actually heal the patient.

Speed Demon : Alternate version of Supernatural Speed.

Split Second Timing : When do you really need it?

Sparkler : The Blinding Flash spell but perhaps more effective.

Spider Leap :

Spider Walk : Super climb spell.

Squirrel Run : Useful in running away and getting through and into collapsed building compartments.

Super-Charge : The power weapon spell turning SCD to MD damage

Stink Bomb :

Stupid : Weak version of the Buffdle spell.

Swing :

Tag : The victim who fails their save becomes the target of others hate.

Transmutation: Weapon : Turn a stick into a weapon.

Transmutation: Object Vanish :

Trip :

Twenty Questions : Basically "Words of Truth" spell only 20 times better but who are you going to interrogate in a disaster zone?

Unlock : (15, 30) : Basically a weaker version of the "Escape" spell. In a disaster zone like Chaos Earth you basically brake and take.

Video Pirate : Magical spell for puting your video on TV. Useless in the wild or a disaster zone.

Video Transfer : See Video Pirate

Warm : (4, eight) A spell for when you or others are cold and wet. Environmental.

Water Bubble : (4, eight) : Unnecessary unless your disaster is on a body of water.
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