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Tracking Device on a vampire

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 12:58 pm
by darthauthor
The players have staked a wild vampire.

They want to play a secret hidden tracking device on the vampire.

Pull the stake.

Jump behind camouflage, invisibiliity: Superior, etc.

The purpose is to follow the vampire to pack of other wild vampires they run with.

Is there a intelligent reason it would NOT work or should it work?


Chances of the wild vampire noticing the tracker on them.

What if the wild vampire turns into a bat/mist/wolf?

Re: Tracking Device on a vampire

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2023 10:49 am
by eliakon
a device placed in their clothing or such should work if its small (a tracer bug for instance).
Given that vampires appear to morph their clothing it may or may not morph as well... total GM call there