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Wampyrs and Master Psionics
Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 10:53 am
by AlanGunhouse
Wampyrs were created in the base book, they can gain 1 one psychic power each level. Master Psionics were introduced to the game in WB 1, so the question is: are Wampyrs limited to only powers on the minor list, or can they gain major powers as well.
The secondary question is whether they are counted as Master Psychics.
Re: Wampyrs and Master Psionics
Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 7:03 pm
by Grazzik
AlanGunhouse wrote: ↑Fri Nov 24, 2023 10:53 am
Wampyrs were created in the base book, they can gain 1 one psychic power each level. Master Psionics were introduced to the game in WB 1, so the question is: are Wampyrs limited to only powers on the minor list, or can they gain major powers as well.
Rifter 20 pg 19 - Wampyrs do not get super psi according to the officially endorsed FAQ in that Rifter.
(However, when it comes to Rifter 20 and Wampyrs, there is the SDC vs MDC inconsistency, so your choice whether to consider it a reliable source)
AlanGunhouse wrote: ↑Fri Nov 24, 2023 10:53 am
The secondary question is whether they are counted as Master Psychics.
As they are limited to just minor psi powers, my opinion is no. But I'd suggest they are a Major psi probably on par with a Secondary Vamp given the number of powers they can accumulate and the amount of ISP they have.
Re: Wampyrs and Master Psionics
Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 7:09 pm
by AlanGunhouse
Grazzik wrote: ↑Fri Nov 24, 2023 7:03 pm
AlanGunhouse wrote: ↑Fri Nov 24, 2023 10:53 am
Wampyrs were created in the base book, they can gain 1 one psychic power each level. Master Psionics were introduced to the game in WB 1, so the question is: are Wampyrs limited to only powers on the minor list, or can they gain major powers as well.
Rifter 20 pg 19 - Wampyrs do not get super psi according to the officially endorsed FAQ in that Rifter.
(However, when it comes to Rifter 20 and Wampyrs, there is the SDC vs MDC inconsistency, so your choice whether to consider it a reliable source)
AlanGunhouse wrote: ↑Fri Nov 24, 2023 10:53 am
The secondary question is whether they are counted as Master Psychics.
As they are limited to just minor psi powers, my opinion is no. But I'd suggest they are a Major psi probably on par with a Secondary Vamp given the number of powers they can accumulate and the amount of ISP they have.
They can get some "Super" psionic powers, namely the ones listed as minors in Nightbane (the table is different).
Re: Wampyrs and Master Psionics
Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 8:38 pm
by Grazzik
AlanGunhouse wrote: ↑Fri Nov 24, 2023 7:09 pm
They can get some "Super" psionic powers, namely the ones listed as minors in Nightbane (the table is different).
If you are playing Nightbane RAW and the powers you are interested in are listed as "minor" psionics in Nightbane, then they are according to RAW not "super" psionics in Nightbane. That then means that the prohibition on Wampyrs getting super psionics in Nightbane is not violated.
If you are house ruling that the psionic powers listed are categorized according to a listing from another game or setting (Rifts, PW, PFRPG, etc.), then that's on you or your GM to make the call as to what to do.
I personally use Rifts as my baseline of psionic powers for all PB games, but that is my house rule.
Re: Wampyrs and Master Psionics
Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2023 9:44 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
To sum it up...
In NB the Wampyrs can get any of the psi powers listed in the Core book's psi powers listing.
In Rifts you'd need to look at their RCC listing in RDC. (If there is one.)
In other PB games it is up to the GM's house rules what they can get. Thou I myself would limit the W to the three lesser psi powers types in the Games that don't have a 'conversion' already in place in the canon text.
Re: Wampyrs and Master Psionics
Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 1:34 am
by Marcethus
No, they can't get 'Master' category powers. I don't have access to my books atm, iirc despite limited psionics they are Master Psionic, for saves I think.