The Spell Fire Blossom

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The Spell Fire Blossom

Unread post by darthauthor »

The Spell Fire Blossom from the Book of Magic page 111

Question #1:
if you fall in water or someone pours water on the fire blossom does it stay or does it extinguish?

Question #2:
Can you use the FIre Blossom to start a fire or light something on fire underwater?

Question #3:
If you drop a Fire Blossom into a Jerry Can of gas or a gas tank does it explode?

Question #4:
I see this spell as a fire starter like a lighter. It has value when you run out of lighter fluid. A wilderness community would find them a value when they don't have time or patience to start a fire the old fashioned way.

But if you threw it like a grenade and it hit them on the chest and they are wearing a T-shirt or something given it "bursts into a raging fire three feet (0.9 m) tall and two feet (0.6 m) wide" and will burn without combustibles.
Would it work as a weapon?
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Re: The Spell Fire Blossom

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Q1: Stays.

Q2: Underwater Fires are a real thing, so provided the necessary conditions are met (that can vary by situation) then Yes.

Q3: No. There are certain conditions which have to be met.

Q4: I'm going to say No, you can't use it like a grenade. Maybe placed like a land mine, but it still requires the Mage/Recipient to be present to activate it.
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Re: The Spell Fire Blossom

Unread post by darthauthor »

I'm glad I asked the questions

A lot of the answers are I did not expect.

I asked this question for CERTAINTY:
Can you use the FIre Blossom to start a fire or light something on fire underwater?
I didn't expect or know that underwater fires are real thing.

Same with Question #3:
If you drop a Fire Blossom into a Jerry Can of gas or a gas tank does it explode?

I thought for sure it would burn.
Explode is a holly wood trope, to me, but I thought for sure it would burn.
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