LF Players for Splicer x Rifts game

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Comment: Years of life and still wanting to add some personal horror to its mix. Can't wait for bio-suits to reign supreme!

LF Players for Splicer x Rifts game

Unread post by dethbegins »

Hey everyone, so I'm from California if that matters, and I'm looking for a group who are willing to hang out on Monday, Tuesday, and sometimes Wednesday. If that's not an issue, then toss me a line!

Currently the circumstances of the campaign are as follows:

Homebrew: 25% complete, working on splicer mechs
Conditions: Dead Reign level deserted and dangerous, hosted in a mega verse multiverse where the nonplague is in everything, but humanity has produced countermeasures to fight it off and preserve some of their machinery.
Specific classes allowed: Any of my homebrewed classes, any splicers Dread guard variant not tied to a specific house, and some magic/psi user classes from any book you want. Technojackers needs to be agreed upon, however, you can cross class with robo-knights and other power armor o.c.c.s for your entertainment.
Current player conditions: Game is meant to be played with mundanity in mind, what are you doing in your day to day? how do you use your assets to continuously build up more reputation and assets? You willing to develop a new household? How will you answer when a real threat comes along? Ect.

Notes: I allow custom effects, enhancements, and will allow plenty of cross over if you do some work with your character for it. You will more than likely die, as the enemy will do as much damage if not more than you do. Do not expect a balanced campaign and expect to either overpower or get overpowered.

Side Notes: I run my games combat with a double event system, firstly the players do their damage and actions, You are allowed to use any combination attack, but they need to be sustained for 7.5 seconds to deal full damage, if less, for every 2.5 seconds off, deal only 1/3 your damage. Everyone does their damage for that weapon pre-combat, and will utilize its max potential the whole fight. Cheesing fights with range is common, and i expect you to use as many support elements as possible. Multi unit combat is mostly cinematic, with your characters adding additional support through weapons fire and various other means to improve your chances of success, if you fail, you lose 25% of your forces for every battle you lose. If you lose catastrophically you lose 55% of your forces every battle.

Roleplay and some form of microphone communication is desired but not mandatory. I do not own every book, and im mostly focused on hero's unlimited, homebrew, dead reign, and Splicers for the bio-technology and campaign.


Are there going to be epic battles? A: Definitely!

Are there going to be cases where i die off for being a poke? A: Depends on how badly you actually try to **** everyone off.

Is there PVP? A: I never allow PvP as it removes the point of you working as a party.

Opinions on mind control? A: Not allowed in most cases, and if your caught, expect people to react very negatively to you, some even attempting to stop you like a reasonable person would.

Magic? in Splicers? A: this version of splicers there is still no nexus, however, the planets ley-lines are simply dormant but pulse enough energy to only increase the cost of magic by 5 points per casting.

Psionics? In Splicers? A: There were several rifters that I pull from for inspiration that really wanted to integrate it, so I figured that it's something you could produce, or pop in with.

How does everyone react to the party? A: depends on your actions, but if your covert, your covert. If you're just going to storm in without a plan, expect everyone to know.

What About D.Bees? A: you can be a D-Bee but know that everyone will see you as either less than human, or a possible integration for their bio-tech, as your DNA is not only alien, but can help the warfront immeasurably. Play your cards right and you can use it to your full advantage.

Politics? A: Depends on your willingness to put up with my poor understanding of the argumentative logic within politics, and its regular debates.

What about our homebrew? A: depends on if it's purely yours or if it's from the forums here. I pull regularly from the forums for content that can help me fill my lustful void of homebrew.

What if I do X? A: Depends on what you want to do.

What about loot? A: Loot is extremely common, and easy enough to pick from, just make sure to leave something behind, as the damage you deal to someone will leave a serious effect on what remains. For instance, you blew up someone with a rocket, there's only 25% of them still not in chunks... Wow that's 25% of the loot you wanted to get from him! Better hope you were tactical in where that rocket detonated!

Are you passive aggressive to your players or going to do X? A: I'm reasonable enough to admit when a player has a good idea or a bad idea. My interpretation is completely off however, and I get not everyone's ok with that. Argue with reason, if you're going to rules lawyer, make sure your points valid with my setting. As for being aggressive towards players, it depends on how forceful they are to have their way with my setting.

Any railroading? A: Not one bit, I will leave active postings of the resistances war efforts, and their active attempts to assault locations, how the circumstances may have taken, and how far things are going down or up. Think stocks but with people's lives on the line!

How important are the players to your setting? A: If you live long enough to be survive being a hero, most tend towards villainy. If your consistent though, if you develop connections, hit the right targets, keep your head on your shoulders and a respectable set of morals on your sleeve you'll be fine getting political leeway.

Dynamic or set? A: Dynamic with set interactions like quests that you can go on. Every action will play out a different way, and no 2 cases, start, or middle, will ever change the intended outcome unless you somehow fudge your rolls to failure. However, there are ratings for success, and time is always THE most important resource the players have available.

How long is this going to run? A: Could be several years. I intend to run a long campaign for a long time, with many changes occurring thanks to players and their interactions with the setting. Everything is permanent, even if 1 character is dead, as each event is now a part of the history of the setting and not just a set piece.

Why over a call, or using some similar communications? A: most people in my area are not interested in a freeform campaign, tried with several groups and most don't know the system at all, so training them will take time, that and those who've played for years are going to ruffle stomp me to oblivion since I'm new to the settings Structure. Expect annoyances is all I'm saying.

What if everyone is from your area and your able to get everyone to attend? A: Well, I can host at my place, there are several places in town where we can just game, or if you're willing to host, we can stop by there as well. Just note I'm going to be getting a laptop soon to let me use my endless computer files to do everything, as the books are outside my price range, and I have no space to place them.

Once again, only Mondays, Tuesdays, and sometimes Wednesdays? A: My schedule fluctuates regularly; however, I get a month's notice on what my schedule is. So, Mondays are frequent enough to be steady, it's almost always an option Tuesday, Wednesday is going to be a sometimes, maybe a frequent thing depending on my schedule.

Anything else you're forgetting to mention? A: I work graveyard shifts, but I'm active most afternoons up till 6pm. I can rest sooner to wake sooner depending on the group, or I will simply forfeit sleep to hang out with everyone. This campaign is one of my few outlets to host conversations outside work, mostly due to winter being harsher this year and people not generally being open due to the many issues my country is facing.

How political are you? A: Not much, I can hold a basic this is what I know, its limited, but it's what I know kind of conversation. Sorry if that's not very engaging, but I'm at least good at improv, so we will see how everything unfolds.

PM me if the idea of playing together is within your interests. Not here for ridicule or needless stress. I'm just here looking for people to hang out with and have a few fun games with.
"You can never be truly prepared for the consequences of your actions until you've made them."
Btw I make Splicers content for those looking for a more extreme and overpowered game. check my stuff out on this link HERE!
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Comment: Years of life and still wanting to add some personal horror to its mix. Can't wait for bio-suits to reign supreme!

Re: LF Players for Splicer x Rifts game

Unread post by dethbegins »

The Currently Banned O.C.C.s are as follows:

Colonial Shepards O.C.C.
Arch angles O.C.C. - I'm Not Arial Combat accustomed, but if you want, you can try it out and see if it works-
Biotics O.C.C. -Why? Negotiable-
Naga-Dancers O.C.C.
Out-Riders O.C.C. -Negotiable-
Pariahs O.C.C.
Saints O.C.C. -Negotiable-
Roughnecks O.C.C. -Negotiable-
Scarecrows O.C.C.
Skin Jobs O.C.C.
and Tormenters O.C.C.

Forgotten Mentions:

-Players will start with 200 additional Bio-E to compensate for the lack of availability
-Players earn double XP with chances to find a rare find that will benefit your houses income supply
-Very real accommodations will be supplied to those that invest their work, if you spend time reinforcing all the walls in a haven with chiseled stone or add visual improvements around the area to make the haven nicer, everyone will consider you beneficial to a degree. Rewards always come to those that put in work for their factions.
-Not All heroes were capes. Some find a large crystal structure that provides new trade good opportunities for a house, some find new plant species and trade them with engineers, geneticists, and even librarians often, and then there are those who go out and attempt to reclaim the land on top, growing gardens and restoring the local vegetation to something more desirable, or even more effective. Some place defenses everywhere improving total security around the area. Sometimes, its ok to be mundane.
-Weeks even months can go by in game without a serious event that "forces" players to aid the resistance, sometimes there's just too much time to do things, spend skill options on the mundane to make use of your time!
-Ranged combat can be over many miles, and if the players work tactically with other resistance members, shelling positions or storming a factory will be far less painful, and weapons are not limited to a certain number of upgrades... Go wild!
-Reasonable options for equipment are always available. There will never be something expensive in common areas, engineers might not spend another 2 weeks making you a brand-new gun without good cause, and most researchers have other things to do than help you, but if your persistent and you work your reputation through, you can expect certain bonuses like that regularly, just keep maintaining it!
"You can never be truly prepared for the consequences of your actions until you've made them."
Btw I make Splicers content for those looking for a more extreme and overpowered game. check my stuff out on this link HERE!
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Posts: 84
Joined: Fri Oct 13, 2023 8:03 am
Comment: Years of life and still wanting to add some personal horror to its mix. Can't wait for bio-suits to reign supreme!

Re: LF Players for Splicer x Rifts game

Unread post by dethbegins »

Notice: I'm a beginner GM
"You can never be truly prepared for the consequences of your actions until you've made them."
Btw I make Splicers content for those looking for a more extreme and overpowered game. check my stuff out on this link HERE!
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