slade2501 wrote: ↑Mon Apr 08, 2024 12:59 pm
all excellent thoughts people, thank you! does anyone have stats for their own design?
You might regret this request....
Paladin Steel V-22 Osprey II Vertol Tiltrotor
“When I asked for air support you coulda warned me you were sending an Irregular unit; when those six jet-black tiltrotors came buzzing around the point, with the skull-and-crossbones emblazoned on ‘em, I thought I’d been sold out to the Jolly Rogers! Glad I didn’t use my remaining missiles for triple-A on them, because another few and those ex-slaves I was sheparding out woulda been back in their masters’ groping paws, not to mention me and my people as bonuses. But those marine raiders secured the beach, loaded up everybody, and we scrammed out just like that! My hat’s off to the eggbeater jocks; that was one smooth extraction!”
“Make sure your pilots are certified for both straight-wing and ‘copter flying before letting them behind the controls of an Osprey; even with modern fly-by-wire systems, the ‘sprey’s still a tricky and unforgiving bird in many ways; anybody more accustomed to jockeying a hoverbrick is likely to auger the props into the ground on a landing if they aren’t careful. And there’s a precious few seconds’ hiccup between regular forward flight and full hover where the tiltrotor can go into a full stall if the pilot loses their nerve and isn’t paying attention. Do your homework when adding a ‘sprey to your force, and do the classwork preparing your pilots so you can get the most out of your new ships.”
The V-22 Osprey Vertol is a design dating from pre-Rifts years. Introduced in the late 1980s by the Bell/Boeing company, the V-22 Tiltrotor was a then-radical design concept for an aircraft combining the best traits of helicopters and conventional fixed-wing prop-aircraft, namely hovering capability, speed, and fuel economy. The V-22 was a hybrid, a more-or-less conventional aircraft frame with tilting engine pods on its wings, that could swivel the oversized propellors between a vertical position for VTOL/hover performance, and a straight horizontal one, for conventional level flight. A large rear-opening cargo/passenger bay allowed for fast loading/unloading, while side hatches could be used for rappel-exits and winch recovery of personnel. The tilt-rotor combined the best of both worlds, at least on paper. Unfortunately, early development problems and project teething problems, combined with a scaling back of R&D defense budgets in the late 1990s, exacerbated by an appalling number of accidents, almost spelled the end of the tilt-rotor program, just as engineers were getting the bugs out. The Osprey, once touted as the ‘Huey of the Future’, was suspended from service after limited deployment, amid allegations of being a defense contract white elephant, and the in-service aircraft mothballed, pending decommissioning.
As military budgets again boomed with the ‘Golden Age’ of the mid-2000s, however, attention was again focused on the tilt-rotor, not as cutting age technology, but as conventional designs that could be built at lower cost as opposed to the more expensive, sophisticated, and spectacular designs emerging in robotics, bionics, and avionics. The tilt-rotor was quietly perfected and began to enter the world markets at last, but taking a backseat to the newer more efficient ducted fan designs sweeping the world militaries. However, the tilt-rotor, and the revised Osprey, were soon becoming as commonplace as the Huey and Blackhawk helicopters of earlier decades. The V-22 Osprey soon became a staple, an aerial pickup truck equivalent, of military, security and coastal patrol branches, and commercial models were quickly entering production for domestic civil aviation and export. As ‘infinite range’ cold-fusion nuclear-powered vectored thrust designs took to the skies during the Golden Age and grabbed the media limelight(as well as the big military contracts), the tilt-rotors and other conventional designs continued to carry the bulk of Humanity’s local aviation needs.
Thus, when the Rifts struck, the distribution of aircraft was such that many tilt-rotors survived, and, once the skies had cleared, soldiered on during the New Dark Ages. Inevitably, these pre-Rifts aircraft would break down and be forgotten, but enough aircraft and their maintenance databases survived that, once civilization began to find its feet again, a number of manufacturers would resurrect the design.
Golden Age Weaponsmiths(GAW) in particular has made a bundle selling reconditioned V-22s, and building a few new airframes per year, with other Black Market concerns quickly following suit with their own rebuilds and copies, varying in exact features and quality, but essentially all following the basic V-22 design.
Not surprisingly, a young
Paladin Steel corporation, seeing the profit to be made from aircraft, saw the “common domain” Osprey design as a promising way to start their own fledging aviation division. They quickly acquired and reverse-engineered several tilt-rotors, then began producing their own. The initial models were little better or worse than those produced by GAW and the Black Market, but they gave PS invaluable experience in aircraft production and sales, paving the way for more ambitious projects. Though the market was already flush with V-22 copies, PS-manufactured versions quickly joined the market stables, with PS steadily lowering the price and offering upgrade packages and improved versions as their production capabilities expanded.
Paladin Steel produced the Osprey II for over twenty years before attention began to shift to other designs, such as fan-ducts and the new GraviMagnetic Resist systems. It is now considered an older design, growing long in the tooth, and the GNE military has shifted its Ospreys to ANG, Reservist, and Irregular units, with the Caribou II taking over many of the roles of the Osprey. The GNE Coast Guard still continues to use its V-22s in forward service.
Citing declining sales, PS East ceased production of the Osprey II, but manufacture has shifted to secondary and tertiary assembly lines in the Paladin Steel West, Canadian, and Lazlo enclaves, so it is unlikely the PS V-22 Osprey will disappear from PS sales lines any time soon.
Type: PS-V22 Osprey II
Class: Multirole VTOL Tilt-Rotor Transport Aircraft
Crew: 2+2-3 additional crew and 10-24 passengers/troops
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 250
Reinforced Crew Compartment 50
Wings(2) 90 each
Engine Pods(2) 90 each
Rotor Groups(2, 3 blades each ) 60(20 each blade)
Tail 50
Height: 17 ft, 22 ft with rotors held vertically
Width:(Fuselage) 8 ft(9 ft at sponsons), (Wingspan) 46 ft
Rotor Diameter: 38 ft
Folded: 18 ft
Length: 57 ft, folded 62 ft
Weight: 62,000 lbs
Cargo: Rear cargo bay measures 24 ft long x 6 ft high x6 ft wide.
Can hold 5,700 lbs internally, and sling-carry 20,000 lbs in cargo net under the aircraft
Powerplant: Liquid Fuel(w/ 1,600 mile range), Fuel Cell Electric (w/1,800 mile range), or Nuclear Fusion w/ 10 year energy life
Speed: Hover to 350 MPH, maximum altitude 10,000 ft
Market Cost: 600,000 credits for liquid fuel, 900,000 credits for fuel cell electric, 6 million credits for nuclear
Systems of Note:
Standard Aircraft Systems, plus:
*Folding Frame Construction---Designed with Marine and Navy operations in mind, the V-22 Osprey could fold and swivel its wing for more compact stowage aboard ship.
*Underside Cargo Hooks
*Doorway Rescue Hoist---100 ft line, 400 lbs lift capacity.
*Cargo Bay Winch/Pulley System
*Spotlight/Searchlight(600 ft range)
*Environmental System(Provides basic air conditioning, filtration, and 36 hours of recycling/closed air life support)
*Running Lights
*Emergency Flotation Bags(deploy in water crash landings, and support the aircraft)
*Wing De-icers
*Radio: 300 mile range
*Radar---50 mile range
*Radar Detector
Weapons Systems: None standard, but the Osprey has provision for a chin/nose turret, and up to four underwing hardpoints:
1) (Optional) Chin Turret---The Osprey II can mount a powered chin-turret, slaved to an HUD helmet manned by either the pilot or the co-pilot. The nose turret has a 180-degree arc of fire, and is slaved to the gunner’s helmet-mounted retinal fire system, allowing the cannon to track as the gunner turns his head, and fire on what he sights in on. The turret can accommodate ONE of the following:
a)30mm Gatling---A copy of the main cannon mounted on the old IHA Iron Eagle; the weapon’s design was ‘donated’ by ex-patriate IHA employees after the fall of New Kenora to the CS. The IHA-30mm outfitted many early-model Osprey IIs
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage: 3d6 MD single shot, 2d6x10 MD per 20 rd burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 5,000 rds
Cost: 150,000 credits(initially; would later drop to 75,000 credits)
b) 30mm Chain Gun---Improved PS weapon.
Range: 9,500 ft
Damage:4d6 MD single rd, 1d6x10 MD two rd burst, 5d6x10 MD for a 5-rd burst!
Rate of Fire: Single shot ,two-round, or five-round burst
Payload: 150 rds
Cost: 100,000 credits
c) 12.7mm Multi-barrel Rail Gun
Range:4,000 ft
Damage:1d6x10 MD per 40 rd burst
Rate of Fire:EPCHH.
Payload: 4,000 rds per gun(100 bursts)
d)PS-XGECAL 50 “Ripkiller” ---A new weapon, based on the pre-Rifts .50 caliber GECAL 50 Six Barrel Machine Gun. This weapon fires high explosive shells(based on the Wellington Industries Heavy Explosive shells) over three miles, to devastating effect. In theory, the XGECAL 50 can fire off 8,000 rounds per minute(or 2,000 rounds a melee), but PS has limited the weapon to a maximum of 100 rounds per burst , and even that can shoot the magazines dry in one melee! Only a special coolant jacket, shock-absorbing stabilizer, and burst limiter prevent this weapon from tearing itself apart under maximum rate of fire, and keeps enough rounds on target to inflict maximum damage. The weapon also tears out its meter-long barrel linings faster than any other weapon in PS service(a cannon barrel is estimated to have a standard combat life of 4,000 shots).
Range: 19,000 ft!
Damage: 1d4 MD single shot, 1d4x10 MD per 12 shot burst(1 attack), 2d4x10 MD per 24 rd burst(2 attacks), 4d4x10 MD per 60 rd burst(3 attacks), 1d4x100 MD per 120 shot burst(takes ALL attacks that melee)
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 1,200 round drum (10 full-melee bursts)
Cost: 110,000 credits
e) 40mm Automatic Grenade Launcher
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage: (Fragmentation) 4d6 MD to 12 ft area single rd, 2d6x10 MD to 40 ft area per 10-round burst
(Armor Piercing)1d6x10 to 3 ft area single rd, 3d6x10 MD to 8 ft area per 10-round burst
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload: 300 rds
f) Pulse Laser
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4x10 MD per blast
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 200 shot battery if conventionally powered, Effectively Unlimited if nuclear
Cost:: 80,000 credits
g) PS-44L Vulcan Laser ---Another ‘orphaned’ IHA weapon adopted by Paladin Steel, this is simply the IH-44L Vulcan Gatling Laser adapted for aerial use.
Range:4,000 ft
Damage:3d4x10 MD per rapid-fire pulse blast(1 attack)
Rate of Fire:Six times per melee
Payload:500 bursts battery, Unlimited nuclear
Cost:: 160,000 credits
2) (Optional)Underwing Hardpoints(1-4)---Each hardpoint can accommodate ONE of the following:
a) MicroMissiles---15mm format McMs
Pattern-1A 5,700 ft
Pattern-1B 6,000 ft
Pattern-1C 6,000 ft
Pattern-1D 7,000 ft
Pattern-1E 7,500 ft
Pattern-1A---1d4 MD to 2 ft blast radius
Pattern-1B---1d6 MD to 5 ft blast radius
Pattern-1C---4d6 MD to 4 ft blast radius, or 1d4 MD to a 10 ft blast radius in fragmentation mode
Pattern-1D----6d6 MD to a 5 ft blast radius, or 2d6 MDC out to a 18 ft blast radius in fragmentation mode
Pattern-1E---1d4x10 MD to 3 ft blast radius
Pattern-1A (None) Spin-Stabilized
Pattern-1B (None) Gyro-Compass Chip
Pattern-1C (+1 to strike, in addition to W.P. Heavy bonuses. The Pattern-1C can also be set to be a ‘beam rider’, following a laser illuminator ‘painted’ on the target for an extra +2 to strike. However, this requires expenditure of an extra attack per melee on the part of the gunner to keep the laser illuminator on target) Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip.
Pattern-1D (+2 to strike, in addition to W.P. Heavy bonuses. Like the Pattern-1C, the Pattern-1D can ‘beam-ride’...again, this requires the gunner to maintain target-lock at the cost of an additional APM, but the -1D is better able to remain on target if the lock is broken. Furthermore, the missile can be keyed to lock on to the laser illuminator of other gunners...done with a pre-determined key-chip...allowing squadmates to ‘paint’ targets for fellow soldiers with micro-missile launchers). Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip, Image Sensing Chip.
Pattern-1E(+4 to strike, in addition to W.P. Heavy bonuses, Same ‘beamrider’ capability as with Pattern-1D. ) Gyro-Compass Chip, Laser-Sensor Microchip, Radar Trigger Chip, Image Sensing Chip, Infra-Red Sensing Chip.
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-10
Payload: 25-shot box cassette
Cost: 10,000 credits
Pattern-1A 25 credits per McM
Pattern-1B 32 credits per McM
Pattern-1C 60 credits per McM
Pattern-1D 95 credits per McM
Pattern-1E 220 credits per McM
b) Mini-Missiles---19 -shot pod
c) Short Range Missiles---4 -shot pod
d) PS ‘Black Talon’ Light SAMs---PS’s ‘brilliant’ mini-missile.
Range: 3 miles
Damage: 3d4x10 MD to 40 ft blast radius
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2,3, or 4(all)
Payload: 4
Bonus: +5 to strike, and gets TWO attempts to strike the target(agile enough to loop back on a target and try again)
Cost: 60 ,000 credits per launcher, 10,000 credits per missile
e)Heavy Hitter Anti-Armor Missiles---Laser-guided anti-armor missiles
Range: 1 mile(5,000 ft)
Damage: 2d4x10 MD
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1,2,3,or 4
Payload: 4 shot pod per hardpoint
Bonus: +5 to strike ground targets(Aircraft are only +2 to strike)
Cost: 20,000 credits. 6,000 credits per missile
f)Medium Range Missiles---One per hard point
g) Harpoon III Anti-ShipMissiles---- Harpoon IIIs are medium-range, plasma-explosive, wave-skimming, “smart” missiles designed to close with an enemy vessel under effective radar coverage, then jink up and dive, so as to penetrate the thinner upper works armor, or else can be set to penetrate below the waterline armor belt.
Range: 40 miles
Damage: 2d6x10 MD to 40 ft blast radius
Bonuses: +5 to strike
Cost:(Surface/air launched): 18,000 credits
h)Torpedoes/Depth Charges---- 6 Mini-Torpedoes OR 4 Short-Range Torpedoes/Light Depth Charges OR 2 Medium Torpedoes OR 1 Heavy Torpedo/Depth Charge per hardpoint
i) Bombs---Can carry warhead equivalents of missiles, but DOUBLE the respective number, or retain the same number, and DOUBLE the damage. Note: Can be fitted with ‘smart’ guided munitions. ‘Smart’ Bombs are laser or command-guided and hit large stationary targets automatically! Moving vehicles can also be targeted (at +6 to strike).
Or; can carry up to 1,000 lbs of bombs per hardpoint;
*250-lb Bomb----2d4x10 MD to 50 ft blast radius
*500-lb Bomb----4d4x10 MD to 60 ft blast radius
*750-lb Bomb----4d6x10 MD to 65 ft blast radius
*1,000-lb Bomb----1d4x100 MD to 70 ft blast radius
j)Sprayer Pod---This liquid storage pod deploys two diffusers from the back to spray chemicals from the back. This is typically used to control agricultural pests(if the infestation is too great, the ‘copter crew typically fires the affected field), crowd control, firefighting, or other vermin management roles.
Range: Depending on wind and altitude, the helicopter can spray a 100 foot wide swath at maximum dispersal.
Damage: Varies by chemical type. If using water, typically does 4d6 HP to vampires(‘Bless the tank, Holy Father!”).
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 100 gallons
Cost: 10,000 credits
k)Flare/Chaff Launcher Pod
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 20 per launcher
l) ECM/Radar Jammer Pod---5 mile range. Jams radars and radar targeting systems with 60% effectiveness. Radar-guided weapons are -6 to strike. Note that this affects friendly systems as well unless they are set to specific, per-arranged, non-jammed frequencies(that it may be possible for the enemy to discover). Carrying extra jammer pods does NOT increase the range or effective bonuses of the system, but may provide redundancy and multi-wavelength coverage.
Cost:50,000 credits
m) PS-XMG Gatling Cannon----A six-barreled gatling cannon, firing a modified WI-23 5.56mm Explosive cartridge. The PS Gatlings trade damage potential per individual round for burst capability and better range using the better cartridge propellants and longer barrels. Mechanical design modeled after the pre-Rifts XM-214 ‘Six-Pak’ Mini-Gun. Excellent range, but low damage, and a tendency to empty the ammo drum, and wear out the barrels, too quickly in heated combat.
For monster hunting, this weapon can also be used to fire silver-plated bullets, each doing HP to vampires and werebeings.
Range: 13,000 ft
Damage:(5.56mm Explosive) 2d4x10 SDC SDC per single shot, 1d6 MD per 10-shot burst, 2d6 MD per 20-shot burst, and 1d6x10 MD per 100-shot burst(counts as TWO attacks),
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 40,000 rd(400 bursts) drum standard
n) 12.7mm Rapid Fire Gatling Cannon(2)--- Rapid-fire multi-barrel railguns, the same as installed on PS’s PSA-12 power armors. These weapons have an advantage over the lasers in that they deliver more kinetic punch, and thus are more effective against targets that are resistant to energy weapons.
Range:4000 ft
Damage:1d6x10 MD per 40 rd burst
2d6x10 MD for a simultaneous double burst from both guns.
Rate of Fire:EPCHH. Can only fire bursts.
Payload: 2,400 rds per gun(80 bursts)
o) Light Autocannon---The 20mm Taskin Rifle, mounted in a vehicle pod
Range: 3,000 ft
Damage:(20mm) 1d4 MD single shot
4d6 MD per 5 rd burst
1d4x10+4 MD per 10 rd burst
(Super-HEX) 4d4 MD single shot
1d6x10 MD per 5 rd burst
2d6x10 MD per 10 rd burst
(Wood Rounds) 6d6 SDC single shot (1d4x10 HP to vampires)
2d4x10 SDC MD per 5 rd burst (2d4x10 HP to vampires)
6d6 MD per 10 rd burst (3d6x10 HP to vampires)
(Crowd Control rds)humans and human-sized D-Bees must roll a D20 to maintain their footing (must equal or surpass the attacker's roll to strike...Full rules in TNW p.174)
Rate of Fire: EGCHH
Payload:500 rd magazine
Cost: 20,000 credits
p) 30mm AutoCannon
Range: 9,500 ft
Damage:4d6 MD single rd, 1d6x10 MD two rd burst, 5d6x10 MD for a 5-rd burst!
Rate of Fire: Single shot ,two-round, or five-round burst
Payload: 150 rds
Cost: 100,000 credits
q) Light Gunpod----Light Rail Gun---A copy of the Coalition’s own C-200 ‘Dead Man’ rail gun.
Range: 4,000 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD single rd, 4d6 MD per 20 rd burst
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload:400 rd drum(20 bursts)
r)IH-100 Rail Gun (PS-100)
Weight: 300 lbs
Range: 4000 ft
Damage: 1d4 MD single rd, 1d6x10 MD 60 rd burst
Rate of Fire:EPCHH
Payload:12,000 rd drum(200 bursts)
Cost: 80,000 credits
s)KTH-65 32mm Assault Rail Gun (Raven)(2, Sponson-mounted)----Designed with the needs of a heavy infantry squad in mind, Kera-Tech Industries developed the KTH-65 for long range combat in both atmosphere and in space. the KTH-65 can penetrate most any known armour with ease with a high-velocity burst. With the enhanced capability of variable rounds, numerous different combat roles can be filled by the KTH-65. The weapon is also manufactured under license by Paladin Steel on the East Coast.
Range: 5,500 ft
Damage: Varies by shell type
Shell Types:
APFS-DU (Armour Piercing Fin Stabilized, Depleted Uranium) - 5D6x10, no
blast radius
HESH (High Explosive Squash Head) - 5D6 MD plus 5D6 SDC to the person(s) inside the object.
HE (High Explosive) 1D6x10 to a 5 (16ft) radius
HEG (High Explosive, Guided) - 2D6x10 to a 2m (7ft) radius
Rate of Fire: single shots, ECHH
Payload: 60 rds each
Cost: 120,000 credits
3) (Optional) Door-Mounted Guns---The side doors and rear ramp can be fitted with pintle mounts for crew-served weapons up to heavy infantry weapons/rail guns/rapid-fire miniguns.
*Nose-Mounted Sensor Turret ----Adds a dedicated sensor turret with the following:
*Telescopic Optics
*Enhanced Thermo-imaging/Nightvision
*Laser Targeting
*Parabolic Microphone
*Laser Illuminator---’Paints’ targets for attack with laser-guided weaponry. Effective range of 3 miles.
Cost: 200,000 credits
*Nose-Mounted Extended Range Search Radar---Intended for naval aircraft, this look-down radar has enhanced software for differentiating between possible targets and surface clutter. Effective range of 50 miles
Cost: 100,000 credits
*Chin-Mounted Turret----Chin-mounted weapons turret.
Cost: 90,000 credits
*Pontoon Landing Gear---This converts the V-22 into a float-plane with two large pontoons affixed under it. The extra drag reduces the aircraft’s speed by 15%, but allows the aircraft to operate directly from water.
MDC of Pontoons(2): 60 each
Cost: 80,000 credits
*Solar Wing---The dorsal surface of the aircraft is fitted with solar panels, and the powerplants supplanted/complemented with a Super-Solar Power System. The large wing surface area of the Skimmer is particularly well-suited for photovoltaic enhancement, as it allows for substantial energy-gathering. Switching over to the electric power system drops maximum speed to 155 MPH. Flying in broad daylight, mostly unobstructed sunlight gives the batteries an 8-hour charge; cloudy and overcast days cut available power to 4 hours.
Cost: 300,000 credits
*Hush Props---These specialized propellors look like multi-vaned pinwheel spinners, but they reduce the airplane’s prop noise by some 50%. They are popular with operators making night landings and supply drops, who want to reduce the chances of advertising their presence.
Cost: 90,000 credits
*Drop Tanks(2)(For Liquid Fuel models only)---Heavy (45 MDC each) external fuel tanks can be added to the wings of the Osprey II. Each drop tank holds 450 gallons of fuel, and adds 220 miles to range. Can be detached/ejected from the aircraft at any time.
Cost: 50,000 credits each
*Flare/Chaff Launchers--The V-22 can mount flare and chaff dispensers to counter enemy sensors and missiles. Up to four(4) launchers can be mounted; two in the tail and one on each wing.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 20 per launcher
Cost: Basic Launcher Unit costs 2,000 credits. Flare/Chaff bundles cost 120 credits each
* PS-V22 Osprey IID----An up-armored version using more advanced materials for better protection. It is used by the GNE Marines.
Main Body 350
Reinforced Crew Compartment 80
Wings(2) 120 each
Engine Pods(2) 130 each
Rotor Groups(2, 3 blades each ) 90(30 each blade)
Tail 60
Cost: +3 million credits
*PS-SV22(X)---An experimental version using Gorang-style grav-prop propulsion units, generating a forcefield around the aircraft, as well as giving it full aerospace capabilities(though it is not known if the PS-SV22(X) has yet been tested in space. The below stats are hypothesized based on available data about Gorang-style GPP systems). Other details about the aircraft remain unknown.
The primary advantage, besides aerospace operations, of this configuration would include the ability to generate a forcefield that would shield the aircraft while engaged in hovering and landing, from all sides except directly below.
MDC/Armor by Location:
Forcefield (300 front, 150 each side/top-bottom in conventional flight, or 300 top, 150 sides in hovering flight)
Speed:(Atmosphere) 490 MPH
(Space) 4,900 MPH (Roughly Mach 6.5 ) Maximum Speed 40% of Light