Assist with Atlantean culture questions

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Assist with Atlantean culture questions

Unread post by darthauthor »

So would Atlantean Clan and Atlanteans in general use magic to bring back their recently dead?

I know they are big on healing and nature.

I am certain they would not make their people zombies or anything like that.

Just NOT certain how they feel / think about using magic to restore a comrade who died 2 hours ago.

They might have a few exceptions:
For example, being restored to life via Biomancy.
Life restored by an Air Warlock's magic of "Breathe of Life" or something.
They might also consider the age of the person; bring them back if they are under 100.
They might also consider the cause of death; bring them back if murdered but not if natural causes.

Looking for ideas and feedback.
Last edited by darthauthor on Tue Apr 09, 2024 1:21 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Assist with Atlantean culture questions

Unread post by Grazzik »

As with any other people, individual Atlanteans would run the gamut from "yes" to "no" with every "maybe" in between. Look to alignments for guidance on whether or not they would do something in a given circumstance. You may also want to roll a attribute check against IQ (for philosophical maturity), ME (for rash emotional action), or MA (for the deceased, whether people liked them enough to bother). Finally, their individual motivations and circumstance may limit their choice... are they going to lug a corpse around hoping for a few moments peace while being chased by a pack of Alu?

If you are looking for a stereotypical trope for Atlanteans in general, well that may come down to clan, colony-wide values, assumptions about Atlantean culture, etc. Basically GM fiat. Are all humans vegetarians? Do all humans like opera? Do all humans condone specific religious practices? No, no and no. So, why should Atlanteans be a monoculture, but humans be so diverse?

My assumption at the moment (may be different next time I think about this) on resurrection is that they were so traumatized by the Vampire experience outlined in DB15 that any resurrection is likely taboo, except in the most extreme situations. Why so? Because it makes for a better story and dramatic effect.
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Re: Assist with Atlantean culture questions

Unread post by darthauthor »

Trying to keep it canon.

I also wanted to follow up with an Atlantean / Lemurian question.

I wanted to make an Atlantean Clan out of the "Secrets of Atlanteans" book.
The story behind the Clan is survivers who the Lemurians rescued after Atlantis sank.
When I check the population numbers in the Lemurian book; they have a 1% other.
Some of those others are humans and mutants.
Still, with a population of around 375,000 even one-tenth of 1% is like 150.
The Lemurian books tells the story that they were close friends with the Atlanteans.
The huge majority of Lemurians are said to have forgiven the Atlanteans.
So it seems like, with Atlantis gone, they have no place else to go.
Seems like the Lemurians would take them in a refugees.

I have not thought of a name for the Clan.
I figured they clan would have started with a random mix of Atlanteans whom the Lemurians resuced.
Then they huddled together for solidarity.
Not knowing who survived, if any, or where they are, also feeling guilty over the belief that it was Atlantean's leaders who initiated the experiments that lead to the loss of P.P.E. on the planet; I imagined they adopted the culture and ways of their rescuers; the Lemurians.
They don't want to repeat the errors of their leaders.
The Lemurian scholars would want to perserve Atlantean history and culture but how they live their lives would be up to Lemurian law and the Atlantean peoples choices.

So I wrote up some ideas:
Their Stone Master learned Stone Mage from the Lemurians and only knows how to create the Lemurian Healing Ziggurates.
The Atlantean Magic Tattoos reflect an embrace of Lemurian culture.
Over the centuries they discovered the Atlanteans genetic tampering immunity made them impossible to "improve" or adapt to life underneath the waves or make babies with Lemurian but they do live two to three times as long as Lemurians. Atlanteans are also typically stronger and more resilant to damage.

New Tattoos: Many are from Biomancy reflecting the shift in their cutlure to emulate their saviors. They consider the folly of the Atlantean civilization was arrogance and Impetuousness when it came to dimension experiments and travel.

The newly born Atlanteans would have their Marks of Heritage replaced with different tattoos.
In a city surrounded by water their was never any vampire threat and never could be.
Besides, it is the Atlanteans closely guarded secret and shame that it was their people who freed one of the Vampire Intelligences.
It was all TOO MUCH for them. First the vampires. Then the catastrophe of Atlantis and dimensional travel.
They were afraid of making another mistake and things worse.
The Lemurian people seem to have done well for themselves.
They biggest problems were caused by the Atlanteans. They would be just fine if it was not for them.
So the Altantean refugees hoped to live by the Lemurian example and thus are dedicated to compassion, learning, and peace.

Atlantean Born in the City Mu, Education:
Language: Atlantean, Lemurian, and Oceanic
Literacy: Atlantean & Lemurian
Mathematics: Basic
Sea Holistic Medicine

The gave up the study of other dimensions and the use Atlantean Dimension Pyramids.
Instead the new focus would be on nature.
The new born Atlanteans would be nutured to grow food, medicine, heal the sick, and study life.
Thus the Clan's Notoriety is it's relationship with the Lemurian people.
They never want them to regret saving what few Atlanteans they could and did.

Atlanteans and Lemurians nuture psychic development towards
Empathy & Telepathy
They are allowed to pursue Lemurian O.C.C. but the majority lean toward Body Fixers, Psi-Druids, Rogue Scholars

New Marks of Heritage: A Fresh Start. Water is the source of all life and the surviving Atlanteans new beginning.
  • Commune With Nature
  • Two hearts on a Tree: Life Link from Biomancy
Typical next tattoos are:
A Bleeding Rose: Healing
A Dolphin: for the magical powers to breath under-water and survive the pressures of the sea.
The Clan respects their old custom of not have more than six magically tattoos.
There are no Nomad, Voyagers, Undead Slayers, or defenders amonst their clan.
They have kept Stone Magic and Crystal Magic
A few attempt to learn biomancy; fewer master it but those who do honor the Lemurain

New Tattoos:
Animal tattoo of a Ring-Tailed Lemur
Animal Tattoo: Dolphin
Animal Tattoo: Jellyfish
Animal Tattoo: Sea-Horse
Animal Tattoo: Squid
Bio-Electric Touch
Heal Plants
and others

80%+ are principled or scrupulous
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