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Nightlord Gift Of Union with a Nightlands Witch

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2024 2:57 pm
by MidnightNova
Nightlands Witches generally have one of two gifts. Gift of the Nightlords or Gift of Union. Now Gift of the Nightlords gives them some of the Nightlord abilities (Limited energy expulsion, energy manipulation speel equivalents, life force vampirism) and is fairly straightforward.

Gift of Union is where things get interesting.

Gift of Union is the "highest" pact bonus a witch can receive. They would have an essence fragment/sahdow of a Nightlord linked with their essence. Now here's where it gets interesting (and puzzling). One of the benefits of Gift of Union is all the spells known by the intelligence/"benefactor". But Nightlords generally do not use spells, some of the more recent ones might not even know any. So what happens with Gift of Union?

Does the witch gain **all** of the Nightlord powers, but limited in effect to 1/3 that of the Nightlord patron's level? (So matter manipulation, the full energy control abilities, telekinesis, matter-energy meld, manipulate dimenssional energies)

Obviously with the standard Gift of Union caveat that it is the Nightlord's essence that controls the abilities, and whether the Nightlord and Witch work together etc.

This is generally how I handle it in my campaign, but wondered what other people think.

Re: Nightlord Gift Of Union with a Nightlands Witch

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2024 11:56 pm
by Grazzik
I have not done this myself, but as I read the rules in CB3, the witch would share access to all the spells listed in the NL natural ability #3 and half of the spells level 1-12. Just because the NL relies on their powers over spell magic doesn't mean that the essence would impose the same restriction on the witch. Otherwise, what's the point? I would not give the witch any other NL powers through the Gift of Union.